Year 9 Immersion Day York Dungeon & Castle Museum 10

Head Teacher: David Read
Our Ref: N/Excursions/Im Day//LS/AS
25 November 2015
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 9 Immersion Day 10 December 2015
As part of our programme of Immersion Days we have planned to take Year 9 GCSE History
students to visit both the York Dungeon and York Castle Museum. We are presently studying Crime
and Punishment Through Time and the visit will provide a very interesting and relevant insight into
various aspects of our course. As you will be aware York Dungeon tells the story of 2000 years of
York History through theatrical actors, stage scenes and special effects. Our particular focus at York
Castle Museum will be the site of the 18th Century prison buildings and the treatment of prisoners
through time.
Students will not have to wear school uniform but they must come to school sensibly dressed.
Students should come to school at the normal time and they should go to their allocated room in the
Humanities or Languages block for a pre visit briefing. Students will be informed of the room nearer
the time. We will return to school for approximately 4.00pm therefore any student who normally
uses school transport to get home will have to make alternative arrangements.
There will be no charge for this visit, however, students will require a packed lunch and may we
remind you that in line with our healthy eating policy no fizzy drinks should be brought in. If your
child is in receipt of free school meals a lunch will be provided on request. Please indicate this on
the attached slip below. There are small gift shops at both museums so students may wish to bring
with them a small amount of money to purchase souvenirs.
You have already completed a medical form however, please could you let school know if there have
been any changes/amendments we need to know about. If you have any questions about this visit
please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.
Yours sincerely
Mr A Sutcliffe
Head of Humanities
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please complete and return this acknowledgement slip to Mr Evans, Mrs Aston or Mr Sutcliffe
Student Name:………………………………………………….Mentor Group:…………….
I acknowledge receipt of the letter regarding the Immersion Day visit to York.
I give permission for my child to take part in this visit.
My child is in receipt of free school meals and will require a packed lunch on the day: Yes 
Signed: …………………………………………. Parent/Carer
Date: ………………