05 06 15 - St Charles` Primary School

St Charles’ Catholic Primary School
Serving the Parish of St Charles’ and St Thomas More
Tramway Road, Liverpool L17 7JA
Tel: 0151 727 5830
Fax: 0151 475 3436
Email: charles-ao@st-charles.liverpool.sch.uk
Website: www.stcharlescatholicprimary.com
Headteacher: Mr C Davey
Friday June 5th 2015
Dear Parents and Parishioners,
Next Year’s Term Dates
I am very pleased to be able to share with you the
term dates for next academic year following final
Staffing Changes For 2015 / 2016
approval from the Governing Body this week. A
I am sure that you all already know that I am moving paper copy has gone home tonight with every child
on to another Headship come September. Since that in the school and the dates will also be uploaded
appointment the St Charles’ Governing Body have onto the school website for you to download any
met to discuss the future and are well underway with time you need another copy.
the exciting process to appoint the new Headteacher
for the school. To ensure consistency and continuity, Summer Term Events Reminder
Mrs Walker (our Deputy Headteacher) has been
 Whole school Spanish week – wk beginning
asked to take up an Acting Headteacher role for
Monday 22nd June
September, something that she has very
 Communion celebration Mass – whole school
enthusiastically accepted to do.
– Monday 29th June, 10am
We also have 2 teachers moving on to pastures new.
 Friday 3rd July – Reports out to parents
Mrs Gillespie, who has been our Reception class
 Whole school sports and PE week – wk
teacher since September, is moving to another
beginning Monday 6th July
Liverpool school and Miss Duffy who is our Year 5
 Sports Day – Tuesday 7th July, 1.30pm start
class teacher has been successfully appointed to a
 Parents Evening – Wednesday 8th July
school in London. We are very sorry to see them
 Year 6 Leavers Performance – Tuesday 14th
both go, but we wish them the very best of luck in
July, 6.30pm
their new schools. Therefore, school currently has 2
 Leavers Mass – whole school – Thursday 16th
teacher posts advertised on the City Council website,
July, 10am
with appointments to be made in the coming weeks.
 End of year school and PTA disco –
Finally, Mrs Hinson (our Year 4 Learning Support
afternoon of Thursday 16th July
Assistant), is moving on in her career and will be
 End of the academic year: 2pm on Friday
leaving us at the end of term. Again, we thank her
17th July
for all of her hard work as an LSA and former
Lunchtime Welfare Supervisor and we wish her the “London Here We Come……!!”
very best of luck in the future. Needless to say, I am excited on behalf of 10 very lucky children
another appointment to replace Mrs Hinson will also who are going on a school trip to London next
be made before the end of term.
Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Gillespie and Miss
Ehlen are the lucky staff that are accompanying
them around all of the attractions, restaurants
and the theatre. I am sure that next week’s
Newsletter will be full of all their fabulous news.
New Playground Equipment: Installation Soon!
Mr Cranney and I are taking a group of children to
the factory of the company who are manufacturing
all our new playground equipment on Monday. It will
be a wonderful opportunity for the children to see
the process of how it is made before they see the
finished product being used on the playground. We
will also check up with them on Monday the
timescales for installation, but we are led to believe
that it will be in the next few weeks. School has
invested nearly £20,000 in this phase of the grounds
developments and improvements, with children and
teachers all consulted regarding what we bought for
both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. We have Mrs
Mansell to thank for overseeing all of these
developments as our school co-ordinator. She has
invested a lot of time and effort into research and
meetings with companies in school to get us to the
point that we are at now. I for one am very grateful
indeed and the children will most definitely love it
Sainsbury School Vouchers
The Gardening Club is collecting any Sainsbury’s
Active Kids Vouchers to buy some wooden seed
labels for our raised beds. If you have any or
know of family and friends that have been given
any during May, we would be delighted if your
children could pass them in to their class teachers.
Many thanks in advance, Mrs Mansell.
‘WoW’: ‘Walk on Wednesday’ Results
Thanks to Mrs Parry again for collecting in all of
the data per class per week! No surprise here as
Year 6 were the winners with 57% of the class
keeping fit by walking to and from school. Let’s
hope that the better weather encourages yet
more children and families to walk, even if it
means parking at the top of Tramway Road and
walking down to school.
This Week’s House Team Results……
And the winners are……
Very Successful EYFS Intake Meeting
St David’s House Team: 803 team points
It was my pleasure yesterday to welcome all of the St Patrick’s House Team: 606 team points
children and families who will be our new Reception St George’s House Team: 573 team points
class come September. The meeting was very well St Andrew’s House Team: 678 team points
attended and I hope that parents left feeling very
confident about their child’s start in September. Huge congratulations to the children in St David’s
Many members of the staff team spoke to inform team as you managed to get over 800 team points,
parents about all aspects of school life, culminating which is a really amazing total for 4 days in school!
with a visit to the Reception classroom for yet The other 3 teams did very well too, so I hope
another look at the learning environment. I would like that all of you keep up the very good work and
to thank Danielle Dove from the School Family great manners that got you all the points in the
Support Team and Zoe Reid from School Health who first place.
also presented to parents about their future roles
and how they can assist with settling the children in This Week’s Merit Certificate Winners Are……
to a happy school life.
YEAR 1: Nell
YEAR 2: Alfie
YEAR 3: Ruby
YEAR 4: Patrick
YEAR 5: James N
YEAR 6: Damian
Have a great weekend. The
weather forecast says it is
meant to be very warm and
sunny, so let’s hope that this is
the case!! See you all next
week, Mr Davey.
Attendance & Punctuality: Who Has Won??
Attendance: With 98.08%, Year 6 were the
best attenders of the week. Fabulous!
Punctuality: Year 2 did not have one late mark
all week, perfect!!! I’m very proud of you!!