ITC Campus Report Third Quarter - 2012 © 2012 Ipsos. All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos' Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior written consent of Ipsos. Main Achievements • During the Third Quarter of 2012 the Ipsos Training Center (ITC) reached the following main achievements: • 29 new courses for employees were made available • 38 Training Webinars focusing on our Product Portfolio were hosted / 2 webinars facilitated by the ITC to our Ipsos Client Representatives (more info on Page 11). • Different actions towards the increase in the usage of the Client Campus were carried out (more info on Page 11) • The analysis for a new Programs Management functionality in the Platform was completed – This would enable us to better support training blended initiatives such as the new ASI Certification Program • A contract for acquiring 8 new Softskill titles was negotiated and signed with CrossKnowledge • The Database of Active accounts in the ITC was validated against the list of current employees in 47 countries, ensuring consistency in the campus. Courses Offered Number of courses & webinar recordings available as at September 30th: Category EMPLOYEE CAMPUS Number of available courses Specialism Courses Management & Leadership Newcomers Subtotal CLIENT CAMPUS Overall Total 116 26 5 147 Courses for clients 16 163 Number of available webinar recordings EMPLOYEE CAMPUS CLIENT CAMPUS Overall Total 101 5 106 Employees’ e-Campus usage The e-Campus is currently being used in 78 countries out of the 84 in which Ipsos operates. Countries not currently using the ITC: •Albania •Algeria •Ivory Coast •Kosovo •Montenegro •Qatar Employees’ e-Campus usage Course and Webinar Recording registrations per region (Q3) Middle East and Africa 12% Europe 26% Americas 27% Asia-Pacific 35% Employees’ e-Campus usage Country These charts show the ITC campus activity during Q3, considering the number of registrations for courses, regardless of completion. Country South Africa Kenya Egypt Uganda UAE Nigeria Jordan Ghana Saudi Arabia Pakistan Israel Tanzania Tunisia Lebanon Kuwait Zambia Morocco Iran Mozambique MEA Overall Total 502 172 166 121 73 53 38 35 31 26 20 14 8 8 6 6 6 2 1 1288 United Kingdom Netherlands Germany Turkey Romania Russia France Poland Sweden Czech Republic Spain Switzerland Norway Italy Bulgaria Belgium Ukraine Serbia Croatia Denmark Hungary Cyprus Slovenia Greece Portugal Macedonia Europe Overall Total 372 272 257 250 245 220 210 159 127 113 78 70 59 51 46 42 24 21 15 13 12 11 7 6 5 3 2688 Country United States Canada Argentina Brazil Peru Mexico Chile Colombia Venezuela Costa Rica Bolivia Puerto Rico Guatemala Dominican Republic Ecuador Panama Americas Total 861 450 312 307 262 228 193 113 52 28 24 7 5 5 4 3 2854 Country China India Singapore Hong Kong Malaysia Indonesia Korea Taiwan Vietnam Japan Thailand Australia Philippines Pakistan New Zealand APAC Overall Q3 empl. registrations 10415 Including registrations for online courses and webinar recordings available in the ITC Total 1142 525 366 291 226 198 176 161 131 108 96 94 42 19 10 3585 Country Top 5 – Course Enrollment CHINA (1142) UNITED STATES (861) INDIA (525) SOUTH AFRICA (556) CANADA (450) Level of Completion The following chart shows the level of completion of the courses in which employees enrolled during the Third Quarter of 2012. Unstarted Started Completed Passed AMERICAS 33% 11% 1% 55% ASIA 36% 13% 1% 50% EUROPE 39% 11% 1% 49% MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA 31% 18% 2% 48% Completed: exam not passed yet Passed: exam successfully completed / certificate issued Started: course not finished yet Unstarted: courses assigned but still pending to start Average of Courses taken in Q3 REGION Average of courses taken in Q3 by each employee with activity in the campus during the same period of time Average of courses taken in Q3 by each employee with an account created in the campus AMERICAS ASIA PACIFIC EUROPE MEA TOTAL REGION AMERICAS ASIA PACIFIC EUROPE MEA TOTAL Employees Registrations Average of with activity Q3 courses per in the campus employee w/ during Q3 activity in Q3 759 866 793 321 2854 3585 2688 1288 3.76 4.14 3.94 4.01 2739 10415 3.80 Employees Registrations Average of with an Q3 courses per account in the employee w/ campus account in the campus 2644 2305 2582 809 8340 2854 3585 2688 1288 10415 1.08 1.56 1.04 1.59 1.25 Penetration Rate REGION Employees with activity in the campus during Q3 over Ipsos Headcount as of August 2012 Employees with an account created in the campus over Ipsos Headcount as of August 2012 AMERICAS ASIA PACIFIC EUROPE MEA TOTAL REGION AMERICAS ASIA PACIFIC EUROPE MEA TOTAL Employees HC as of with activity August 2012 in the campus during Q3 Penetration rate: Employees w/activity in Q3 / Total HC 