Grammar 17-30 -

Bridge Program
OU, Summer 2013
The following sentence contains redundant words or phrases.
(-12) 17. Select the sentence that has no errors in pronounantecedent agreement.
a) Aromas in our natural environment effect mood and emotion,
and it can elicit strong responses.
b) Each aroma in our natural environment has an effect on our
mood, and they can elicit strong responses.
c) Aromas in our natural environment have an effect on our
mood, and they can elicit strong responses.
C The singular pronoun it does not agree with the plural
antecedent Aromas.
(-7) 18. Select the sentence that has no errors in pronounantecedent agreement.
a) An environment infused with pungent or sour smells can
sometimes upset its inhabitants.
b) An environment infused with pungent or sour smells can
sometimes upset their inhabitants.
c) An environment infused with pungent or sour smells can
sometimes upset that inhabitants.
A -- A singular, neutral antecedent (environment) requires a
singular third-person neutral pronoun (its).
(-12) 19. Select the group of words that is a correct sentence.
From 10 to 20 percent of college freshmen develop an intense anxiety of
some kind, for instance Ablutophobia is an intense apprehension about
B. From 10 to 20 percent of college freshmen develop an intense anxiety of
some kind, for instance; Ablutophobia is an, intense …
C. From 10 to 20 percent of college freshmen develop an intense anxiety of
some kind for instance Ablutophobia is an, intense …
D. From 10 to 20 percent of college freshmen develop an intense anxiety of
some kind; for instance, Ablutophobia is an intense …
(D) A semicolon should come before the transitional expression for instance,
and a comma should follow the expression.
(-8) 20 Select the group of words that is a correct sentence.
a) Fear ridden freshmen usually find a particular aspect of school
frightening, such as exams or an overcritical instructor, thus;
treatment may require a transfer to another college.
b) Fear ridden freshmen … instructor, thus, treatment may require
a transfer to another college.
c) Fear ridden freshmen …instructor; thus, treatment may require
a transfer to another college.
d) Fear ridden freshmen … instructor thus, treatment may require
a transfer to another college..
C. you have the answer  A semicolon should come before the
conjunctive adverb thus, and a comma should follow the adverb.
(-0) 21. Select the group of words that contains one or more
complete sentences and no fragments.
a) Country music promoters became more and more interested in
the Appalachian songs for their artistic value.
b) Interested in the Appalachian songs for their artistic value and
for the possibility of profit.
A This group of words has a subject (promoters) and a verb
(became) and is an independent clause.
(-5) 22. Select the group of words that contains one or more
complete sentences and no fragments.
a) A good record sales history is built on the proper treatment of
the fan base not, absence of consumer consideration.
b) A good record sales history is built on the proper treatment of
the fan base, not absence of consumer consideration.
c) A good record sales history is built on the proper treatment of
the fan base; not absence of consumer consideration.
B -- A fragment can sometimes be corrected by connecting a
phrase to an independent clause.
(-9) 23. Select True or False for each statement. The following
group of words is a comma splice:
Students need to be careful because identity thieves could be
their own roommates or even relatives, they could be people
that students trust with financial information.
A -- true.
(-10) 24. Select True or False for each statement. The following
group of words is a comma splice:
Careless students may not be aware that identity thieves
rummage through dorm and apartment trash looking for
personal data to steal.
B False
(-8) 25. Select True or False. The following sentence uses
abbreviations correctly:
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life is honored by a national holiday
every third Monday in January.
A True -- Professional titles such as Doctor are abbreviated
before the person's last name. Junior is abbreviated when used
as part of a name. Note: Using a comma before Jr. is optional.
(-1) 26. Select True or False. The following sentence uses
capitalization correctly:
The majority religion in India is hinduism, although other
religions such as sikhism and islam are practiced as well.
B False -- Capitalize names of religions (Hinduism).
(-1) 27. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.
Byron's father offered him some __________ to help him work
through his feelings of loss.
A – advice is a noun, advise is a verb
(-9) 28 Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.
The loss of a beloved relative can have numerous side
a) affects
b) effects
B Affect is usually a verb; the noun effect means result.
(-9) 29. Select True or False. The following group of words is
punctuated correctly:
The Monarch butterflies left their Mexican breeding grounds,
(possibly because of drought), and migrated to Texas before the
hot summer months arrived.
B Do not place commas before and after parentheses.
(-19) 30. The shortened version of this group of words omits
material correctly, without changing the author's original
Long Version: The computer, which is remarkably similar to the
human brain in many ways, processes information in much the
same way as the human brain, though not nearly as fast.
Short Version: The computer… is remarkably similar to the human
B - False Some omitted words are important in conveying the
meaning and should not be omitted.
(-19) 30. The shortened version of this group of words omits
material correctly, without changing the author's original
Long Version: The computer, which is remarkably similar to the
human brain in many ways, processes information in much the
same way as the human brain, though not nearly as fast.
Short Version: The computer… is remarkably similar to the human
B - False Some omitted words are important in conveying the
meaning and should not be omitted.