Goal 3: To increase 9th grade matriculation

Goal 3: To increase 9th grade matriculation.
Objective A: Create “smaller” learning communities for freshmen
Action Steps
A1. Individual Assistance Teams developed for at-risk
students / EMP
IAT's are established for all students who are at-risk. Counselors develop a meeting time with the student, parent, teachers, atrisk specialist, medical assistant and grade level administrator to develop a plan to assist that student with becoming successful.
The medical assistant addresses all physical and mental health needs for these students.
A2. Freshmen seminar class required for students who fall in
the achievement gap.
Freshmen seminar will assist students with test taking skills, note taking, research and tutoring with all subject areas. Freshmen
seminar will monitor students' progress and extracurricular activities to create a sense of pride and self-accountability.
A3. Appropriate ESL placement
ESL students and parents will be contacted and grade level placement will be based on credits earned. Parent contact will be
made in conjunction with Lutheran Services to provide placement and appropriate instruction.
A4. Create freshmen teams
Freshmen teams will be pure freshmen. Groups of 120 student will share 4 core teachers. These teams will have the option of
co-teaching and common planning to communicate about their common students.
A5. Establish common planning for team teachers
Teachers with common planning will be able to communicate about their common students and create lesson plans together.
Each “team” has common planning, not necessarily all teaming teachers.
A6. Utilize “webserver” for relationship tracking
Teachers update student profiles with “I know this student” information. Capable of monitoring student tardies, tendencies,
class schedule and parent contact information. Accessible from any networked computer.
A7. Keep freshmen classes “pure”
All freshmen core classes and most electives will be pure freshmen. This will limit negative influences from older students and
build class unity.
A8. Require a foreign language class for freshmen
Present “conversational foreign language” classes to Instructional Council for approval. These classes will provide students
with a more accessible curriculum for students who may only be interested in taking a survey class of the foreign language.
A9. Promote International Baccalaureate Program
Promotion of this program at the freshman level will give student high goals to reach during their freshman and sophomore
A10. Increase freshmen extra-curricular involvement
Students will gain pride and a sense of community through involvement in the school outside of the classroom. Promoting
sports and clubs and development of new organizations for freshmen will keep students invested in the school.
A11. Create Advisor / Advisee time for all freshmen
Advisor / Advisee time will be held each morning from 7:40 – 8:05 in the SLC teams. Teachers will generally see 4-6 students
per day by both appointment and by student walk in. Teachers will meet with students to discuss a variety of issues that affect
student success in both school and later in life.
A12. Peer Mediation
Student mediators will be trained to provide conflict mediation of peers. A faculty facilitator will supervise the mediation
The established Link Crew program will be entering its 4 th year at Eastern. Activities will start before the first day of school as
link crew leaders will help incoming freshmen during book and picture day, and will continue under the direction of the staff
Link Crew leader through out the school year.
A13. Link Crew
Goal 3: To increase 9th grade matriculation.
Objective B: Increase parent involvement
Action Steps
The PTSA will sell memberships at all major school functions and will have meetings on a monthly basis.
B2. Varied Parent Teacher Conference Times
Dates and times of Parent/Teacher conferences will be scheduled by the SIT members a year in advance. Administrators,
teachers and support staff will assist in the notification of parents and the set-up for those conferences.
B3. Quarterly Newsletter
The principal publishes a quarterly Newsletter that is mailed to all students.
B4. Student/Parent/Teacher Contract
Teachers provide each student with a copy of their syllabi that requires a parent signature to be returned to the teacher for credit.
A sample copy of that copy is also provided to administration.
B5. Student/Parent/Admin. Contract
During a disciplinary conference, each parent and student must enter into a contract with the administration. Students and
parents must agree that they are willing to comply with the terms of their agreement. Their contract is required for readmittance to class.
B6. Parent Phone Calls
Teachers will make ongoing phone calls to parents. Teachers will also be provided with a phone log during each professional
development day to be returned as documentation of contact being made to parents.
B7. Site Visitations
The Parent Involvement Coordinator sponsors two take your father or parent to work days per year. The building and district
also encourage parents to visit at anytime.
B8. Provide parents with materials to help with behavior and
Academic issues.
Post both information and links on the school web site. Also provide parents with ideas in the Newsletter.
B9. Parent teacher conference calls
Staff will call parents who they are most concerned about if their parents do not attend the conferences.
B10. Solicit feedback from parents about ways to improve
Ask parents for suggestions via newsletters and a survey.
B11. Notification to parents about long term subs
Send parents of all students who are in classrooms staffed by a long term sub a form letter that has been customized to speak to
the particular situation.