REGISTER NUMBER : 727822TUEC147 NAME : B.RAMYARAAHASHRI In[18]:= EXPERIMENT NUMBER: 01 In[19]:= DATE : 31.05.2023 In[30]:= QUESTION NO : 1 For the given discrete time signal represented by the sequence of samples [2, 4, 6, 8] compute and plot the magnitude and phase spectrum of the Fourier Transform of the signal. In[34]:= signal = {2, 4, 6, 8}; fourier = Fourier[signal]; ListPlotAbs[fourier], PlotRange → All, FrameLabel → "Frequency (k)", "Magnitude", PlotLabel → "Fourier Transform Magnitude Spectrum" Out[36]= Fourier Transform Magnitude Spectrum 10 8 6 4 2 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 2 In[85]:= signal = {2, 4, 6, 8}; fourier = Fourier[signal]; ListPlotArg[fourier], PlotRange → All, FrameLabel → "Frequency (k)", "Phase", PlotLabel → "Fourier Transform Phase Spectrum" Out[87]= Fourier Transform Phase Spectrum 3 2 1 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 -1 -2 In[60]:= QUESTION NO : 2 Find Fourier transforms of e ^ - a ^ 2 * x ^ 2, a < 0. In[17]:= y = (1 / Sqrt[2 * pi]) y1 = y * IntegrateExp (- a ^ 2 * x ^ 2) * ExpI s x, {x, - I, I} Out[17]= 1 2 pi Out[18]= ⅈ 2 a2 Exp - 2 s Cosh[s] + 2 + s2 Sinh[s] pi s3 In[62]:= QUESTION NO : 3 Given a time domain signal represented by the function f(x)={a^2-x^2 for |x|<a {0 for |x|>a 3 In[11]:= y = (1 / Sqrt[2 * π]) y1 = y * Integratea ^ 2 - x ^ 2 ExpI s x, {a, - I, I} Out[11]= 1 2π Out[12]= - 2ⅈ - 2 ⅈ ⅇⅈ s x x2 3 2π In[67]:= QUESTION NO : 4 Find Fourier transform of f (x) = cos t. In[23]:= y = (1 / Sqrt[2 * pi]) y1 = y * Integrate(Cos[t]) * ExpI s x, {x, - I, I} Out[23]= 1 2 pi Out[24]= ⅈ 2 Cos[t] Sinh[s] pi s