By: Maria Victoria Jauregui EDTC 3320: Instructional Design for the Corporate Training Fall 2009 The ADDIE Model is a tool used to perform effective training and performance. There are five phases in the ADDIE Model which are: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The ADDIE Model was selected in 1975by Florida State University. This model was selected by the Armed Services as a primary means for their training. The first term used by ADDIE was “SAT” (Systems Approach to Training) At a later time was also known as “ISD” (Instructional Systems Development). A paper was presented to a Congress for individualized Instruction six years later by Dr. Russel Watson, Chief , Staff, and Faculty Training Division of the Fort Huachuca, Arizona. In it, he discusses the U.S. Army’s SAT model as developed by Florida State University. (Clark, 2004) The model that had the five basic phases were the same as FSU but the steps were modified as needed. ANALYSIS IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION DEVELOPMENT DESIGN The instructional designer recognizes the problem. Determine the goals and objectives as well as the learner needs. The resources to fulfill the learning environment and the media to deliver the instruction. This phase defines the who, what, why, and how of the instruction. The design phase should be systematic and specific. This phase evolves with learning objectives, content, subject matter analysis, lesson planning and media selection. The design steps to be used are: Documentation of the project’s instructional, visual, and technical design strategy. Apply instructional strategies according to the intended behavioral outcomes by domain (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor). Design the user interface and user experience. Prototype creation. Apply visual design. (ADDIE model) Is a process that has a varied media that you have selected. Projects involve instructional designers, producers, directors, storyboards, and many more. Several methods of delivering might be: handouts, video and some computer overhead. The project must be reviewed and evaluated before it is presented. In this phase, the instructional designer carries out the plan of action and generates a process on how to deliver the instruction to the participants. The training of the learners may include the use of new tools (software or hardware). Implement the instructions according to the learners need and make sure the website is working accurately. It is composed of two phases which are formative and summative evaluations. The formative evaluation has the same procedure as the ADDIE process. Summative evaluations are tests that defines the participants to be summarize their learning ability. d/addie.html DTEC540BB/Module3/mod03.htm g8.php