MUGS Set 3 Focus on Punctuation


English IV

MUGS Set 3

Focus on Punctuation

Quotation Marks, Comma (Other),

Colon, Hyphen, Spelling

Ms. Walker asked, “Class, how would you rank the following qualities: honesty, kindness, love, achievement, self-esteem, loyalty, and financial success?”

Punctuation (Title), Quotation Marks,

Apostrophe, Spelling

“When you set out to fail,” writes

John Holt in his book, How Children

Fail, “one thing is certain – you can’t be disappointed.”

Comma (Other), Spelling, Using the

Right Word

Though banks may supply “virtual” money in the form of online cash, the debt, my dear, is all too real.

Punctuation (Title), Quotation Marks,

Hyphen, Comma (Other)

In an essay entitled “Why We Still

Can’t Wait,” Coretta Scott King wrote, “If the alternative to full employment is simply to wait, to tolerate in silence the shattered dreams of jobless youth and the broken hearts of laid-off men, then my choice is clear.”

Quotation Marks, Comma (Other)

George Bernard Shaw once said,

“If you cannot get rid of the family skeletons, you may as well make them dance.”
