08 Novembey 2022 Spm Evonmervtadlution I i u detined ar as an undegrahle altezation in the phycical and brologicald chayac teyich'e of Jand water and aur hrough nairal OY anthro pogenae mean. ondempovayy Tsrues of Water oMdien Greot Pauiic Gravbage Patch Tn he midolle and and novhem parv of uti oxean Sus pended warte i preset u whch presen 2200 Kms in Jength ,Poo Kms n m wudh anod 10 ms n deep, wwch i yete to ac the gread h e bagest exam of pautie 2arbage padeh and s the and ple the as wovld. wo big wetpautit wade L* has been tormed contamunadian M due to Gyres of Ciyres ha eesdd and east pace wayld are are he he Gyres. a e prese nn side ide he patie OceaM when wo OCRanuc CUwents ux O2anuc Curewts oft Oceamc water ,burmng takes plate wh'ch place whch eteY o as iyres. The wase wich Pyoduct which have been product Cumentfs and due to nyre carrued by he oceoAnue curents fermodian thi ash has been baen Tesulded. T eet conct of 4xshing lines, fet plaskie bottles cans, among omers. In the yar 2009 an Cn exe exe dazion ditio o Scientit called Tara Oceans was LyONSjn #a ksonce. Wih tuin foldpasted rom objetives 1ToSBudy he nature ot h patch 2)) To prepare and and elaborode database 0+ Drepare mayine Orgamsm. organsm. 2 oplagki- Tt is not onl the biggest example 0f wader Contanunoddon in he wovdd but &also he biggest example of plastie pollution h e wold as 2.69,000 million tonns o phstie wase a is Preset in his potch whch can be dieded into 3r 1) Mac Plaghiet: Which has a diamde of moe han 200 mm Meso Plastae Whth har a dia metey between 3yrer 445 o 200 mn. i) Maco Plaskic > ukch has a diamder of Jess thau 4.15 mm. Present Jn abundonee macro but detri'mental n is pofch i muco as mic0 hro accumulatue in mature, Macro 0 plustie bids. Plaskie i also called micro bid A Ape ape o micro plaghic coalled lastte nurdles areat concem today as he 2hd 2hd mot abundant c r o polutant presew m he ocean atey yre dust. In the year 2021 a big marine dusastey ook place in the ST Lanka the e r wYeckage 07 Xpress Pead". As he shi was caryj ot bagg placte nuroles Spread in the coacke/ area. Dis phing the ecosygtem. Plugtie nurdle dehumenda on actou of 3-congideration. ) Ti Letil sized is misken ba maine organism as their Ao d stuA 2 T tond of as such polysrenpoly pmpyene, palyeBh ylehe Ctnd 3 palyuind pobyinyle chlovide Aurdles are sponje m noture as Such are nspon tible or athracting cherucals. Tn Oeans plastac i TeYrine de posidor of s - manag ed adso prese. The bigest Conhi buhr 4 Yangte of China as ever car ee'responMle tov clum 3,20,000 onns i s managed plasti cum ping p n he Oceom Onga 0nked ge Se Cond as eveyy e a r i responble ov dlu mpina of 1,20, 000 Ms ear managed pta plu tre in the Oceans. But he plaptse Coet pewts of ndu' a s ery louw 3.4 ka /yar whth ay bdsto the global aeraje ot +RlyeAY Ru Cnanga becomes he second bagest AveYAne Contri budor of ms- managed plagk'c in the ocenn half of blim peo ple e as seside in he caehmet Orea Of hanga The ehed chenicals presewt in placBic pro oduc incude Phthalades, Bisphenal A (PA) Boounaed five retireolanh BFR, Ving chlo1u'de Phthacctes - Styrotoon responsible f genetie disovdev also are chulden and Seyt of malesS. 3PA ancd BFR bah ore esponiWe tor m balante amona havmonal Vnyle chloride regarded os damaging tor Cewtra At* nervous sytem. Syrotom a n etended tovm of polystyrehe whch isepyted to be CaYsino genic n nature Plashr'e i he biggest ant conydithient ot Ewashe and also - - CommeTCe waste L* is also on mporykaw impoytat c ongituevd ot blo meccod waste. , . Plastre Tncinerou on espon mvanaunmea 04 eible tov em'ssion emssion and Fvans. LoHh Toxie Cnarer Jike Di oxins whch have been b to ba epovted hoture. The Sourte of wasencineratin but Ond pesBiide making Dioxuins i Paper paper and also The he Sourte of urans Cavcinojemc nar only pulp bleaching ondy plucte ncinerativn. 