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HRM Study Guide: Key Concepts & Processes

1.Define HRM. importance of Human Resource Management
2.Asset make things possible, and people make thing happen...explain
3.Difference between HRM and personnel mgt.
4.Impact of globalization on Human Resource Management.
5.Define organizational performance.
Explain external & internal environment of HRM.
6.Define HRP (Human Resource Planning), Human Resource Planning process
7.Why Human Resource Planning is considered a vital part of a corporate plan?
8.Discuss the various techniques available to forecast the Human Resource needs of an organization.
9."An organization becomes more global; Human Resource Planning becomes more important and
10.HRP is the continuous process of systematic planning to achieve optimum use of an organization's
human resources.
11.Why must Human Resource Planning be seen as a process flowing from the
organization strategic plan?
12.Describe the factors which affect the human resource demand.
13.Define job analysis, it's purposes & steps.
14.Define job specification. Differences between job description & job specifications.
15.Define job evaluation. "Determination of relative worth of a job is called job evaluation "explain the statement.
16.Explain the HRP process in details.
17.What is recruiting? & Process of recruitment of HR.
18.What are factors affecting recruitment.
19.Describe the common selection process with diagram
20.Where recruitment ends selection start...explain
21.Recruitment is negative, and selection is positive? Do you agree?
22.What is interview? as an HR manager of XYZ company what guidelines do u recommend to
interviewer to conduct a sound interview process?
23.When employees should not be recruited from within the organization.
24.Define orientation, transfer, promotion employee placement, lay-off, career planning, etc...
25. Do you think that transfer is a punishment?
26.Which type of promotion is best one? Ans: vertical promotion
27.What are the issues covered in an employee orientation?
28.When & Why employee orientation is important?
29.Analyze the promotion practices in Bangladesh
30.Employee of the organization can be separated by the employer solely...do u agree with the
statement or not? justify your answer.
31.Define training. Education vs training.
32.Why should training program evaluated?
33.How is organization grained from training?
34."Money spend on training is not an expenditure but an investment "-explain.
35.Describe the distortion factors of performance evaluation
36.Who can conduct performance appraisal in an organization.?
37.How do you overcome the pitfalls of performance evaluation?
38.Define performance Evaluation/appraisal?
Human Resource Management : Human Resource Management or HRM is the practice of managing
people to achieve better performance. It is about optimizing company performance through better
management of human resources.
Human Resource Management is that specified an organised branch of Management which is concerned
with the acquisition, maintenance, development, utilization and coordination of people at work in such a
manner that they will give their best to the Enterprise.
Dale Yoder,``HRM is the provision of leadership and direction of people in their working or employment
relationship. "
A.Decenzo & P.Robbins, ``Human Resource Management is concerned with the people dimension in
Robert Kreitner, ``human resource management involves the planning, acquisition and development of
human resources necessary for Organisational success. "
Finally we can say that Human Resource Management ( HRM) is the process of managing people in
Organisations in a structured and through manner.
Job analysis is a procedure through which you determine the duties and responsibilities, nature of the
jobs and finally to decide qualifications, skills and knowledge to be required for an employee to perform
particular job. Job analysis helps to understand what tasks are important and how they are carried on.
Job analysis refers to a systematic process of collecting all information about a specific job, including skill
requirements, roles, responsibilities and processes in order to create a valid job description. Job analysis
also gives an overview of the physical, emotional & related human qualities required to execute the job
Job analysis is an important step in ensuring that the right candidate is selected. Job analysis helps the
employer in recruitment and selection, performance management, choosing compensation and benefits,
etc. It helps the employees to have a clear picture of what is actually required of them.
Job Evaluation is a systematic process of determining the worth of one job in relation to another job in
the organization. During job evaluation, the relative worth of various jobs are assessed so that wages
can be paid depending upon the worth of the job.
In human resource management, “recruitment” is the process of finding and hiring the best and most
qualified candidate for a job opening, in a timely and cost-effective manner. It can also be defined as the
“process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs
in an organization”.
Human resource selection process:
Initial screening
Completed application
Employment test
Comprehensive interview
Background investigation
Conditional job offer
Medical test
Permanent job offer
An interview is a face-to-face conversation between the interviewer and the interviewee, where the
interviewer seeks replies from the interviewee for choosing a potential human resource.
An interview is a procedure designed to obtain information from a person through oral responses to oral
Guidelines for interviewer
Do your homework
Evaluate the criteria
Ask pointed and relevant questions
Sell your organization
Shift out poor candidate quickly
listen and watch carefully
Offer competitive salary and benefits
Keep the timing between interview and the offer
Treat your new hire with respect
Vertical promotion
This is the kind of promotion when an employee is promoted from a lower category to lower category
involving increase in salary, status, authority and responsibility. Generally, promotion means 'vertical
In Bangladesh generally who has satisfactory service record and consistent good performance scores in
the annual appraisal and worked in his or her present position for at least five years is eligible for