Dote: Spring, Prepored 1975 by: J. Kirvoitis E. Rodriguez E. Vosiliouskos MORAINE VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE OUTLINE Course Speci ficotions CHM I3I Course Prefix ond Number Descriptive Title Credit 4 Chemistry (University Contoct - Oriented) I (Sem,/leldis 6 (Clinicol 3 Lob3 Other ) ) sPecifY 11. Description of Course (Norrotive - exponsion of cotolog descriptior) Prerequisite: one yeor of.high school chemistry. Principles ond theories of inorgonic chemistry. Moleculor, otomic, nucleor ond electronic theories of motter reloted to periodic toble; oxidotion - reduction orrd ion exchonge; theories of solufion. lll. Generol Ob ectives f not specificolly identi fioble--outline the generol thrust) It is expected thot students willdevelop the following obilities: A. To predict the chemicol properties of elernents of the irincipol groups of the Periodic Toble from fhe electronic properties of their otoms. B. To solve problems deoling with stoichiometric relotionships ir chemicql reoctions including boloncing of both ionic ond moleculor or:idotion -reductions types . C. To exploin the properties of the three sfotes of motter ond th,: chonges from one stote to onother in terms of the moleculor theory. D. To predict the behovior of solutions from the noture ond concentrotion of their componenB. E. To exploin the principles of fhermochemistry ond their opplicotion to energy conversion processes. F. G. To solve problems deoling with equilibrium of goses. To show skill in loborotory technigues os demonstroted by obtoining occurote results in quontitoiive inorgonic experiments. -2- lV. hincipol instruc tionql oreos to be covered in the course. A. Bosic concepts. Units of meosurement. The metric system. B. Atoms, molecules ond Moleculor weights. c. o/o comPosition. The mole. Boloncing chemicol Formulos ond equotions. o/o yteld. equotions by inipection. Stoichiometry. Theoreticol yield ond D. Electronic structure of otoms. Quontum theory. Electron configurotions. Chorge clouds" lonizotion Potentiols. The periodic toble. Chemicol bonding. lonic ond covolent bonding. Lewis Structure. Hybrid orbitols. Moleculor orbitols. Properties of moleculor substonces. E ions. Chemicol nomencloture. Atonic weights. F" Oxidotion ond reduction. Volence ond oxidotion number. Redox boloncing (ionic ond moleculor equotions). Equivolent weights- G. Thermcchemistry. Colorimetry. H. Properties t. Liquids ond J. Solutions. Solubility. Colligotive properties. lvlolority ond normolity. Acids ond boses. Titrotic,n. Dilution. K. Chemicol equilibrium in 5loseous systems. LeChotelier's Principle. Low of moss oction . ofgoses. Gos lows. The Kinetic Theory. solids. Chonges o.f stote. Phose equilibrio. Eqch instructor is expected to prepore on individuol course syllobus which is on exponsion of the course outline. The syllobus moy reflect one's individuol opprooch to the presentotion of the course. kob 1t/15/74