BroGRApHy wRrrINGS, AND LEGACIES oF ouR BAYANI [t ^tv?t/ I {,/, t"ia fr! i l-31- , *A ..*,1,,(r* ilni ,,**',, , l'c. '*'nl'!^,'f, nnl'"-' (J IAt I .e Chcrpt x er THT, PUILIPPINES A CENTURY HENCE (..FILIPINAS DENTRO DE CTT,N AI\OS") lose Rizol's "Filipinos Dentro De Cien Afios" (trqnsloted os "The Philippines within One Hundred eor s" or "The Philippines A Century Hence") wos seriolized on September 30, October 31, December 15, 1889. crnd Februory 15, 1890 in the fortnightly review Lq Solidaridad of Modrid. In the qrticles, Rizol estimqted the future of the Philippines in the spon of q hundred yeors crnd foretold the cotostrophic end of Spclnish rule in Asiq. Forecosting the futune of the Philippines within q hundred yeqrs, the essoy reflected Rizol's feeling thot it wos time to remind Spoin thot the conditions thot ushered in the French Revolution could huve q telling effect for her on the Philippine islonds. Collectively, the orticles in mony senses, supplemented Rizql's greot novel Noli Me Tangere ond i essqy olso tolked obout the gloriout egt 6i- the Philippines, recountea tfr6Teterior6i6n of the economy, ond exposed the couses of the notives' sufferings under the cruel Sponish rule. In the essqy, he cqutioned Spoin os regords the imminent downfoll of its dominqtion. Pqrt of the purpose in'writing the essoy wqs to qwoken the minds ond the hecrrts of the Filipinos concerning the oppression of the Sponiords ond encouroging them to fight for their right. e newspaper serialized Rizal's"Filipinas Dentro De Cien Anos" (wikiped !32 n THE LrFE AND woRKS oF JOSE RIZAL Ccruses of Sufferi s crnd Deteriorcrtion Rizol's qnnototion of Antonio Morgo's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (olso penned in 1889 to 1890), ournqtionol hero through greot efforts proved qnd discussed the glorious post of the Philippines. In "The Philippines o Century Hence." he onolyzed the detenionotion of its economy ond identified the couses of locqls'sufferings under the cruel Sponish nule. The essoy. thus, gove the following qs the vonious couses of the sorrows suffered by the Philippine nqtives (<rs enumenqted in "The Phitippines a Century Hence: Summary and Analysie" n.d.): (1.) Spoin's implementqtion of its militory policies Becouse of such decrees, the Philippine populotion decreqsed intensely. Poverty becqme more widespreod thqn ever os formlqnds were left to withen The people continued to suffer from hunger qnd diseqse. The fomily qs q unit of society wqs deserted, ond genenolly, qll fqcets of the life of the notives beccrme retarded. (2.) Deteniorqtion ond disoppeqrqnce of Filipino indigenous culture The locqls begon forgetting who they were, whqt their vqlued beliefs, neligion, songs. poetry, ond the other forms of their cultunol heritoge were. \Mhen Spoin come with the swond qnd the cross, it stqrted this slow but continuing domoge of the nqtive Philippine culture. Impoverished qnd netorded, the people begon losing thein sense of self-worth qnd their confidence in their post qnd their heritoge. Spirit-broken, they become confused qnd hesitqnt in thein current lifestyle, disgusted with themselves, qnd ultimqtely lost hope in the future qnd the preservotion of their rqce. (3.) Possivity ond submissiveness to the Sponish colonizers The essoy qttributed the possivity ond submissiveness of our people to the mqnner of govennonce by the colonists. The Sponish friors were one of the most powerful fonces thqt influenced q cultune of silence ond lethorgy among the locols. Through their use of force qnd intimidqtion (unfoirly using God's nqme), the nqtives leonned to fqnqticcrlly submit themselves to the whims ond coprices of the strqngens. BIOORAPHY WRITINGS, AND LEGACIES OF OUR BAYANI C€ ].33 The Inevitcrble One of the mqin topics tockled by Rizol in the essoy wos whether Spoin could indeed prevent the looming progress of the Philippines. Despite the corruption qnd deteriorqtion brought obout by the colonizers to Philippines, he wos hopeful thqt the country's eventuql improvement could not be hindered. For this, he mqde the following points: (1-.) i;nl .1l'lH;\5 Keeping the people uneducoted <rnd ignoront foiled. Nqtionol consciousness hqd still qwqkened, ond greot Filipino minds still emerged from the nubble. 