Pupil Bulletin 19.01.15

S1/S2 Tuesday;
S5/6 Wednesday;
S3/S4 Thursday
Communications/Publicity Group
There will be a meeting of this group on Tuesday at lunchtime. It will take place in ITS1 at
1.30 p.m. All pupils that expressed an interest in being part of this group working on
bulletins, newsletters and Facebook and Twitter are welcome to attend.
Big Burns Supper
Last August we were invited to become a partnership school working with the Big Burns
Supper team. All pupils in S2 were given the opportunity to join the Performance and
Design and Make teams. Both groups spent a week working in the Electric
Theatre Company workshops to create performances and costumes for the Big Burns
Supper Carnival. With another two rehearsals and a dress rehearsal completed, 14 pupils
from S2 will be taking part in the Carnival on Sunday night in Dumfries Town Centre. The
Carnival starts at 5pm with around 2,500 people from the local community coming
together to form the Parade. The costumes made by the Design and Make team look
fabulous. It would good to see as many people from our School Community joining the
audience and supporting the pupils. Further information is available on the BBS website.
After-School Club
This is a reminder to all pupils, including the Senior Helpers, that the After School Club is
back on. The club runs on Wednesdays and Thursdays in the Study Centre from 3.30 - 4.30
p.m. This club is to allow pupils of all ages to work on revision or homework as well as to
socialise with their friends in an informal setting. Senior pupils are there to offer support
where required.
Charities Committee - Needs Donations of Empty 2l Plastic Bottles
Next month the school will begin to raise money for SCIAF (Scottish Catholic International
Aid Foundation) to raise money for communities in third world countries who suffer from
severe poverty. The Charities Committee would greatly appreciate if pupils and staff could
collect empty 2 litre plastic bottles and hand them in to S7 or to Mrs Cameron in the office.
Senior Boys Football Success
Congratulations to our Senior Football team who beat Hermitage Academy in Helensburgh
on Wednesday night. The boys battled hard through wind, rain, sleet and snow to force
the game into a penalty shootout after 1-1 at full time. Ryan Cochrane was the hero of the
day after saving two penalties and scoring his own.
We have been drawn against Greenfaulds High school at home in the 5th round. We are
one round away from the quarter finals. This game will be organised hopefully for
Thursday 2nd February at Palmerston Park in the afternoon.
promptly, however the club will end at 5:30. If you would like extra help with coding, or
you are simply interested, please come along!
Chess Club
This takes place on Thursday at lunchtimes ITS2. Everyone is welcome.
Coding Club Tuesdays- 3:30 to 5:30
Come to Coding Club this Tuesday after school.ing this Tuesday. The purpose is to help any
computing students who want some extra help with the coding aspect of the course, and
those who are simply interested are also welcome! The club will be run by Advanced Higher
students, and will be a drop in drop out style. There is no obligation to stay or arrive
Gymnastics Club
Gymnastics will only take place this week on Monday lunchtime as Mr Kirk is away on the
ski trip. This session will be supervised by Mrs Lumb.
Oliver Rehearsals
Please check the rehearsal schedule to avoid missing rehearsals. Friday will see the start of
the choreography to Food Glorious Food, all must attend.
Lunchtime/Afterschool Clubs
A reminder from Miss Taylor that girl’s football is on Tuesday afterschool, netball is on
Wednesday lunchtime and Hockey is after school on Wednesday. Please let Miss Taylor
know if you wish to attend or are unable to attend so she can plan sessions accordingly. If
no one is able to attend they will be cancelled.
Eco Group Notice
Please could all Enrichment teachers encourage their class pupils to do the litter picking.
This week’s house litter pick now moves on to S1 Douglas House. The voluntary litter pick
will take place at 1:40 on Tuesday and Thursday. If you would like to earn house points,
please go to the outside of the janitor’s office at 1:40pm to be part of your house litter
picking group.
Can Douglas do better than Bruce? ? ? ? ? Results will be posted at the end of the month
for all S1 houses!
