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UN & International Relations Quiz

Quiz 5 - United Nations
_______ is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations.
A. Trusteeship Council
B. Security Council
D. International Court of Justice
The official language of the UN are the following except:
A. Arabic
B. Latin
C. Chinese
D. English
International Organization is an organization established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law and
possessing its own international legal personality.
A. True
B. False
its main objective is "the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.“
A transnational corporation is an enterprise that is involved with the international production of goods or services, foreign
investments, or income and asset management in more than one country
A. True
B. False
_______ is at the heart of the United Nations system to advance the three dimensions of sustainable development –
economic, social and environmental.
Economic and Social Council
Security Council
International Court of Justice
Trusteeship Council
International Organizations cannot take on lives of their own.
A. True
B. False
Internationalists like Jeremy Betham and Immanuel Kant belived in the possibility of a world government.
A. True
B. False
It promotes technical and investment cooperation among nations and advocates for change and connects countries to
knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life for themselves.
10. The UN was established after World War II, with the aim of preventing future wars, and succeeded the effective League of
A. True
B. False
11. Extraterritoriality is defined as being free from the jurisdiction of the location where you live so you can't be subject to legal
A. True
B. False
12. is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military
purpose, including nuclear weapons.
13. Members with veto power are the following except:
A. China
B. France
C. Russia
D. North Korea
14. Has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.
A. United Nations Environment Programme
B. Security Council
C. Trusteeship Council
D. International Atomic Energy Agency
15. The UN Security Council is composed of China, France, USSR, UK, and Malaysia.
A. True
B. False
16. It has the central position as the chief deliberative, policymaking, and representative organ of the United Nations.
A. Security Council
B. Trusteeship Council
C. International Court of Justice
D. General Assembly
17. Transnational corporations are organizations that are independent of government involvement.
A. True
B. False
18. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization, the largest one focused on hunger and food security, and the largest
provider of school meals.
19. The Declaration of the United Nations was on January 1, 1942.
A. True
B. False
20. The headquarters of the United Nations is located in New York City.
A. True
B. False
Quiz 6 - Intergovernmental Organizations
is a political and economic union of 10 member states in Southeast Asia
A. North America Free Trade Agreement
B. Arab League
C. European Union
D. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
The Philippines is part of the ASEAN and NATO.
A. True
B. False
It is also known as "The Commonwealth"
A. Commonwealth of America
B. Commonwealth of the Philippines
C. Commonwealth of the Independent States
D. Commonwealth of Nations
It was an international organization that was suspended in 2012.
A. European Union
B. Arab Union
C. American Union
D. Latin Union
is a free association of sovereign states that was formed in 1991 by Russia and 11 other republics that were formerly part of the
Soviet Union.
A. Organization of Ibero-American States
B. Commonwealth of Independent States
C. La Francophonie
D. Commonwealth of Nations
GUAM is made up four countries. Georgia, Uganda, Azerbaijan, and Moldova.
A. True
B. False
It is a regional organization of southern African countries that works to promote economic cooperation and integration among
the member states and to preserve their economic independence.
A. Shanghai Cooperation Organization
B. South Africa Developing Community
C. Southern African Development Community
D. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
It is a regional organization of Arab states in the Middle East and parts of Africa. They have an agreement on joint defense and
economic cooperation also committed the signatories to coordination of military defense measures.
A. Latin America and Caribbean Economic System
B. Arab League
C. Latin Union
D. League of Nations
The European Union has 27 members.
A. True
B. False
10. is a military alliance originally established in 1949 to create a counterweight to Soviet armies stationed in central and eastern
Europe after World War II. When the Cold War ended, it was reconceived as a “cooperative-security” organization.
A. Arab League
B. Shanghai Cooperation Organization
C. Southern African Development Community
D. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
11. Referred to as a think tank or a monitoring group. Its stated goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality,
opportunity and well-being for all.
A. Shanghai Cooperation Organization
B. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
C. European Economic Area
12. it is an international agreement which enables the extension of the European Union's single market to member states of the
European Free Trade Association. Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein, Turkey.
A. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
B. European Economic Area
D. Eurasia Economic Community
13. International organizations are institutions drawing membership from at least three states, having activities in several states,
and whose members are held together by a formal agreement.
A. True
B. False
14. Its objective is to co-ordinate and unify petroleum policies among Member Countries
A. Community of Portuguese Language Countries
B. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
C. Commonwealth of Nations
D. Non-Aligned Movement
15. ASEAN promotes cooperation and facilitates economic, political, security, military, education, and sociocultural integration
between its members.
A. True
B. False
16. The orgnaization of Ibero-American States is an international organization made only for nations in Europe and America.
A. True
B. False
17. The orgnaization of Ibero-American States is an international organization made only for nations in Europe and America.
A. True
B. False
18. The orgnaization of Ibero-American States is an international organization made only for nations in Europe and America.
A. True
B. False
19. EurAsEC stands for the European Economic Area.
A. True
B. False
20. Russia is both a member of the Council of Europe and African Union.
A. True
B. False
Quiz 7 - Peace Studies
Involves the application of a range of coercive measures, including the use of military force.
A. Peace enforcement
B. Peace keeping
C. Peace building
D. Peace making
The UN Secretary-General may exercise his or her “good offices” to facilitate the resolution of the conflict.
A. True
B. False
He brokered the peace between Israel and Palestine in 1994.
A. Bill Clinton
B. Joseph Nye
C. Yasser Arafat
D. Jimmy Carter
refers to the absence of all three types of violence: direct, structural, & cultural.
A. Just Peace
B. Peace
C. Negative Peace
D. Positive Peace
Negative Peace refers to the absence of direct, or "hot" violence, which refers to acts that impose immediate harm on a given
subject or group.
A. True
B. False
It aims to reduce the risk of lapsing or relapsing into conflict by strengthening national capacities at all levels for conflict
A. Conflict Resolution
B. Peacebuilding
C. Peacemaking
D. Peacekeeping
Conflict prevention involves diplomatic measures to keep intra-state or inter-state tensions and disputes from escalating into
violent conflict.
A. True
B. False
Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and presence of violence.
A. True
B. False
Peace enforcement requires the explicit authorization of the Security Council.
A. True
B. False
10. Positive peace is the presence of social justice and equality, and the presence of structural or indirect violence.
A. True
B. False
11. Peacebuilding only happens once conflict has ended and cannot be done when the conflict has already started.
A. True
B. False
12. The third dimension of post-conflict peacebuilding zone is:
A. Stabilization
B. Dealing with social and economic issues
C. Rehabilitation
D. Restoration
13. Peace enforcement does not involves the application of a range of coercive measures, including the use of military force.
A. True
B. False
14. There is no conflict in peace.
A. True
B. False
15. represents behaviors that serve to threaten life itself and/or to diminish one's capacity to meet basic human needs.
A. Cultural Violence
B. Human Violence
C. Direct Violence
D. Structural Violence
16. Peace is an ideology and not a concept.
A. True
B. False
17. The first dimension of post-conflict peacebuilding zone is:
A. Dealing with social and economic issues
B. Rehabilitation
C. Stabilization
D. Restoration
18. Refers to the ways that systems & institutions in society cause, reinforce, or perpetuate direct violence.
A. Structural Violence
B. Cultural Violence
C. Negative Peace
D. Human Violence
19. generally includes measures to address conflicts in progress and usually involves diplomatic action to bring hostile parties to a
negotiated agreement.
A. Peace making
B. Peace keeping
C. Peace building
D. Peace enforcement
20. He was assassinated in 1995, 1 year after he won the Nobel Peace Prize.
A. Ehud Barak
B. Yasser Arafat
C. Yitzhak Rabin
D. Bill Clinton
Quiz 8 - The North-South Divide
The Philippines is part of the Global South.
A. True
B. False
It is the largest state in terms of area.
A. China
B. Australia
C. Russia
D. Canada
The Global North is home to four of the five permanent members of the United Nations.
A. True
B. False
It is the World's happiest country in 2022.
A. Hungary
B. Australia
C. Finland
D. Philippines
The largest state in terms of population.
