Oakhill Primary School Hawksworth, Glascote Heath, Tamworth B77 2HH Telephone: 01827 475020 Fax: 01827 475023 email: office@oakhill.staffs.sch.uk website: www.oakhill.staffs.sch.uk Headteacher Mr P Hollis Wednesday 6th January Educational Visit to Space Centre Dear Parent/Carer, This half term, ‘Space’ is the focus of our topic work. To provide the children with experience of space, we have arranged a trip to the Space Centre on Friday 22nd January 2016. We are asking for a contribution of £10.00 per child towards the cost of the trip, which will pay for the entry to the sea life centre, the coach and the necessary insurance. Insurance Provided All educational visits by Staffordshire schools are covered by the county council’s public liability insurance, as are all in-school activities. This visit is considered to have only normal everyday risks and no further insurance has been provided. The trip will take place during school hours so children will need to arrive in school promptly for registration at 9 am. The coach will be leaving promptly at 9.10am. Please ensure your child is dressed in school uniform and wearing suitable footwear. We will be back in time for the end of the school day. Children will need: a packed lunch and plenty of drinks (which should not include glass bottles) clothing appropriate for the time of year sensible shoes and socks for walking (no sandals) School uniform A small amount of money to spend at the gift shop on a souvenir should you choose to. Please hand to the teacher on the day in a purse with your child’s name on. (no more than £5) Please note: If you child receives free school meals they will be entitled to a packed lunch from school on that day and will need to bring a bag to carry it in. please fill in the slip below, to advise us of your requirements. You may wish to provide your own packed lunch for your child on that day. If you wish your child to take part, then please complete and return the form to their class teacher and make the payment of £10.00 by Wednesday 20th January Yours faithfully, Mrs A Royce Year 2 Class Teacher PARENTAL CONSENT FOR A SCHOOL VISIT 1. Visit to Space Centre on Friday 22nd January. 2. Insurance. I understand the limits of insurance provided for this visit. Y/N 3. Transport. I understand the transport arrangements for this visit and my child understands the need to wear a seatbelt. Y/N 4. Return to Home. I understand the predicted time of return and I will attend to collect my son/daughter. Y/N 6. Financial Contribution. I agree to make the payment of £10.00 which I either: A) Enclose or B) Commit to pay by the advised date. 7. Photographs. Photographs taken on the visit may be used in school or education service promotional information. Please answer Yes or No …… I agree to my son/daughter attending the visit detailed above and I acknowledge that to be included he/she will need to maintain responsible behaviour. Name of son/daughter ……………………………………….. Class ……………………………… Signed…………………………………… Date…………… Person with Parental Responsibility Home telephone number ……………………………………… Emergency contact 1 Name ………………………………….. Emergency Contacts Telephone number ……………………………………….. Emergency contact 2 Name ………………………………….. Emergency Contacts Telephone number ……………………………………….. _____________________________________________________________________ FREE SCHOOLS MEAL FORM – PLEASE COMPLETE IF YOUR CHILD IS FREE SCHOOL MEALS Child’s Name __________________________ Class ____ I would like my child to have their free packed lunch from school. I would like to provide a packed lunch for my child.