St Albert`s Primary School Spring Newsletter

St Albert’s
April 2014
Dear Parents/Carers,
Where does the time go? It is hard to believe it is term four and we are heading towards our
Summer Break. Before we get there we have lots of work to do and some important events
coming up. Your children are focussed on their learning and we can all see the progress they
have made this year. Over the Spring Break they all seem to have grown so much.
Please take some time to read the following information that outlines all the interesting and
exciting events and projects happening this term.
I am sad to announce that both Ellen Boyle and Neil Brotherhood are retiring from teaching
and this will be their last term at St Albert’s Primary. I know that staff, pupils and parents
will miss both of them.
Ellen Boyle is an outstanding teacher who gracefully engages children in their learning. She is
courageous and always willing to try new ideas and methods. Last term she involved her class
in the ‘Games from Around the World’ in partnership with the English as an Additional
Language Service and our parents. This was an excellent project commended by the Director
of Education.
Neil Brotherhood is an excellent and unique teacher who supports the children in interesting
and unusual experiences. He has been extremely helpful in ensuring that Faith and all of our
different faiths are visible and present in our school. He is very kind and supportive of his
colleagues and his pupils and we will all miss his care. Neil makes us laugh every day.
This means we will have some new permanent staff members to our school. I am delighted
that one of these is Karen McFadden who has been made permanent to the school. Karen is an
excellent practitioner and is raising attainment and achievement in Primary 6. We have a
further full time vacancy and a part time vacancy. We also have a vacancy for teachers who
support English as an Additional Language.
Grounds for Learning
This time last year we successfully applied for funding from Grounds for Learning to support
us in developing Outdoor Play in St Albert’s. This week sixty education professionals,
government representatives and journalists will visit our school to look at the outstanding
developments in our playground. Play has impacted positively on pupil learning. There are
improvements in Literacy, Health and Well-being and Problem Solving as well as many other
curricular areas. Children have developed confidence and excellent social skills. We have
developed all this in a year thanks to the pupils and the hard work and imagination of Mari
Rooney, Catherine Gallagher and all the PSA staff. This is another great achievement for us
and I am extremely proud of the children and staff involved. Please continue to support this
by ensuring your children have the appropriate shoes and jackets for Outdoor Play at all
times. There will be an opportunity at parent’s night for you to see what our children do
outside and how this is having a positive effect on their achievement and attainment.
Graham Steven from Glasgow City Mission has asked me to pass on their thanks to you and
the pupils for the continued support of their charity. They said that they were moved by our
generosity and compassion for those less fortunate in Glasgow. We hope to take some pupils
to visit the Mission and look at the work they do there.
Another reason to be proud of our school!
St Albert’s Commonwealth Mela
As you all know we have been funded by the Celebrate Lottery Fund to organise an Arts and
Culture programme and a Big Mela on the 14th of June. P6 and P7 have chosen which area of
responsibility they would like and they have been split into committees. We are beginning to
build partnerships with local businesses and work towards the events programme.
We are still looking for some help:
If you would like to run a stall then please complete the sheet attached.
If you would like to come in and work alongside the children to help organise the Mela
or do some art/dance/music/cookery then complete the sheet attached
If you are an artist/performer and would like to help the children produce some work
again please complete the slip.
We are also looking for restaurants/takeaways to set up as vendors. Also if any of you have
connections in printing, PR/Graphics or events and entertainment and think you can offer
some help again please complete the form.
We think this could be a major South Side event and need all the help we can get to make it a
huge success.
Any other ideas/suggestions and connections are welcome as always.
As you know we are always looking for ways to communicate better. We have a version of this
newsletter translated and on the website. We also have a new Twitter account and you can
follow us by searching for @StAlbertsG41 and following. Our tweets will keep you up to date
on our happenings.
As ever thank you for your continued support. I continue to be extremely proud and grateful
to be head of such a wonderful school. I am delighted with all our achievements and the
impact they are having on your child’s learning.
As you know I am always available to you should you wish to discuss any aspect of our school
or your child’s learning here.
Thank you
Clare Harker
Important Dates for your Diary
Monday 5th May
Wednesday 21st May
Thursday 22nd May
Friday 23rd and Monday 26th May
Wednesday 28th May
Monday 2nd June – Friday 6th June
Tuesday 3rd June
Wednesday 4th June and
Thursday 5th June
Tuesday 10th June and Wednesday
11th June
Saturday 14th June
Thursday 19th June
Friday 20th June
School Closed – Bank Holiday
Parents Evening
School Closed – European Election – staff In service
School Closed – May Bank Holiday
P7 pupils visit to Bellahouston
Health Week
School Sports Day
Transition Day for new intake of Primary One
Monday 23rd June
Tuesday 24th June
Tuesday 24th June
Wednesday 25th June
P1,2,3 Achievement Assembly 1.30
Retirement mass for Miss Boyle and Mr Brotherhood
P4,5 and 6 Achievement Assembly
School Closes for Summer Break.
Primary Seven visit to Holyrood
St Albert’s Primary School Mela
P7 Final Assembly 1.30
P7 Pupils to visit Holyrood for Health and Wellbeing