Uploaded by Lia Williams


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Job Analysis- My Experience
Job analysis has a significant influence on the quality of human resources- it is the
foundation of Human Resources Management. My experience in HRM has made me realize that
job analysis is an important tool for ensuring that the right candidates are selected. It determines
job requirements in terms of quantities, skills, and other human characteristics. As a quantitative
aspect of manpower planning, it goes beyond recruitment, selection, and placement, to include
training and development, job evaluation, performance appraisal, job design, safety and health,
promotion, employment guidance, and labor relations. Recruitment, selection, and, placement
involve evaluating and matching job requirements and the qualities of the person who will do the
job. Data obtained from this process can be used by organizations for workforce planning, career
and succession planning, compensation administration, and risk management. I have also learned
that interviews will remain the most resourceful job analysis method for many years to come.