1 1l r:: I +1,i i :,:s.ii ,.d: (2.) Keeping the people impoverished olso come to no qvqil. On the contrqry, living q life of eterncrl destitution ollowed the Filipinos to qct on the Dentro De desire for o chqnge in their woy of life. They Anos"as published as a booklet begon to explore some other honizons through ( towqrd progress. which they could move (3.) Exterminoting the people os qn olternqtive to hindering progress did not work either. The Filipino rqce wqs qble to survive omidst wors qnd fomine, qnd become even more numerous qfter such cotostrophes. To wipe out the notion oltogether would require the socrifice of thousonds of Sponish soldiers, qnd this wqs something Spoin would not qllow ("The Philippines o Century Hence: Summory ond Anolysis," n.d.) Rizol, thus, concluded thot Spoin hod no meqns to stop the progress of the Philippines. Whqt the colonist hod to do wqs to chonge its coloniql policies so thot they would be suitoble for the needs of the Philippine society ond to the increosing nqtionqlism of its people. Rizol's "P hecies" Rizol expressed in the essoy his confident prediction thot something would qwoken the heorts ond open the minds of the Filipino people os regords their plight. He "prophesied" the Philippine people's revolution ogoinst Spoin, winning their independence, but lqter the Americons would come cs the new colonizer. Eventuolly, the notives did recognize thqt the horossment ond cruelty in their society by foreign colonizers must no longer be tolerqted. The notives, thus, though , ,:" :, . 134 ,r , , locking orms : , ', , THE LrFE AND woRKs oF JOSE RIZAL troining. voliontly woged wor ogoinst the colonizers. . Even the not-so-predictqble element of Rizql's "prophecy" true-the Americqns in ,1898 wrestled with Spoin to win the Philippines, qnd in due course took over the country. Relotively, theirs wcrs o neign of liberty ond democrocy. . Some qfter Rizcrls decrth, the Phltippines crttqined its lonEqwqr\ed , liberotion ond independence. Agoin, this oppeored to be the fulfillment of whot he hod written in the essoy: "History does not recond in its qnnols ony losting dominotion by one people over onother, of different roces, of diverse usoges ond customs. of opposite ond divergent ideos. One of the two hod to yield ond succumb." crnd enough I Feodor or's Influence Rizol's refenence to Americo os o proboble fqctor in the Phillppines' future is sqid to be bqsed upon the forecost of the Germqn trqveler Feodor logor. In 1860, logor spent some months oh the Islonds ond lqter published his observqtions, supplemented by ten yeors of further study in Europeon museums qnd librories, os Travels in the Philippines. Rizql hqd reqd the Sponish version of logor's book while q student qt the Ateneo de Mqnilo from o copy supplied by his brother Pociono. logor's prophecy is sqid to funnish the explonqtion to Rizql's public life. His policy of preporing his countrymen for commerciql ethnologist who influenced Rizal in his predictions of Philippine's ond industricrl competition seemed to hove hqd its future' (wikipedia'org) inspirdtion in this reoding done when he wqs <r youth. while in Berlin, Rizol met Professor logor, ond so the renowned geogropher qnd his youthful but bright qdminer become fost friends, often discoursing on how the development of events \Mcrs bringing true the fontune for the Philippines. Proper knowledge of Philippine's history qnd keen ocquointonce with its then situotion hod enobled lcrgor qnd Rizql, both trqined observers, to somewhqt foretell the country's future. The Esscr s Relevqnce Todcl v One woy to properly interpret mqny of Rizol's writings is to consider the hint he provided in his Noli Me Tangere:"1 do not wnite for this generotion. I qm writing for other crges. If this could reod me, they would burn my books, the work of my .:.' BrocRApHy. wRrriNcs AND LEGACTES oF ouR BAv.{NI cs l-35 ,'', : whole life. On the other hond, the genenotion which interprets these writings will , ,, be crn educqted genercrtion; they wiil understcrnd me crnd soy: Not qll were osleep,. in the night-time of our grcndpcrrents (by the Philosopher Tqsio)." Indeed, his essoys like "The Philippines cr Century Hence" qre qs relevqnt todoy : tkrey were when they were written over o century ogo. As if tolking to us through the essoy, Rizol oppeored to be counseling us to focus on strengthening the most importont bcrckbone of our country: our volues, outlooks, ond clll the views that hove shclped our sense of nctionol identity. crs The esscry, moreover, serves to remind us thcrt we, Filipinos, ore historicolly resolute qnd determined. In foct, crii those efforts }:y the colonizers to keep us uneducoted ond impoverished hcld feliled. Notionolism eventuolly thrived qnd the country becqme independent ofter fou:'centuries of tyrcrnniccrl Spclnish rule qnd five deccldes under the Americqns. Chcrllen estot EF ilipinos However, there <rre questions on .arhether we Gre reolly