Chapter 8 PPP

Chapter 8
Stock Valuation
Stock Valuation
 Learning Goals
Explain the role that a company’s future plays in
stock valuation.
Develop a forecast of a stock’s cash flow, expected
dividends and share price.
Discuss the concepts of intrinsic value and Required
Rates of Return.
Calculate the underlying value of a stock using
various dividend valuation models.
Stock Valuation
 Learning Goals
Use other types of present-value-based models to
derive the value of a stock as well as alternative pricerelative procedures.
Gain a basic understanding of the procedures
used to value different types of stocks, from
traditional dividend-paying shares to more growthoriented stocks.
Valuing a Company and Its Future
 The single most important issue in the stock
valuation process is what a stock will do in
the future
 Value of a stock depends upon its future returns
from dividends and capital gains/losses
 We use historical data to gain insight into the future
direction of a company and its profitability
 Past results are not a guarantee of future results
Comparative Dollar Based and CommonSize Income Statements
Steps in Valuing a Company
 Three steps are necessary to project key
financial variables into the future:
Step 1: Forecast future sales & profits
Step 2: Forecast future EPS and dividends
Step 3: Forecast future stock price
Step 1: Forecast Future
Sales and Profits
 Forecasted Future Sales based upon:
“Naïve” approach based upon continued historical
trends, or
Historical trends adjusted for anticipated changes
in operations or environment
 Forecasted Net Profit Margin based upon:
“Naïve” approach based upon continued historical
trends, or
Historical trends adjusted for anticipated changes
in operations or environment, or
Earnings forecasts from brokerage houses, Value
Line, Forbes, or other sources
Step 1: Forecast Future
Sales and Profits (cont’d)
Future after-tax
earnings in year t
Estim ated sales
for year t
N et profit m argin
expected in year t
 Example: Assume last year’s sales were $100
million, revenue growth is estimated at 8% and the
net profit margin is expected to be 6%.
So $100M x 8% = $8M Growth  $100+$8 = $108M
Future after-tax
earnings next year
$108 m illion  0.06  $6.5 m illion
Step 2: Forecast Future EPS
 Forecasted outstanding shares of common stock
based upon:
“Naïve” approach based upon continued historical
tends, or
Historical trends adjusted for anticipated changes in
operations or environment
 Forecasted Earnings Per Share (EPS) based upon:
E stim ated E PS
in y ear t
Fu ture after-tax
earnings in year t
N u m ber of sh ares o f com m o n stock
outstan ding in year t
Step 2: Forecast Future EPS
 Example: Assume estimated profits are $6.5
million, 2 million shares of common stock are
outstanding, and the dividend payout ratio is
estimated at 40%.
E stim ated E PS
next year
$6.5 m illion
2 m illion
 $3.25
Step 2: Forecast Future Dividends
 Forecasted Dividend Payout ratio
based upon:
“Naïve” approach based upon continued
historical trends, or
Historical trends adjusted for anticipated
changes in operations or environment
E stim ated dividends
per share in year t
E stim ated E PS
in year t
E stim ated
payout ratio
Step 2: Forecast Future Dividends
 Example: Assume estimated profits are $6.5
million, 2 million shares of common stock are
outstanding, and the dividend payout ratio is
estimated at 40%.
E stim ated dividends
per share next year
$3.25  .40  $1.30
Step 3: Forecast P/E Ratio
 Estimated P/E ratio based upon:
“Average market multiple” of all stocks in the
marketplace, or
“Relative P/E multiple” of individual stocks
Adjust up or down based upon expectations
of (1) economic conditions, (2) general stock
market outlook in near term, or (3) anticipated
changes in company’s operating results
Step 3: Forecast P/E Ratio
 Estimated P/E ratio is function of several variables,
Growth rate in earnings
General state of the market
Amount of debt in a company’s capital structure
Current and projected rate of inflation
Level of dividends
Step 3: Forecast Future Stock Price
E stim ated share price
at end of year t
E stim ated E PS
in year t
E stim ated P/E
 Example: Assume estimated EPS are $3.25 and the
estimated P/E ratio is 17.5 times.
Estim ated share price
at the end of next year
$3.25  17.5  $56.88
 To estimate the stock price in three years, extend the
EPS figure for two more years and repeat the
Using Stock Valuation
 Once we have an estimated future stock price, we
can compare it to the current market price to see if it
may be a good investment candidate:
current price
estimated price
current price
estimated price
fairly valued
current price
estimated price
The Valuation Process
 Valuation is a process by which an investor uses risk and
return concepts to determine the worth of a security.
