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Activity Template Email Coalition

Email 1
From: Peta, Project Manager
To: Seydou, Restaurant Technology Consultant
Subject: Program Expansion Concerns
Good afternoon, Seydou
It was a pleasure to meet with you yesterday and receive your input with regard to an
expandedrollout. Your insight and contributions have been invaluable to the project thus far.
As stated in our last meeting, I am still concerned about expanding the rollout past the
barsections of our restaurants. Omar has requested that we expand the rollout to include all
diningsections in the Downtown & North locations, but I’m afraid this would be out of scope
from ouroriginal intention. In my experience handling projects like this, an incremental
approach affordsa more limited risk and allows staff to problem solve with more limited
consequences. As yousaid in our meeting, a gradual scale-up of kitchen operations will be
better equipped to meet thedemands of our customers.
At the end of the day, customer satisfaction drives our revenue. I believe you and I share
asimilar concern that an expansive rollout will have consequences that will negatively impact
ourcustomer satisfaction. Would you feel comfortable sharing a list of your biggest
rolloutexpansion concerns with me, so that I may meet with Omar & Deanna to discuss them
Moving forward, I’d like to be able to come to a consensus with our team and ensure
buy-infrom both Omar and Deanna that a gradual approach will yield the best results for
long-termrevenue growth. I am hoping that by showing a united front, we would be more
convincing to Omar & Deanna to share this mindset.
Warm Regards,
Project Manager
Email 2
From: Peta
To: Alex
Subj: tablet rollout and risks
Hello Alex,
I’m writing to you because the owner of Sauce & Spoon would like to make some important
changes to our plan. He is thinking about expanding the project to all the areas.
As you well know, if we try only in the bar area we will face a low risk and a high level of
we can have data and then decide how to grow the project.
I would like to speak to you in person if possible before the next meeting so that we can share
ideas and maybe find a common position about this topic.
Let me know.
Thank you, best wishes