What patterns do you see in the way these pictures are organized or grouped? oldest youngest POPULATION PYRAMIDS (Age Structure Diagrams) A population pyramid is easier to read if you see that it’s really just two combined bar graphs. Age Structure Diagram (Population Pyramid) But the populations of most developing countries keep growing rapidly. Most developing countries have a high birth rate. http://myloksatta.blogspot.com/2009/04/do-you-know.html Mali, Africa, has a high birth rate. Countries with high birth rates have problems associated with fast population growth. They may not have enough jobs, housing, education, or medical care for all their citizens. Poor countries often have a high birth rate. oldest youngest Many wealthy countries have populations that are growing very slowly, holding steady, or even shrinking. Hong Kong has a low birth rate. Countries with low birth rates have many elderly people. What challenges might a country face when they have a growing population of elderly people? http://www.cartoonstock.com/cartoonview.asp?start=&search=main&catref=laln560&MA_Artist=&MA_Category=&ANDkeyword=baby+boomers&ORkeyword=&TITLEkeyword=&NEGATIVEkeyword= http://elderweb.com/taxonomy/term/6391 http://www.joe-ks.com/archives_jun2005/RacingGrandpa.htm http://www.kfvs12.com/global/category.asp?C=177401 Australia almost has a steady birth rate. Countries close to steady birth rates usually avoid population-related problems. This United States population pyramid shows a “baby boom.” How can the problems of a “baby boom” be similar to that of an aging population? http://yourretirementguru.blogspot.com/ As baby boomers reach school age, classes are overcrowded and new schools have to be built. What will be done with those schools after the boomers are no longer students? http://stories.mnhs.org/stories/mgg/resources/artifact.do?shortName=overcrowd At this point, have students create their own population pyramids of the U.S. and Mexico, using the blank population pyramid charts provided in this lesson,. Population pyramids offer windows into what’s happening & what has happened. These can be used throughout the year. http://www.ageworks.com/course_demo/200/module2/images/germany46.gif What do you see in this population pyramid? What could cause this kind of population distribution? http://www.ageworks.com/course_demo/200/module2/module2b.htm#germany http://www.ageworks.com/course_demo/200/module2/module2b.htm#germany Same? Different? Tulsa Oklahoma City http://www.censusscope.org/us/m5880/print_chart_age.html Lawton, Oklahoma http://www.censusscope.org/us/m4200/print_chart_age.html What seems to be happening in Grant County, North Dakota? http://www.censusscope.org/us/s38/c37/chart_age.html CHINA the “Great Leap Forward” famine baby boom 1-child policy echo boom http://www.iiasa.ac.at/Research/SRD/ChinaFood/data/pop/p_23c_m.htm Photo credits for title page “pyramid” Top row, L to R: http://www.15yearstolife.com/bio.htm, http://epc.utk.edu/LEEDS/debralee.html Second row, L to R: http://sachimaniar.wordpress.com/2008/02/15/smile/, http://www.walltowall.co.uk/catalogue_detail.aspx?w2wprogram=10, http://www.diakon.org/adoption/WaitingChildren.asp. http://czarinatx.blogspot.com/2010_07_01_archive.html, http://adayingrace.blogspot.com/2009/11/ni-hao-yall.html, http://sponsorimpact.wordpress.com/page/4 Third row, L to R: http://kishasworld.com/?cat=3&paged=4, http://sgdeathpenalty.blogspot.com/2009/12/vui-kongs-story.html, http://teenlife.blogs.pressdemocrat.com/10543/teen-face-emily-goldfield-2/, http://www.noblenet.org/swampscott/teenscene/lee-golomb-cadiff-teen-poetry-contest/ bottom row, L to R: http://www.mcr2.k12.mo.us/mainpages/pat/index.html, http://www.biracialbabiesrock.com, http://www.wigdahl.net/quern/tag/thomas, http://brittanyandjon.blogspot.com, http://wallpaper.najoomi.com/full-size/2-35/Smiley-Face-Cute-Baby-2048X1536-2.html, http://www.mcr2.k12.mo.us/mainpages/pat/index.html, http://www.provena.org/covenant/body.cfm?id=493, http://owyang.wordpress.com/ Closure activity This country has a low birth rate and negative population growth. What problems does this create for this country? http://www.mepa.org.mt/Census/Pyr%20Archive/popdesc.htm http://www.marathon.uwc.edu/geography/demotrans/demtran.htm Which of these is a more economically developed country? http://kilby.sac.on.ca/faculty/akowalts/Web%20Site%2007%2008/Day%20Planners/GEO8-03.htm What unusual population feature is present in this pyramid? What generally causes a feature like this? What challenges come with this? http://www.uni.edu/gai/Nigeria/Lessons/Population_Pyramid.html