Valuation models help to find How Much a stock ought to be
If expected rate of return equals or exceeds our target
yield, the stock could be a worthwhile investment.
If the intrinsic worth equals or exceeds the current market
value, the stock could be a worthwhile investment.
There is no assurance that actual outcome will match
expected outcome
Required Rate of Return
 Required Rate of Return is the return
necessary to compensate an investor for the
risk involved in an investment.
Used as a target return to compare forecasted
returns on potential investment candidates
R equired
rate of return
R isk-free
 Stock's
 beta
R isk-free  
 M arket
 return
rate  
Required Rate of Return
 Example: Assume a company has a beta of
1.30, the risk-free rate is 5.5% and the
expected market return is 15%. What is the
required rate of return for this investment?
R eq u ired retu rn  5 .5 %  1 .3 0  1 5 .0 %  5 .5 %    1 7 .8 5 %
Other Stock Valuation Methods
 Dividend Valuation Model
Zero growth
Constant growth
Variable growth
 Dividend and Earnings Approach
 Price/Earnings Approach
 Other Price-Relative Approaches
Price-to-cash-flow ratio
Price-to-sales ratio
Price-to-book-value ratio
Dividend Valuation Model:
Zero Growth
 Uses present value to value stock
 Assumes stock value is capitalized value of
its annual dividends
 Potential capital gains are really based upon
future dividends to be received
 Assumes dividends will not grow over time
Value of a
share of stock
A nnual dividends
R equired rate of return
Dividend Valuation Model:
Constant Growth
 Uses present value to value stock
 Assumes stock value is capitalized value of its annual
 Assumes dividends will grow at a constant rate over
 Works best with established companies with history
of steady dividend payments
V alue of a
share of stock
N ext year's dividends
R equired rate
of return
C onstant rate of
grow th in dividends
Dividend Valuation Model:
Variable Growth
 Uses present value to value stock
 Assume stock value is capitalized value of its annual
 Allows for variable growth in dividend
growth rate
 Most difficult aspect is specifying the appropriate
growth rate over an extended period of time
Present value of
V alue of a share
of stock
future dividends
during the initial
variable-grow th period
Present value of the price
of the stock at the end of
the variable-grow th period
Dividends-and-Earnings Approach
 Very similar to variable-growth DVM
 Uses present value to value stock
 Assumes stock value is capitalized value of its annual
dividends and future sale price
 Works well with companies who pay little or
no dividends
Present value of
a share of stock
Present value of
future dividends
Present value of
the price of the stock
at date of sale
Price/Earnings (P/E) Approach
 Future price is based upon the appropriate
P/E ratio and forecasted EPS
 Simple to use and easy to understand
 Widely used in stock valuation
Stock price  EPS  P/E ratio
Price-to-Cash-Flow (P/CF) Approach
 Similar to P/E approach, but substitutes
projected cash flow for earnings
 Widely used by investors
 Many consider cash flow to be more accurate
than profits to evaluate a stock
P/C F ratio 
M arket price of com m on stock
C ash flow per share
Price-to-Sales (P/S) Approach
 Similar to P/E approach, but substitutes
projected sales for earnings
 Useful for companies with no earnings or
erratic earnings
P/S ratio 
M arket price of com m on stock
Sales per share
(P/BV) Approach
 Similar to P/E approach, but substitutes book
value for earnings
P/B V 
M arket price of com m on stock
B ook value per share
Explained the role that a company’s future plays in
stock valuation.
Developed a forecast of a stock’s cash flow,
expected dividends and share price.
Discussed the concepts of intrinsic value and
required rates of return, and noted how they are used.
Calculated the underlying value of a stock using
various dividend valuation models.
Used other types of present-value-based models to
derive the value of a stock as well as alternative pricerelative procedures.
Gained a basic Understanding of the procedures
used to value different types of stocks, from traditional
dividend-paying shares to more growth-oriented
T h e
E n d !
Chapter 8
Chapter Art
Average Market P/E Multiples 1977–
Selected Historical Financial Data,
Universal Office Furnishings
Using the Variable-Growth DVM to Value
Sweatmore Stock