Essential Question: Champion of the “Common Man”? OR “King” Andrew? Voting Requirements in the Early 19c Voter Turnout: 1820 - 1860 Why Increased Democratization? 3 3 3 3 3 White male suffrage increased Party nominating committees. (instead of Congress choosing the candidates) Further expansion of the public sphere Popular campaigning (parades, rallies, floats, etc.) Two-party system returned in the 1832 election (aka 2nd Party System): Dem-Reps Natl. Reps.(1828) Whigs (1832) Republicans (1854) Democrats (1828) Results of the 1824 Election A “Corrupt Bargain?” Opposition to John Quincy Adams 3 3 Some believed he allowed too much political control to be held by elites. Some objected to his support of national economic development on constitutional grounds. Adams believed a strong, active central government was necessary. A national university. An astronomical observatory. A naval academy. 3 Many Americans saw Adams’ vision of a might nation led by a strong president as a threat to individual liberties. Land & Indian Policies 3 John Quincy Adams: His land policies gave westerners another reason to dislike him. He attempted to curb speculation for public lands his opponent accused him of denying their individual rights and freedoms to expand westward! He supported the land rights of Native Americans against white settlers. The 1828 Election 3 Jackson’s campaign was engineered by Senator Martin Van Buren of NY He wanted to recreate the old Jeffersonian coalition of: Northern farmers and artisans. Southern slave owners. Farmers with small land holdings. He created the Democratic Party from the remains of Jefferson’s old party: Created a national committee that oversaw local and state party units. Mass meetings, parades, picnics. A lot of political mudslinging on both sides. Rachel Jackson Final Divorce Decree 1828 Election Results The New “Jackson Coalition” 3 The Planter Elite in the South 3 People on the Frontier 3 3 Artisans [competition from factory labor]. State Politicians spoils system To the victor belong the spoils of the enemy! [William Marcy of NY] 3 Immigrants in the cities. The Reign of “King Mob” The “Peggy Eaton Affair”