A. United States of America
B. Russia
C. China
D. Greenland
The Cold War was a period of ideological and geopolitical tension between the US and the USSR, and their respective allies,
after WorldWar II.
A. True
B. False
This country has the strongest military power according to budget spent.
A. United States of America
B. Russia
C. Japan
D. China
It is the visual depiction of the North-South divide.
A. The Broken Line
B. Equator
C. International Date Line
D. The Brandt Line
New Zealand is part of the Global South.
A. True
B. False
10. "Third World" was coined by Alfred Sauvy in his 1952 article.
A. True
B. False
11. It is one of the largest state in the continent of South America.
A. Argentina
B. Kazahkstan
C. Mongolia
D. Uzbekistan
12. It is considered as the smallest state in the world.
A. Vatican City
B. Maldives
C. Nauro
D. Tuvalu
13. The most corrupt country in 2022.
A. South Sudan
B. Venezuela
C. Syria
D. Burundi
14. This state became independent in 1968 and was formerly known as Pleasant Island.
A. Marshall Islands
B. Monaco
C. Nauro
D. Maldives
15. The Third World is a reference to Western countries with less political risk.
A. True
B. False
16. They unilaterally declared independence from Serbia on February 17, 2008.
A. Aermenia
B. Azerbaijan
C. Kosovo
D. South Sudan
17. The world was divided into the Global North and Global South after the Cold war.
A. True
B. False
18. The first world was composed of socialist states.
A. True
B. False
19. Structural Adjustment was when IMF extended further loans to less developed countries in the North.
A. True
B. False
20. The North-South divide was done because of military conflict.
A. True
B. False
Quiz 9 - Global Migration
These migrants are unable or are unwilling to return to their country of origin due to fear of persecution.
A. Refugees
B. Workers
C. Immigrants
D. Migrants
Around half the number of migrants moved from developing countries to developed world.
A. True
B. False
The IMF predicted that the influx to Europe of refugees from Iraq and Syria will ruin Europe's economy.
A. True
B. False
The loss of professionals such as doctors has been detrimental to the migrants' home countries.
A. True
B. False
It is defined as fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign.
A. Religious Persecution
B. Fear of the Unknown
C. Xenophobia
D. Racism
There is a big chance migrants would outnumber the native populations of many countries they migrate to.
A. True
B. False
Studies show Africa is losing its professionals to the First World in great numbers.
A. True
B. False
Nationalist politicians are usually pro-immigration and have called for open borders to allow more immigrants in.
A. True
B. False
The Asian Development Bank has expressed concern that remittances from migrant workers don't have significant influence on
key items of consumption or investment such as education and health care.
A. True
B. False
10. Majority of people who migrate do so in search of this.
A. Colder Climate
B. A better living condition
C. a stricter and more regimented life
D. Warmer Climate
11. Migrants are proven to siphon-off much of the resources of the countries they go to.
A. True
B. False
12. These places are the top regions of destination for migrants.
A. the third world
B. Africa
C. The developed world
D. communist countries
13. It is a type of migration where people are moving from one area to another within one country.
A. Internal Migration
B. International Migration
C. Global Migration
D. Regional Migration
14. This problem of countries of destinations' failing to assimilate immigrants into society is referred to as this.
A. Xenophobia
B. Language Barrier
C. Racism
D. Failure to integrate migrants
15. The percentage of Filipino professionals leaving the country is greater than the percentage of those who stay behind compared
to the total population.
A. True
B. False
16. Data show government spending in OECD countries is still higher on native-born citizens than immigrants.
A. True
B. False
17. It is referred to as migration that siphons off qualified personnel, removing dynamic young workers from their home countries
to wealthier countries.
A. Brain Drain
B. Craniotomy
C. Brain Lesion
D. Brain Siphon
18. Studies show migrants do not contribute to the economies of their host countries.
A. True
B. False
19. The FBI lists this as the 3rd largest criminal activity worldwide.
A. Drug Trafficking
B. Kidnap for Ransom
C. Bank Robbery
D. Human Trafficking
20. A great majority of migrants live in the rural areas of their adoptive countries.
A. True
B. False