Here are some facts of Martin Luther Kinq's life. Write a paraqraph usinq the past and link words: 2") Use the expreSsions : from...toD( years laterltherlfurthermore -eï' & -&lp' o : moreover : then/whichlxiho *:F{-*+**r, M **l*r*îàe -^--* l- Jonuory 1929 Birth of rtlqrtin Luther King/ qttends segregated public schools in Georgia, groduoting to high school at the oge of fifteen. 19531955 Studies ot Boston University ond receives the degree in 1955 ond gets morried qnd hos two sons ond two doughters 15, 1954 Becomes o ptstor ond is o strong worker for civil rights for members of his roce. Decembe r Ztst 7956 Accepts the leadership of the bus boycott which losts 382 doys/Sup?eme court of the US declores unconstitutionol the lows reguiring segregotion on buses, Negroes and whites ride the buses os eguals./is orrested, home is bombed, is subjected to personol obuse/is occused by the CTA of hoving communist friends/but emerges os o Negro leader of the first ronk. 1957 1968 Works for the civil rights movement/travel and oppeor wherever there is injustice, protest ond oction 1964 JF Kennedy is president the Civil Rights Act is passed by congress/is owarded the Nobel PeocePrize. 1965 A voting right is possed which in theory mokes restrict the right of onyone to vote it illegol for onyone fo April 4th fs qssossinoted in his motel room in Memphis Tennessee. 1968