2/12/2012 Essential Question: Champion of the “Common Man”? OR “King” Andrew? 1 2/12/2012 Voting Requirements in the Early 19c Voter Turnout: 1820 - 1860 Why Increased Democratization? 3 White male suffrage increased 3 Party nominating committees. 3 3 3 Voters chose their state’s slate of Presidential electors. Popular campaigning (parades, rallies, floats, etc.) Two-party system returned in the 1832 election: Dem-Reps Natl. Reps.(1828) Whigs (1832) Republicans (1854) Democrats (1828) 2 2/12/2012 Jackson support of American System (i.e. internal improvements) Rachel Jackson Final Divorce Decree 3 2/12/2012 Jackson in Mourning for His Wife 1828 Election Results The New “Jackson Coalition” 3 The Planter Elite in the South 3 People on the Frontier 3 State Politicians – spoils 3 Immigrants in the cities. system 4 2/12/2012 Jackson’s Faith in the “Common Man” 3 3 3 Intense distrust of Eastern “establishment,” monopolies, & special privilege. His heart & soul was with the “plain folk.” Belief that the common man was capable of uncommon achievements. The Reign of “King Mob” Andrew Jackson as President 5 2/12/2012 The “Peggy Eaton Affair” Jackson’s Use of Federal Power VETO 1830 Maysville Road project in KY [state of his political rival, Henry Clay] An 1832 Cartoon: “King Andrew”? 6 2/12/2012 1832 Election Results Main Issue? The 1836 Election Results Martin Van Buren “Old Kinderhook” [O. K.] Photo of Andrew Jackson in 1844 (one year before his death) 1767 - 1845 7