Born in Imola, Italy in 1958, she graduated in Business Studies.
Since June 2013 she has been member of the Board of Directors of FINCANTIERI S.p.A.
She is currently Head of Ordinary Equity Management and M&A at Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A.
She has also been a member of the Board of Directors of Fintecna S.p.A. since 2013, of CDP Investments
Sgr since 2012, of Fondo Italiano di Investimento Sgr since 2010.
Since 2009 she has been the Chairman of Galaxy SICAR Sarl, a Galaxy Fund investment company and sole
director of CDP GAS S.r.l. since 2011.
Finally, since 2010 she has been a member of the Fondo Immobiliare di Lombardia advisory board and since
2009 a member of the Investment Committee of the infrastructural investment fund F2i and investment
fund in public-private partnership initiatives PPP Italia.
In the past she was a member of the Advisory Committee to West Private Equity Fund (UK), of the
Investment Committee of the Euromed Fund, of the Advisory Board of the Fondo Centro Impresa, the
Fondo Nord Ovest Impresa, and of the Fondo Mezzogiorno, managed by the lntesa Sanpaolo Group.
She has also held positions as Board member of Farbanca S.p.A., sole director of Eptaventure S.p.A.,
Board member of LDV Holding B.V., Chief Executive of NHS lnvestments S.A. Board member of Imaging
S.p.A. and Esaote S.p.A., Mecaer S.p.A., Cattleya S.p.A. and Data Service S.p.A.
Previously, she was Head of Management and Administration of Equity Investment and Investments for
IMI S.p.A., Head of Investment Monitoring at Sanpaolo IMI Private Equity S.p.A., and Head of Investments
and Administration at Fincardine S.p.A, after previous experience in M&A in the CAER banking group and,
in Credit and Large Customers at CARISBO and Credito Romagnolo.