independent todoy. Are we recllly free when our economy is dominontly controlied by on eiite oligclrchy. ond there ore huge sociol crnd income disporities between o smcrll fcrvored economic clnd politiccrl eiite clnd the rest of the Filipino populotion? In fqct, Rizol himself olso foreworned obcut this when he wrote in the EI Filibusterismo, "Why independence if the sisves todoy become the tyronts of tomorrow?" Moreover, there ore some flqws in our cheirncter thcrt con get into the wcry of nttoining whot Rizol envisioned okrout our country- These include crttitudes, iike the lock of oppreciotion of the significonce of qdhering to the ruie of low crnd upholding high stondords of excelience. Advoccrtiag mediocirity, os signnosted by puwede na o.nd bahala ns ottitudes, is very unbecoming of whnt Rizol visuolized in his essoy. The choilenges posed hy the essoy to the present Filipino fcrmilies, crnd especiolly to the government, include instilling notionoi discipline crnd true love of country; exercising fuli control of our ncrtionui sovereignty; ossisting citizens connect with their communities; employing ovoiloble communiccrtion meqns (the Intennet qnd mobile technologies) to connect groups, to inform crnd educote, to enoble Filipinos to discover the common ties we shore; r'neeting chollenges of founding q more peclceful ond stoble sociql order; forming o comm{)n bond with our brothers ond sisters in mcrrgincllized communities; ond developing innovotions thcrt would impnove dioiogue ond ctrose gcrps between our feilow citizens the world outside; ond preventing choos qnd the spreod of mqlicious ond destructive propcrgondos. Ultimotely, Rizol's "The Philippines ,: Century Hence" iegocy is its timeless ncrtionnl messoge thot estoblishing s fnirer., better society requires reminding the Filipino people thqt our hope for survivol relies on eoch of us toking responsibility. ' L36 ,f) TFrr, LjFE AND WORKS or: }OSE RIZAL Other Reloted Writings lose Rizotr composed severcrl other brilliont writings, which olso helped to owqken the Filipino potrictism ond pcrved the way for Phiiippine Revolution. The following one his two other tjmeless writings: "Sobre ( X,a Indolencia De Los Filipinos" Th-S- l,n*d-pf e {r ce -9-f th e_ Flt ip in o s ) This logicol essoy is cr proof of the notionol hero's historiccrl scholorship. The essoy rotionolly countered the occusotiens hy Spclniords thot Philippine nqtives were indolent (luzy) during the Sponish reign. It wos published in La Solidaridad in five consecutive issues on luly (15 qnd 31), August (l- crnd 31)ond September 1, 1890. In the crrticles, Riznl argued thot Filipinos were innotely hordwonking prior to the rule of the Sponicrds" Whot brought the decreqse in the productive octivities of the nqtives rvcs Gctuuily the Spanish colonizqtion. Rizql exploined the olleged Filipino indolence by pointing to these foctors: the previous links of the Philippines with the other countries in Asio ond the Middle Eqst, thereby erodicoting smcrll locul businesses crnd hondicrqft industries; (1.) The Gcrlleon Tr:qCe destroyed t2.) The Spcnish forced lcrbor compelled the Filipinos to work in shipyords. roods. and some other pubiic works, thus qbondoning their cgriculturol farms qnd industries; (3.) Mony Filipinos beccrme londless ond wqnderers becquse Spoin did not defend thern ogoinst pirotes clnd foreign invoders; (4.) The system of educcrtion offered by the colonizers wos imprqcticol cs it wcls moiniy obout repetitive prqyers ond hod nothing to do with crgricuituroi snd industricll technology; were cr bqd. excrmple os negligent officiols would come in lote ond leuve their offices eorly ond Sponish women were alwoys (5.) The Sponicrrds foliowed by servonts; (6.) Gcmbling, like cockfights, wos est<lblished, promoted, Spanish government officiqls qnd especioily drrring feast duys; procticed by ond explicitly friors themselves, of religion discouroged the nqtives from working hord by teclching thern thst it wos eqsier for o poor mqn to enter heqven; (7.) The crooked sy$tern und BIOGRAPHY WRITINGS, AND LECACIES OF OUR BAYANI very hig h tqxes were discouroging would only go to the officiols qnd friors (8.) The os o big G( 137 port of nqtives'earn of Moreover, Rizol exPloined thot Filipinos were iust wise in their level in tropicol under o tropicol climcrte. He exploined, "violent work is not cr good thing Rizoi, thus, countries crs it is would be porollel to deoth, destruction, onnihilotion." of the Sponish concluded thot notives' supposed indolence wcts Ctn end-product colonizotion. "Letter To The Women of Malolos" this fomous