ReportWriter Presentation 7-2012 - nh

Service Point 5
How to create and run reports in
Profile and Entry Example
Create an individual named SigOther who will be used for the rest of the presentation
ReportWriter can be found under Reports on the
Report Dashboard
Once you click on ReportWriter, the first screen will be Saved Reports
To create a new report click on New Report
Create a Report Table
Page 5 and 6 show the different tables, assessments and sub assessments
Assessments and Subassessments are key areas that the report
should show
The Fields Tab
You can select as many fields as you would like the report to show
We only selected a few fields from each section as an example.
The Filters Tab
Adding filters is a good way to look at particular data elements
If you want to remove a filter than use the
You can edit a filter by clicking on the pencil icon (
Adding a New Filter
When adding a new filter, You can
choose different tables/assessments,
field/questions, and the different
ways you would like to filter
depending on what you want the
report to show
Client ID was from
client created in
Preview Report Tab
You can download the full
report in Comma
Separated Values (CSV)
Once all of the tables, fields and filters are
created then you can see the entries that
match the various requirements
Data Security
Securing Data is very important
All files downloaded from HMIS contain
confidential information
Please ensure the following policies are
considered before saving client data on your
Data Security Policies
Email – Never include client names or social security numbers in an email.
Transfer of Data – Do not use a USB memory drive to transfer client-specific
information unless the file containing that data is encrypted.
Hardcopy Paper Records – It’s not just electronic records that can be lost or
stolen, but hardcopy paper records (printed) can be stolen. Please shred all
documentation once it’s not needed.
Data Access – Any user access data that is stored on a computer or in a
written file constitutes a risk to client confidentiality. Please ensure that all
passwords are memorized and changed often.
Unattended Active Sessions – Users who have logged onto HMIS and have an
active session should never leave their computer unattended.
Locally-Saved Data – Users who have been granted access to report and query
functions have the ability to download and save client data on their local
computer. All client records containing identifying information stored on local
computers are the responsibility of the participating agency. Agencies should
develop protocols to ensure the save handling of data.
Data Security Policies (Continued…)
Data Disposal – Dispose of documents that contain client identifiable level
data by shredding paper records, deleting any information from disk, and
delete copies of any client level data after use.
Printed Documents – Printed versions of confidential data should not be
copied or left unattended.
Sharing Data – Media containing client-identified data will not be shared with
any Agency other than the owner of the data for any reason.
Destroying data – Media containing HMIS data that is released and/or
disposed of from the Agency should first be processed to destroy any data
residing on that media.
It’s up to you to ensure that your data is secure!