759 866 793 321 4345 3988 6235 1323 17.47% 21.72% 12.72% 24.26% 2739 15891 17.24% Employees HC as of with an August 2012 account in the campus 2644 2305 2582 809 8340 4345 3988 6235 1323 15891 Penetration rate II: Employees w/ account in the ITC / Total HC 60.85% 57.80% 41.41% 61.15% 52.48% Client Campus activity • During this period, several actions were taken to encourage the level of usage of the ITC campus by our clients: ─ We facilitated the webinar “Fostering stronger client Relationships through the Ipsos Training Center” to our Client Representatives at Ipsos with the purpose of reviewing the basics on what the ITC is doing in relation to training initiatives for clients as well as to how the ITC might be offered. The sessions were developed in conjunction with Ged Parton. 34 people attended these sessions. ─ NA implemented a new way of communication about the ITC with their client representatives at the Ipsos NA Intranet, under the Hot News section. ─ Worldwide communication by country: the ITC continued with the campaign: A world of learning with Ipsos, launching Ecuador, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Peru, Venezuela, Japan, Vietnam, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan and Qatar. ─ Project: Colgate University. The ITC’s been working with Marcia Keske to create a presentation for Colgate about Training at Ipsos –A meeting to present it was held in NY (virtually facilitated by the ITC). At the moment, Shirley Felix is discussing in depth with Colgate people about a possible partnership on this topic. ─ Project: Zain Internship Training Program. Zain, Jordan, created their training program for internships based on the ITC offer. A graduation ceremony was held along with a Press Release. Client Campus activity • Total number of registrations for courses, during the period: 446 ─ This number shows an increase from the previous quarter – Although the numbers increased significantly, they are still not good and September is showing a new drop down Monthly Registration to courses Quarterly Registration to courses 300 446 247 250 200 150 100 50 96 72 55 100 99 196 156 69 36 24 0 1st Q 2nd Q 3rd Q Curricula 29 new e-courses made available in the Campus during the third Quarter: • InnoQuest - Selling The Innovation Offer • Managing a Quality Management System • InnoQuest - Maximizing Market Potential • Managing Project Information Confidentiality • Mindclouds • Managing Project Specification Changes • Shopper Spotlight • Managing Data Privacy (e-learning) • Getting Familiar with The Censydiam Framework. Publicación en el Ipsos Today. • Introduction to Global Processes • Concept Writing Workshop (e-learning) • Social Spaces 1 - Ipsos Template • Facilitation Tips • Social Spaces 2 - Toolkit • Qualmobile • QualSpace Forum • Social Spaces 3 - Community Hierarchy and Structure • QualSpace Focus - QualSpace Vision • Social Spaces 4 - Discussions • Ipsos Storytelling for Impact • Social Spaces 5 - Blogs • Using WAO!: Wallet Allocation Optimizer • Social Spaces 6 - Idea Exchanges • Introducing Viewscast • Social Spaces 7 - Contests • Introducing WAO!: Wallet Allocation Optimizer • Social Spaces 8 - Quick Polls • Managing Interviewers • Global Etiquette (e-learning) Next Quarter Challenges Next Quarter will face the following challenges: • Get insight about the quality of ITC’s proposal to clients – Based on the results an action plan will be created. With this in mind the ITC along with Ged Parton will run an internal survey for our Client Representatives to understand: • • • How much our employees know of the existence of the ITC for clients Relevance of courses and contents included therein Training needs mentioned by external clients or those our employees perceive as necessary • Increase the Soft Skills offer • Develop and implement a new functionality in the Platform, able to manage not only e-courses but also Training Programs (e-courses + case studies + board messages) • Support the new Talent Management initiative (develop training materials) • Create a new Welcome to the ITC video for the webpage Some of the new courses / training materials to come: - Communication Skills - Communication Styles - Team Performance - Project Management e- courses - Product Quest e-courses - Effective people management - Insights and Ideation Workshop - Paper Data Collection (In field process) - Manual Data Collection (Field set up process) - Business Performance Management Process THANKS! © 2012 Ipsos. All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos' Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior written consent of Ipsos. For further information or questions please feel free to contact us Natalia Kind Global L&D Coordinator Director, ITC Olazábal 1371, Bs As, Argentina Phone: +54 11 4706 6516 e-mail: 16