Control of Welding Fume Exposures in Shipbuilding Confined Spaces purpose of the study To develop and assess a ventilation training program to reduce welding exposures in confined spaces. To determine if training welders can change ventilation practices. Motivation: excessive exposures to welding fume welding fume • ultrafine particles • hazardous components • metals, gases, particulate matter health risks: • respiratory • lung disease (COPD, Asthma) • “metal fume fever” (galvanized) • Cancer (SS) • cardiovascular diseases STUDY OVERVIEW Develop training concepts Validation of training concepts Develop training program Pre-intervention assessment Post intervention change Directions for future Ventilation “lab” tests After observations in shipyards, we used a more controlled space to test which parameters had the most effect on fume control, such as: • • • • Duct height Duct proximity Air flow Room mixing This helped us develop ventilation training guidelines. TRAINING CONCEPTS Simple, pictorial Box model Exhaust placement Local, General New concept: Regional Exhaust Ventilation Mixing Exhaust vs. Supply Cross draft “Mini-fan” Common problems Short circuiting Dead space ventilation training: Basic Ventilation Concepts ventilation training: Practical Questions CROSS DRAFT AND MIXING Minifan-induced crossdraft ventilation training: Short circuit ventilation training Common Problems verifying our recommendations We tested our recommendations by monitoring the fume exposure by measuring exposure before and after adjustments. Exhaust at floor: Poor control Exhaust high: Good Control verifying our training principles Geometric Mean Concentration 0 10 20 3 30 for Control and Intervention Pre Post Pre Post High Low Pre Post Pre Post Near Far Location of Ventilation Pre Post Pre Post Cross Mix Simple ventilation adjustments reduce worker’s exposure INTERVENTION ASSESSMENT Pre- Assessment Questionnaire on trainees Monitoring in typical conditions Training In groups of up to 20 at a time Primarily new construction at Vigor and Dakota Creek Post- Assessment Questionnaire on same trainees Monitoring in typical conditions ventilation training About 100 workers participated in the ventilation training program at Vigor in Seattle and Dakota Creek, in Anacortes. • Five sessions with about 20 people • Combination of discussion, lecture, and ventilation problemsolving exercises • Training was led by an industrial hygienist with a background in designing temporary ventilation for welding in similar situations in refineries. Participants filled out a survey about their knowledge and use of ventilation before the class and again several weeks later. Observed conditions and welding fume exposure levels All Samples n (%) 65 (100%) GM (GSD) mg/m3 2.4 (4.2) Space Confinement Partially Enclosed Enclosed Confined 5 (8%) 28 (43%) 32 (49% 1.3 (2.4) 2.2 (3.2) 2.9 (5.4) Welding Type SMAW FCAW (Dual Shield) FCAW (Inner Shield) Oxyacetylene 5 (8%) 49 (75%) 5 (8%) 6 (9%) 0.8 (4.5) 3.2 (3.6) 3.7 (4.9) 0.4 (2.9) Ventilation Type No ventilation Supply blowers Exhaust blowers Supply & exhaust blowers 19 (29%) 19 (29%) 25 (38%) 2 (3%) 2.3 (4.4) 4.3 (4.2) 1.8 (3.7) 0.6 (7.2) n (%) GM (GSD) mg/m3 Exhaust Vent Proximity Local Regional General 2 (7%) 6 (22%) 19 (70%) 1.1 (47.1) 2.1 (1.9) 1.6 (3.5) Deadspace No Yes 31 (48%) 34 (52%) 2.4 (3.8) 2.4 (4.7) Crossdraft No Yes 55 (85%) 10 (15%) 2.7 (4.5) 1.4 (2.6) Respirator Used No Yes 11 (17%) 54 (83%) 0.9 (3.3) 2.9 (4.1) QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS CHANGE IN SCORE ~ 1 MONTH POST TRAINING Worthwhile setting up for short job Too much work for any length job. Takes too much time to set up Confidence in my ability to decide what vent works best Confidence in my ability to set up ventilation Properly used vents can reduce my exposure Properly used vents will increase the comfort and visibility Properly used vents will reduce exposures of others n Post-Pre improvement SE 71 0.11 0.13 70 0.17 0.14 69 0 0.13 70 0.17 0.1 71 0.1 0.83 71 -0.01 0.08 71 -0.28 0.09 71 -0.03 0.07 Mean score based on a 1 to 5 scale QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS CHANGE IN % CORRECT ~ 1 MONTH POST TRAINING Pre-training % correct Post-training Change in % correct % correct You may need a respirator even when using vents 100 100 0 When exhausting the length of duct does not matter 86 85 -1 Weld quality is always reduced if air is moving past you 78 69 -9 Welding smoke is heavy and settles 72 75 3 The number of blowers needed depends on number of welders 69 79 10** How many blowers are needed to ventilate 9x9x9 ft space? 56 71 15** Which of the images shows short-circuiting? 22 18 -4 Which type of exhaust ventilation is practical and effective? 25 34 9 What advantage does blowing have over exhausting? 60 56 -4 ** McNemar’s test of proportions, p<0.05 STUDY RESULTS AND CONCLUSION Shipyard environment is very challenging For environmental control For conducting research Ventilation CAN be set up in confined spaces to significantly reduce exposure to welders Sufficient fresh air supply Strategically placed for fume removal Dissipation where appropriate But it is not being ef fectively used in many conditions A single training for welders is NOT suf ficient to change practices Many barriers and organizational constraints which training alone cannot overcome Recommendations Continue to develop expertise within welding and support trades to increase effectiveness of ventilation Develop system to identify adequacy of ventilation during work Continue supporting use of respirators as needed Next steps: Further analysis Dissemination of results and training materials through: Scientific journals Research group website: Suggestions for additional dissemination? THANK YOU! We greatly appreciate the participation and support from: • • • • • Puget Sound Shipbuilders Association Vigor Shipyards Dakota Creek Foss Maritime Lake Union Dry Dock • Contributors: • • • Faculty: Noah Seixas, Hendrika Meischke, Mike Yost, Lianne Sheppard Staff: Chris Warner, Rick Neitzel, Marc Beaudreau, Bert Stover, Gerry Croteau Students: Jane Pouzou, Jeff Walls, Lea Duffin, Eddie Kasner air monitoring and observations We measured how well different ventilation setups worked in real situations by observing and monitoring the fume levels in the spaces where welders were working. Hundreds of assessments of ventilation were made at Vigor, Dakota Creek, Foss, and Lake Union Dry Dock. common ventilation problems “Short-circuiting” of the air Excessive bends or kinks in duct Inadequate equipment for space and amount of welding (many spaces that needed multiple blowers only had one) Poor placement of the duct • Too far from the fume • Too low to the ground a preliminary study in other shipyards showed: Use of ventilation: • 3% used local exhaust ventilation • 29% used dilution ventilation (either exhaust or supply) • 68% did not use LEV or DV Use of a respirator: 41% Exceedance of the 5 mg/m 3 8-hour TWA PEL: • Overall: 82% • Confined spaces: 94% • Enclosed spaces: 70% • Spaces with dilution ventilation: 31% • Spaces with local exhaust ventilation: 100%