Friday 9th September 2011 - Abbey Primary School Shaftesbury

Getting in touch
If you have any questions or concerns please do get
in touch with Mrs Davies, Miss Kiddle, or one of the
marvellous support staff: Mrs Pritchard, Mrs
Dickson, or Mrs Fry. We are usually available for a
chat at the end of the school day, for pressing issues
before school please contact us via Mrs French in
the office. We can be available at other times too;
please phone or email the office to request an
Would you like to help?
We are always very grateful for volunteers who
assist with hearing children read and other aspects
of the school day. If you are interested and able to
help please come and see us.
Shaftesbury Abbey Primary
Church of England Voluntary Aided School
St James’ Street, Shaftesbury, Dorset. SP7 8HQ, Phone/Fax 01747 852620
Email:, Web:
Headteacher Mr. P. Meacham, BSc (Hons), PGCE, NPQH
Dear Parents/Guardians
Friday 4th September 2015
Welcome to Year 1! The children are settling in well
and we have enjoyed our first few days together.
Please find attached information about some of our
routines and the topic web showing what we will be
learning about this term.
I hope these will be helpful to you. If you have any
questions or would like to talk to us at any point
please feel free to come and do so.
Thank you for your support,
Mrs A Davies & Miss G Kiddle
Top Tips for reading
Read every day with your child – about 10-15mins is
plenty. Vary your approach to the book, reading for
pleasure is the MOST important part of reading.
However, you might like to encourage them to:
Please can you ensure that all of your child’s school
uniform is clearly named, including PE kit, to make
reuniting it with its owner easier!
Talk about the cover and what the book might be
Guess what is going to happen next or how
characters are feeling
Talk about what is happening in the pictures
Talk about what has happened before moving on to
the next page
Early readers rely on a range of clues to help them
understand the text. These include:
Using pictures to help them work out what is
Reciting familiar texts
Making up their own versions of the story
Making up their own words to fit the pictures
These are all early stages of becoming a reader.
P.E. kits
We have P.E. twice a week in Year 1, on Tuesday and
Friday. Children will need both indoor (t-shirt and
shorts) and outdoor kit (jogging bottoms, socks and
trainers/ plimsolls). It is very helpful if we can have
this in school at all times as occasionally our P.E.
times may be changed.
In Year 1 the children are provided with a fruit snack
at morning playtime. If they wish to bring a snack
from home for playtime it should be fruit please. In
line with our ‘Healthy School’ policy, fatty and sugary
snacks are not appropriate.
Going Home
Please note that it is not necessary for children to
bring toys to school. There are no opportunities
during the school day for them to be used and sadly
there is a danger that items from home may be lost
or broken.
Please can you inform us if there will be a change in
routine as to how your child goes home, either by
sending in a note, informing us in person, emailing or
phoning the school. As I am sure you understand,
this is very important in keeping your child safe.
The morning routine
In Year 1 we encourage the children to begin taking
responsibility for their belongings and to become
more independent. When the children arrive in
school in the morning they should take all of their
belongings with them down to the playground before
9:00. When it is time to come in the teacher on duty
will signal for them to walk up the steps and into
school. They will bring their own belongings inside
and put them where they belong. This is an important
part of our daily routine. Not only does it help the
children settle quickly and begin our work promptly,
going into the playground at the start of the day,
playing and walking in with their friends gives a really
positive start to the day.
Wilderness Time
To support the transition from
Reception to Year 1, in the
afternoons our learning will be a
little WILDER.
This is an
opportunity for children to
extend and deepen their
learning at their own pace.
They will explore a range of
topic themed adult & child-led
activities throughout the week.
Our Golden Rules
Ourselves Topic
These rules help to keep us safe, happy and ready to learn:
This half term we will be learning all about ourselves,
our bodies, growing, senses and where we live.
Please see the topic web for aspects for each
curriculum area.
We are kind and helpful, we don’t hurt anyone’s feelings
We listen to people, we don’t interrupt
We are gentle, we don’t hurt others
We work hard, we don’t waste time
We are honest, we don’t cover up the truth
We look after property, we don’t damage or waste things
As part of this work we would appreciate your help in
completing a short factsheet for your child, together
with a photo of them as a baby, and as a toddler.
Please find a sheet attached.
Reading Packets
In addition to reading, we may send phonics
flashcards home in reading packets, along with ideas
on how to use them. Later in the year your child may
have some spelling homework. We will provide further
information nearer the time.
Please check your child’s reading packets for
communications such as medical slips, certificates, or
notes regarding hot school meals. It is important
your child has their reading packet every day.
Our excellent PTFA have helped us to buy some
fantastic new equipment for our outdoor area
allowing us opportunities to explore our topics using a
variety of resources and promote active learning.
Please continue to support the PTFA; their
fundraising provides the children with enriching
resources and events.