Read pages 225-226 in Geography Alive. Write
these questions on page 57 ISN and answer them
• 1. Define demography.
• 2. Define population pyramids
• 3. On page 226, according to the
pyramid, name two things that will
happen to Europe’s population by 2025.
• 4. According to a population pyramid’s
shape, how do we know a country will be
losing people?
Europe is losing population!
• In your notes, list three reasons why a country
(or in this case a continent) would lose
• Are your reasons any of these?
• 1. more deaths than births
• 2. high emigration (bad economy, natural
disasters, political instability)
• 3. war
• 4. disease or famine
Populations change in three ways:
• 1. death
• 2. birth
• 3. migration
Europe population facts
Russia has the most people followed by Germany
If the world were shrunk to 100 people keeping all
percentages the same, Europe would have 12 of
those people and North and South America 13.
15 European countries listed in your book’s Global
Data Bank are losing population
The country losing the most of population is
Ukraine. It will lose over ¼ of its people by 2050.
Over 232,000 have emigrated to the U.S.
Population Pyramids
Population Pyramid definition
• A series of bar graphs that show age structure
of a population by sex
Parts of the Pyramid
Gender (Sex)
Age groups (Cohorts)
Percentage of the whole
3 main types of Pyramids
Baby Boom
Rapid growth – big
“The Christmas Tree”
Slow growth –
“The box”. The
United States
Negative growth –
loss of population.
“The Cup”
Baby Boom - A sudden, large, sustained increase
in the birthrate, especially the one in the United
States and Canada from 1946-1964. Boomers
are now between 47 and 65.
Presidents Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama
are all “Boomers.”
There were 80 million babies born in this period,
more than in any other. 1957 was the height.
There were 78 million boomers in 2005
1 in 4 people is a “boomer”
The first boomer turned 65 last year
Some pyramids don’t fit the mold of
the main 3. What’s going on here?
Sun City is a retirement community
Explain this, won’t you?
Marina del Rey is a 20-somethings
community: Apartments and young
people dominate
Any ideas?
going on
The pyramid indicates that there were fewer young
men than young women. This was of course the result
of the loss of life incurring during World War II. There
were also fewer births after the war due to the
shortage of men.
What do ya think?
would we
this one?
In Swaziland, 64 percent of people
die of AIDS. Only 5 percent from
heart disease, cancer and stroke
LEDCs – Least Economically
Developed Countries
MEDCs – More Economically
developed countries
Demographic Transition Model (pg. 228)
Most populations go through 4 stages of development:
Stage 1 – Low population growth (high birth and death rates)
Stage 2 – Rapid growth (Birth rates high,death rates drop)
Stage 3 – Slow growth (Birth rates drop and death rates stay low)
Stage 4 – Negative growth. (Birth and death rates drop to low
Total Fertility Rate
• (TFR) based on average birth rates
• Mali and Niger in West Africa have TFRs over 7
• The average number of births per woman Mali
will double its population in 26 years
• Singapore has a TFR of 1.07 and Canada 1.61.
China is 1.75. They will lose population.
• The EU is 1.5!
• The TFR for the world is 2.59
Replacement Rate
• The TFR that is needed for a
population to replace itself or zero
population growth.
• It is 2.1 babies in developing
countries. Higher in countries with
high death and emigration rates
• BUT, it is only 2.1 if (mortality) rates
and migration rates remain constant.
Other terms
Mortality rates - number of deaths per thousand people. It is 8.37
per 1,000 for the world and U.S. 23.74 in Angola.
Birth rates – number of births per 1,000 people per year. 13.83 in
US, 51.08 in Niger.
Growth rate – percent change in population over time. growth rate
= birth rate — death rate + net immigration rate ÷ 1,000
Dependency ratio – comparison of working age with those who
don’t work
Formula: People 65 and over + children 14 and Under ÷ people
who work × 100
Migration rate – Immigrants – emigrants ÷ 1,000. US is 4.25;
United Arab Emirates is 21.71
Life expectancy – number of years a person is expected to live. In
the US is ranked 36th at 78.3. Japan is 1st at 82.6. Swaziland is
last at 31.88
Group 1: List the Causes of Negative growth and the
problems with it (page 229)
• Group 2 – List ways a country can handle negative
growth (page 230)
• Group 3 – List the causes of an aging population.
(Page 231)
• Group 4 – List the problems caused by an aging
population (page 231)
• Group 5 – What can a country do about its aging
population (page 232)
• Group 6 – List the causes and problems caused by
workforce decline (page 233)
• Group 7 – What are some ways countries can deal
with workforce decline (page 234)
Dilemma 1: Italy
Causes of negative growth:
• high cost of living forces husband, wife to work
• Good daycare hard to find
• Family planning methods
Negative growth leads to loss of economic, military, political
Dilemma 2: Spain
Causes of population aging:
• More old than young people
• Rise in life expectancy
• Drop in birth rate
• Baby boomers age
Aging populations can lead to pension and health care
Dilemma 3: Germany
What causes a workforce to decline:
• An aging population
• Birth rate decreases
Declining workforce cannot support dependents
and may hurt business
What type of growth is each pyramid?