9th May 2005 - Peel Hall Primary School

October 1st 2015
Dear Parents/Carers
As part of our ‘Victorians’ topic in Year 5, we will be visiting Salford Museum and Art
Gallery on Thursday 12th November.
During the visit, the children will be taking part in a variety of activities as part of the
Victorian Workshop Programme. These will include the chance for the children to
become Museum Curators and use the Lark Hill Place Victorian Street to help them
discover about a selection of mystery objects. The children will also take part in an
Art Session, creating a powerful image of Queen Victoria using a range of media.
The children will be leaving school at 9.10am by coach and return by approximately
The cost of the trip will be £10.00 per pupil. There is also a gift shop so if your child
would like to purchase anything, please provide them with a maximum of £2.50.
The children will need to bring a packed lunch and a drink (no glass bottles please),
preferably in a disposable bag so they do not have anything to carry after lunch. If
you wish your child to have a packed lunch provided by school please tick the box on
the permission slip below.
If you wish your child to take part in this visit, please complete and return the slip
below by Thursday 22nd October 2015.
If you would like to accompany the children as a parent helper please come and see
Mr Sullivan as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Mr M Sullivan
Class Teacher.
Visit to Salford Museum and Art Gallery, Thursday 12th November 2015
} I give permission for my child …………………………………………….. to visit
Salford Museum and Art Gallery.
} My child would like a packed lunch provided by school.
} I will provide my own packed lunch.
Signed: ………………………………….Parent/Carer
Dated: ………………………………….