Newsletter – 19th June 2015 - St Ignatius RC Primary School

‘To live by our PEARL Values’
19 June 2015
Through the week
We are almost half way through the final half term already and, while much has been happening at St Ignatius,
there are still many learning and fun experiences ahead of us over the coming weeks.
Last week many of our junior pupils took part in an Online First Aid Training activity and many have been able
to recall some of the key actions, should they ever be the ‘first on the scene’ and needed to help someone.
On Monday Y4 went on a very informative trip to the Natural History Museum. One of the highlights was
experiencing an ‘earthquake’ while they were visiting a shop.
Today 1K are visiting the Little Angel Theatre to watch a production of The Paperbag Princess.
This week’s PEARL Achievement certificates went to the following pupils:
Gifty Pearl
Well done to all the pupils who also received certificates for their Maths and English success this week.
Y6 transition meetings / visits / masses
Last Thursday Y6 attended our borough Leavers Mass at St Pauls Church in Wood Green.
This year it was the turn of our Y6 to showcase their talents to the other schools in Haringey, by singing a
tuneful version of a popular song at St Ignatius - ‘Count on Me’.
Y5 OLC taster session
On Tuesday our Year 5 girls visited Our Lady’s Convent High School, for a ‘taster of secondary school life’.
They had an entertaining morning of finding out about the history of the school as well as taking part in lessons
including drama, dance, first aid, French and history.
NED show
On Tuesday afternoon the hall came alive with laughter and amazement as the NED Show came to St
Ignatius. The show was a mixture of story-telling, magic, humour and yo-yo tricks with its key focus centring
around three important messages that have life-long relevance :
Never give up, Encourage others, Do your best.
The show sparked a frenzy of yo-yo buying – the profits to which go to the production company, sadly not to the
school, as a pay-it-forward’ way of providing the show at no cost.
School Photographs
On Wednesday, everyone was looking slightly smarter than usual for this year’s school photographs.
We should receive the proofs within 10 -15 working days.
Cookery Club
This week’s cookery club was all about our ‘school grown produce’. Before the session, the children went out
to the gardening area and hand-picked the vegetables to make their very own vegetable stew.
It looked and smelled amazing as they all left after the class.
Park to Park Cycle Ride.
On Wednesday, in the glorious sunshine, a group of Y5 and Y6 pupils took part in the Park to Park challenge.
This challenge involved cycling across three north London parks as part of a mass cycle ride.
Please visit the website to see the great pictures of them all in motion.
Last week 1N presented a heart-warming assembly on Good Manners and certainly showed that they ‘practice
what they preach’. The singing, acting and prayerfulness was a fitting end to that day.
This week in a jam-packed hall, 2B shared with us all the interesting things they have been finding out about
Night- time. They had learnt lots of facts about nocturnal animals and their costumes were great.
Thank you to all the parents who attended these assemblies and not only supported your child by being there,
but also by enthusiastically joining in with some of the more well known songs and hymns.
Summer Fayre
Following our Easter Spring Fair, there were some keen parents who expressed an interest in helping with a
summer event. With all the tasks that staff at school need to do, we feel this is a project that now needs to be
handed over to parents to take responsibility for - coordinate, organise and run.
Staff are more than happy to play a part in helping with the orchestration of this event, but will not be leading it.
We can make Friday 10th July available to have a Summer Fayre after school.
If parents would like to meet to discuss possibilities of what may take place at this event, you are welcome to
meet in the hall on Wednesday 24th June at 3.30pm.
If anyone would like to discuss this, please come and see Ms Curran.
School Food Action Committee
We would like to know if there are any parents who are interested in joining a school food action committee,
with a view to getting more involved in a whole school approach to our school food agenda. It requires two
parents who will sit on the committee to help make decisions on food policy, menus, school food culture etc.
Any parents who are interested, please contact Miss Taylor.
This week the Big Question:
Can video games be art
Next week
Next week, there are trips to the Little Angel Theatre for 1N, Natural History Museum for Y3 and KS2 choir will
be singing at Gladesmore Secondary school on Tuesday morning.
Sports Day
Just a reminder that some changes have been made to Sports Day which will be held at Paignton Park,
as sent home in a letter yesterday.
Wednesday 24th June
9.15 – 12.00pm
Y3 and Y4
Wednesday 24th June
1.30 – 3.00pm
Y5 and Y6
Thursday 25th June
9.15 – 12.00pm
Y1 and Y2
Just a reminder that the present academic year ends for all pupils on Friday 17th July and the children return to
school on Thursday 3rd September.
Please visit the website to find out the term dates for next academic year 2015-2016.
Prayer to our Lord
Lord, you are in this place, fill us with your power,
Cover us with your peace, show us your presence.
Lord, help us to know we are in your hands,
We are under your protection, we are covered by your love.