Essay Questions

College History I
Chapter 13
Essay Questions
Answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Did the national government or the state of South Carolina “win” the nullification crisis?
Justify your answer.
2. Evaluate the wisdom of Jackson’s veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the United States.
Who gained and who lost by his veto?
3. What were the chief controversies of the Jackson Administration? What position did Jackson
take on each of them? Why?
Some terms and events you should become familiar with.
Election of 1824
“Corrupt bargain” of 1824
Election of 1828
Swartwout scandal
Denmark Vesey
“Nullies” in South Carolina
Force Bill
Cherokee assimilation
Indian Removal Act
Black Hawk
“Moneyed Monster”
The bank war of 1832
Anti-Masonic party
“pet banks”
Whig party
Martin Van Buren
Panic of 1837
Stephen Austin
Jim Bowie
Texas War for Independence
Col. W.B. Travis
Texas petitions for annexation
“Tippecanoe, and Tyler too.”
John C. Calhoun
Emergence of the two-party system
The spoils system
Tariff of 1828 (“Tariff of Abominations”)
South Carolina Exposition
Tariff of 1833
Trail of Tears
“Five Civilized Tribes”
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Seminole resistance
Nicholas Biddle
Election of 1832
“Biddle’s Panic”
Specie Circular
Election of 1836
William Henry Harrison
Independent Treasury Bill
Davy Crockett
Sam Houston
The Alamo
Santa Anna
San Jacinto
Election of 1840