1tis r e pre sexded by a tovmula C4H,O a Dioxins roup of 00 odd ses.The most dehimexdel ot which is 2,3,7,8 terackloro dibanzo P-dioin Plasbie woyhe waste b is also a a ao o payt of not on theE-Conmerte -wagte andd biomedical Plashrte product Uered on he beaches melt under he intluence of Solar raduation and Combined with hotuya Compounds to torm notuyal Snes ou of pluete world, Plashigomerake whith iy espon ible dearadlotion ot he toasal arear. Plogtae bu adso aho2ed conAdered as r not ony uardi an man's Tespon ble the rack- patkers and also prouiding Auvelihood to educes the coct o teg vendoyys Thiliatives iThe principle of Sshould be used. Os i tov Poor Reduce, Retuse, Reuse, Recyde and Reovent i) The Cotributioy made by pla ptt'e nman of Tnoka D. Rajgopalan He was Vauu dev needs to be appaituaded. Padma Shree for malns plashi' Confeved roads.He mode tone out of plasdie waste caled Plactones and pkr comhine ploott'c waske t h Tar An ce hydro cavbon devavative they ead both are binecdwih ench other. he weay and c ii) Plastue waste ear hese roads can esala wihsknd which normaoads can nat manaaemed amenol mekt ude 202 was passedaot yeay in actord an te wh which he Singe use platie has beeh Com plete banno hafect hom om s july 2022 Ond ot platae plaue ba bag woud be enhan ce o 20 icons om de cenmber 31 t om S0 uCrons 2022S0 hat con be reused Axsenic ekness Polldon in he orhern Plan MA Assene Rver Hypohel'k 2one Fossil War Arseme , Sedamet (Arsen'e) The u he Irnat madn sour¢e ot Huimalayas ayseh'c in hy area where Qzscnuk u present ah he rockr ond the geolngical processes esponibe fox tormation O Haimoalayas was odso tor presence of arenic i he ocks o+Hunolayasresponnble when perJma *avers oT/9incded they uwen responshle peyimalaers for evoon of these OCks and oYSennc was washed awa S ot suvey andut seeimet by hypoheic 2ones ole posted n he undey ground wakey hut peynucble hiut of orinkh pot green evoultuon encesie wmoraw of under Yound wader. #or irrgataon purpose . h e Contentrodun ot O Sene enhanced and t became o polluat. The aderse am pact Ot Arsenic polluin ancdes diseases Jke Melanoss KexaBosis, Rlack Fo Diseases. For hiu purpose wacrey harveeting ghauld be Conducted on a larae scale So hat was wihn he , Ce penclency on underaround waey waer would be reduced. The potdesw ot irigatiin should be changed. Drap and Spsan kle irrigatim shauud be urecd to prevewt the wagtnge of watey. The cvop patem adso need be changed. Uvonum contarinatu'on an Telanganq Pun jab, RojapBhan and Panjab, Feridkat, Rhatinda and HoshyaspuY aHe cted where genete diso yder mong chldren oand idney doamage can be seey. TRja cthan 7 duritts ave ate cted by uroa nMun Contamnadu'on. distric one the are Ahouoh we Poswe ance to in Punjab incbudes the ty can naft 2ero iton on Uramum Cowtauinata oy om heymal plands, ecesme use ash,generoted of Ter there areas hedy ShvaliPs. were sers, Jocadio ockr hava rauum Coches and a bank rePot ep02t wod acceoing to whch clustey bomb used by VS Afahan pBan Concistedd esponsi bla tos Of de pleted uranmum was of by VSn Os One hird ouistied of kaiaskh Rajas!han hae houe Poreo uronuum Condamanaegn as nd he ra eason ecestve wihdra w! of underzmo und water ndu ceol ofue o pumpng udotm of uyamum. nIn whichye sults in enrdchne qddition he ond hd nucleav explotm o uaeeh Cons 1944 ancd 1999 wre uhd eground nuclear exploMons rarum cotanioduon AM due to qranide voeks. Stom dangana Wader Drasns These drauns ave used or emovanj oau'n water hese were initialy Yveys ov hibutayieg 0t mojov Miers reredly hey are dischee ydeYs 0 ndua used to duschage Ot Sewage, The Covkamanads'un Ot, majoy has occu due to hrs gtorm uaader chrains. Accordina o MOEFCC audelines hese dren shoud not not be an Coveved o n both de vegetodion should be egtablshe. The Coktaunodiun Ot ruev Gonga took place due to three moun rea sons. the leamer, lndughrieg df Konpur Surmina of dead booues near Varcinos Vahas open detecaian ahd hese tinor's udey CnQmga aciun in Jaunched tor plan 25 Cites, toncrere 986 meant majors toy torm wder dan wer nat aken near Bt unoder Cian3a Actan PlanCnAP) whch uas meavt oy 59 hch ckies ad stavted ndnheyear heear 2001 Beps uken or Storm weer draun included esablish mext of monlfovna Ceterss, enhanctna awaeness aurn099 people anol established 0 O+ Seusage treatmet plawts. Tn the aeY 204 th on allocatuin of more n 2O,000 crore upeer Noma Projec war louched the purpose was to Gangge move Conta mn ands tom Stosm, water orcun by he pro cesr 6f Ko- emediataon no cugo eckablshme nt ot Cnanga eco-Ack torre aetorm was dohe In he s Sane yeAr n 2014 with an allocati O+ ,000 CY. an intiatie was Jaken to ecalich uwotey waj on AvY ganaa hom Varanas fo Haldia thu would ba dpne by ds2ung f i r s 4Sm HoTA2onteully Ond 3-5 metre eep o22ng prove haynAdfor toprotect the Gaangetic Dol phsins, can n he step On On thu woder way a geeh of 00 kms each hydro electric proe s would oso be eskAlsh. The major sivers o+ nolu'a are contannated by heavh metals and here are hree heavy heay metals are res pon ble vers of India for Contamuination of Iron, Chrouum, and ead. ma iay