Devonshire Primary Academy Devonshire Road, Blackpool, FY3 8AF Tel: 01253 478271 Fax: 01253 392596 Email: Website: Headteacher: Mr N.C. Hodgkins MA Year Five Science Trip to Global Renewables’ Farington Environmental Education Centre Monday 2nd March 2015 Dear Parents/Guardians, This week, on Wednesday 4th March, Year Five will be visiting an educational centre, in Leyland, to learn more about materials, their properties, how they can be separated, and to explore the science behind the 3R’s – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! We will be setting off from school at approximately 9:25am and should be back at around 3:30pm. This is part two of a three-stage opportunity. Last week, we had a visit and assembly from the centre and learnt more about materials, their properties and environmentally-friendly ways of reusing materials (we particularly liked the bag made of juice cartons!). Stage three will involve the Global Renewables team, returning to our school and, providing us with some energy-saving suggestions on how to make our school grounds even more eco-friendly! The Zero Waste Lunch Challenge If your child has a school dinner, they will have a packed lunch provided for them. If your child brings their own packed lunch, please can you try and aim for a ‘zero-waste’ lunch, as part of the competition during the day! (We have attached some top tips to help!) Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear, in order to prevent any trips or falls in the environmental centre. Please complete the slip below so we know whether we have your permission to take your child on this trip. Yours Sincerely, The Year 5 Team Year Five Global Renewables Trip – Please return tomorrow (Tuesday 3rd March 2015) Name_______________________________ Class ______________ Emergency Contact Name ________________________ Emergency Contact Number/s ________________________ Any allergies/medical notes ________________________ VIC CI “Promoting Excellence”