Uploaded by Felipe Dumadag

OFW Activity Report: Housekeeper Profile & Narrative

3 BSCE - B
Profile or life background of respondent:
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Age: 48
Number of children: 3
Educational status: High School Graduate
Work or occupation: Housekeeper
Number of years work abroad: 4 years
Current Country: Bharian
Interview location: Philippines
Nature of Interview: through social media
Time: 3:45 pm
Date: November 06, 2021
Narrative report:
It is the ideal that the family be complete – dad, mom and children. But
because of hard times, one or both parents come to the point where they need to find
work outside of the country where pay is higher, so that that can meet the growing
needs of the family.
Working overseas is not for the faint-hearted. Deciding to pursue it had surely
taken you an ounce of courage. Leaving away your comfort zone and living in a foreign
country just to provide your family a better future is such an act of bravery. Your
dreams and inspiration drive you to work hard and be dedicated especially when your
guts tell you that you’re surely getting what you’re aiming for.
The life of an OFW was never easy; we pack up their things and work to foreign
countries and sacrifice our time as a family. We go and find a job there, so that we can
earn enough money to support the daily needs and give a better future to our family
here in the Philippines. We adjust to almost everything like language, their way of living,
culture, customs, belief, foods and etc.
In top destinations, immigrants have slightly lower employment rates than native
workers, however this varies depending on skill level and origin location. While there
can be short-term negative effects if there is a large inflow of migrants to a small region,
if migrants are close substitutes for native workers, or if the destination economy is
experiencing a downturn, extensive academic evidence shows that immigration does
not harm native employment or wages. Our increasingly interconnected world is
characterized by migration. It has also sparked debate in a number of countries,
highlighting the necessity of comprehending global migration patterns and the
economic impact that occurs when people cross international borders. The working-age
population grows as a result of migration. Migrants bring skills with them and contribute
to the development of human capital in receiving countries. Migrants contribute to
technological advancement as well. If our societies are to debate the role of migration
effectively, we must first understand these effects.