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Contemporary World Study Guide: Global Cities & Migration

The Contemporary World
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1. Global city: At its core, this term rooted in economics.
2. Connectivity: For the most part, this means air and digital connections to the
rest of the world.
3. Internal migration: This is a type of migration which refers to a move from one
area (a province, district or municipality) to another within one country.
4. Temporary labor migrants: These are migrants who migrate for a limited
period of time in order to take up employment and send money home.
5. Religion: Which of the following is not considered a reason why people move
across international borders?
6. Size: For the most part, no city under a million people needs apply.
7. Connectivity: This means air and digital connections to the rest of the world.
8. Tourism: Because global cities are so big, they are magnets for tourists.
9. Culture: A strong economy pays for museums, universities and theaters that
make a city bigger.
10. K-12 Education: This means good schools for the children of global citizens.
11. Big: Global cities are small and vibrant therefore they are magnets for tourists.
12. True: Tourists themselves are a major export industry.
13. London: New York is the number one city in comprehensive ranking for the
sixth year in a row.
14. Upper: Lower-wage end of the socioeconomic scale means good schools for
15. Urban: A global city is a rural centre that enjoys significant competitive advantages.
16. Economic Attributes: First and foremost, global cities are the hubs of the
global economy. No city is a global city unless it is economic powerhouse
17. Human capital: This means having a storehouse smart, educated, creative
18. Foreign born residents: Tied to human capital is the sheer number of:
The Contemporary World
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19. Political engagement: This is the interaction between the city's political structure and the resr of the world
20. Globally attuned local leadership: City officials must understand their cities'
place in the global economy
21. Quality of life: This includes public transit, the environment, safe streets, good
health care, and efficient and honest local government.
22. Demography: Is the statistical study of human population
23. Health Planning: Due to high fertility rate, health problems are created both
for mother and child
24. Planning for food supply: Means availability
25. House planning: When the size of population is increasing, the demand for
housing is also increasing
26. Employment planning: Unemplyoment is a social and international problem.
27. Educational Planning: Today every nation is concerned with providing proper
education to children
28. Migration Planning: Most of the people are migrated to western countries. It
is necessary to estimate the trends of migration, the immigration, the emigrants
and the heavy birden on other countries.
29. Birth rate: Is the demographic measure of the rate at which children are born
30. Crude birth rate: Which is the number of births that occur each year per 1,000
people in the midyear population
31. Ageing population: As fertility declines and life expectancy rises, the proportion of thr population above a certain age rises as well
32. Population: All nationals present in, or temporarily absent from a country, and
aliens permanently settled in a country
33. Growth rate/s: Are the annual changes in population resulting from births,
deaths and net migration during the year
34. Population Prejection/s: Are common demographic tool
35. Elderly population: People ages 65 and over
36. Elderly dependency rate: The ratio between the elderly population and the
working age (15-64 years) population
The Contemporary World
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37. Total fertility rate: The total number of children that would be born to each
women is she were to live to the end of her child- bearing years and give birth to
children in alighnment with prevailing age specific
38. Migration: Is the permanent change of residence by an individual or group
39. International migration: Is a territorial relocation of people between nation
40. Push pull factor: Some of the reasons that trigger global migration can be
explained by what's known as the;
41. Pull factors: Are factors in the destination country that attraxt the individual or
group to leave their home
42. Push factor: Refers to conditions which force people to leave their homes
43. Highly skilled and business migrants: People with qualifications as managers, executives, prefessionals technicians or similar, who move within the internal labor markets of trans-national corporations and international organizations, or
who seek employment through international labor markets for sarce skills
44. Irregular migrants: People who enter a country, usually in search of employment, without the necessary documents and permits
45. Forced migration: In a broader sense, this includes not only refugees and
asylum seekers but also people forced to move due to external factors, such as
environmental catastrophes or development projects
46. Family members: People sharing family ties joining people who have already
entered an immigration country under ome of the above mentioned categories
47. Return migrants: People who return to their countries of prigin after a period
in another country
48. Recreational: Which of the following does not belong to the four pillars of urban
49. Transnational corporation: The rise of global cities has been linked with the
expansion of the role of TNCs in global production patterns. TNC stands for:
50. Magnetism: It is a global city's perceived power to attract creative people and
businesses from across the globe, and to "mobilize their assets" to boost economic,
social and environmental development:
51. China: The most populous country in the world today is:
52. Global cities: Encompass more than just their economic roots
53. GPCI: Global power city index
The Contemporary World
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54. Civic, Commercial, Educational, Cultural: Four pillars