Next week will be S1 Stewart. We hope to see you there,
School Cross Country Champs (S1-6)
Every year we hold a St Josephs College cross country championship as a qualifier for the
Regional Competition. There will be a boys and girls race for each year group: S1, S2, S3, S4
and senior and if you finish in the top 5 you will go on to compete at Regionals. We hope to
host the school competition on the week commencing the 9th February but this is to be
confirmed. Details of the route, number of laps and distances will be displayed on the PE
notice boards this week alongside last year’s champions and records. If you would like to
sign up please speak to a member of the PE staff.
Scottish Schools Athletics (4th and 5th Feb)
The entries for Scottish Schools Athletics Championships on Wednesday 4th and Thursday
5th Feb have been submitted. Please see Miss Taylor to see what day you are competing
and to collect a letter. Those on the Wednesday will need to organise their own transport
but there will be a mini bus travelling up on the Thursday.
Regional Choreography/Dance Competition
The annual chorography/dance competition will take place in March and if you would like
to enter please speak to Miss Taylor. We can enter one junior and one senior team. If there
is more than one wishing to enter then we will need to hold auditions. For more details see
Miss Taylor.
S2/3 Biology Challenge
Any S2/3 pupil interested in taking part in the Biology Challenge, could you please speak to
Miss Stitt in S7. The challenge involves two multiple choice papers to be sat in March training can be provided but questions are based on the curriculum currently being taught.
This is an excellent opportunity for anyone who is interested in Biology. It is also excellent
for future learning and CVs.
S4 National Orienteering
Please remind Miss Taylors National group that they will be orienteering today. This is our
assessment day so please be changed and ready to leave sharp at 1.40pm.
Sutton Summer Schools for S5 pupils
 Should any S5 pupils be interested in attending these free, subject specific
residential courses prior to making decisions about applying to university please see
the notice on the PSP noticeboard or speak to your PSP teacher. The courses take
place at a variety of British universities including St Andrew's and Edinburgh.
Applications close on 9th March and late applications will not be accepted.
 Please note that there are also summer schools running at University of Aberdeen
and University of the West of Scotland but to attend these you apply directly to the
universities and not via the Sutton Trust.
 There are spaces on the UCAS application form to insert any courses you have done
in preparation for your application and these summer schools would be ideal
preparation for this.
World-Wide Volunteering
Sue Munday who spoke at assemblies last year regarding world wide volunteering is
coming in to run drop-in sessions for any S5 and S6 pupils. Anybody who is interested in
World Wide Volunteering whether it be for a gap year or otherwise please pop in and see
her in the conference room during enrichment on the following dates
Wednesday 21st and Wednesday 28th January.
S5/6 Biology Olympiad
S5/6 pupils who have put their name down for the British Olympiad can you please see
Miss Stitt on Wednesday after school in S7.
Pupils include:
Ellie Henderson
Sofie Uygan
Bethany Hanley
Lauren Hiddleston
Milly McKenzie
David Kempsell
Ashleigh Wells
Successful Dumfries & Galloway - Jobs Fair: 12 March 2015: At
Dumfries and Galloway College
As part of the Workforce Strategy for Dumfries and Galloway, a Steering Group
represented by Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), Education Department, Dumfries and
Galloway Council, Dumfries and Galloway College, Skills Development Scotland and led by
the Employability and Skills Service, are holding a Jobs Fair on 12th March 2015 at Dumfries
and Galloway College, Crichton Campus.
This event will provide an opportunity for students who wish to leave school and undertake
employment in Dumfries and Galloway at the start of July 2015, with an opportunity to
meet potential employers, share and discuss CV’s as well as real job vacancies.
Employers in attendance will be offering realistic employment opportunities for students
of school leaving age.
Please see your PSP teacher by Wednesday 21 January if you would like to put your name
forward to attend this event.
S6 Core – Football at Palmerston
Football at Palmerston is on this week, P4&5 on Tuesday. Please meet at the café at 11.45
to be registered.
S6 – FairyBod Mother
All girls attending the FairyBod on Tuesday P4&5 please ensure you return your medical
form to Miss Taylor. Do not panic if you forget it or haven’t done it yet but please let Miss
Taylor know if you need a new one.