letter directly <rddressing to the (r H' Del women of Mololos, Bulocon wos written by Rizol ss response to Morcelo originolly written in Togcrlog, Pil<rr's request. greotly impressed by the bravery of the 20 young women of Mqlolos the who plonned to estqblish q school where they could leqrn Sponish despite letter expressed opposition of Felipe Gqrcio. Sponish porish priest of Mololos. The given to men in terms Rizcll,s yecrning thot women be gronted the sqme chcrnces of the of educcrtion. In the olden dcrys, young women were not educqted becouse would be to principle thot they would soon be wives clnd their primory coreer right to toke ccrre of the home ond children. Rizql, however, odvocoted women's Rizol wqs educotion. the young Below qre some of the points mentioned by Rizol in his letter to u/omen of Mololos: (1.) The priests in the country thqt time did not embody the true spirit of ChristionitY; (2.) Privote judgment should be used; be on epitome of crn ideol woman who tesches her children to love God, country, crnd fellowmeu (4.) Mothers should reqr children in the service of the stote ond set standnrds (3.) Mothens should of behovior fon men oround them; (5.) Filipino women must be noble, decent, ond dignified, ond they should be submissive, tender, ond loving to their respective husbqnd; ond, women must edify themselves, Iive the reql christiqn woy with of q good morols ond monners, (}nd shouid be intelligent in their choice lifetime Portner. qre ovqilqble in the Discussions on Rizol's crll-known essqys ond orticles Appendices of this book (ApPendix I:"lose Rizol's Essoys")' (6") Young , + 138 n THE L]FE AND WORKS oF IOSE RrZAL Suggested Clcrss Activities 1. 2. 3. Group Discussion on Rizql's essoy ond the orguments he presented. Recitotion: cr. Assess Rizol,s essoy qnd his other b. c. Approise the volue of understonding the post. Identify ond frcrme his vorious orguments bosed on evidence. Assessment o. Essoy writing:write o response to lose Rizol q century qfter Rizol,s time. b. \Mrite ond give o speech thqt wirl senve os q response to Rizar. E-Leclrni Assi nment Taking Exci E- 1. writings. Fun with your situoting yourself Game: online to Through its seorch engine (upper right section). iook for the entry "lose Rizol's Colloborcrtion with Cthen Heroes:A Go Fun Quiz Gqme." /.. 5. Toke the exciting electronic fun quiz gome. shore the poge on your Twitter/ Focebook crccount (using hosh-togs #FiripinoHeroes #NATReviewer #UPCATR ev iewe r f lensenismo). Print screen your score. print the file, ond submit it to your tecrcher. Hove fun! Evcllucltion I. Identificotion Identify the term/s bei ng referred _1. v \_r. -:--r-'1.-*- to. This orgumentqtive essqy sensibly countered sponiords'qccusotions thot rocors were indorent during the Sponish reign. 1'his wqs sericrlized on September 30, October 3j., December 15, 1"889, ond Februory 15, 1g90 in the fortnightly review Lq Sohdaridad of Mqdrid. The ploce where Rizoi met the Germon trcrveler Professor Feodor ]ogor crnci BIOGRAPHY, WRITINGS, AND LEGACIES OF OUR BAYANI CS 4. f 5. 139 This is Rizql's fomous letter directly qddressed women of Mololos, Bulqcon os o nesponse to Del Pilor's request According to Rizql, this destroyed the previous links of the Philippines with other countries in Asiq ond the Middle Eqst, thereby erodicoting smoll locql businesses ond hondicroft industries. 6. The Sponish priest in Mqlolos who opposed the estoblishment of cl school where young women could leorn Sponish 7 It is the yeor when the Americqns wrestled with Spoin ,ffl to win the PhiliPPines. .gt The writing of the nqtionol hero, which proved ond discussed the glorious pqst of the Philippines 70 This is the sequel to Rizql's greqt novel, Noli Me Tangere' 10. Rizol sqid thot they should be on epitome of on ideql womon who teqches her children to love God. country' '1 crnd fellowmen. II. Enumerqtion/Discussion Enumercrte crnd discuss three brilliont writings of lose Rizql which ore living proofs thot "The pen is mightier thcrn the sword"' 1. 2, 3. L40 n THE LrFE AND woRKS oF JOSE RIzAL Essoy 1.' Discuss some of Rizol's prophecies 2. Exploin why Rizol concluded thqt "nqtives' supposed indolence wqs qn end-product of the Sponish colonizqtion.,. regording the future of the philippines. qctuqlly yuhich hqve been fulfilled. 3. In youn own words, exploin the relevonce of Rizql,s "The philippines o Century Hence" t0 oun country todoy. 4. believe thqt the writings of Rizql wene qble to owoken the Filipino pqtniotism? Do you Suppont you qnswer. 5. In whqt other wqys con the Filipino youth of todoy show their potniotism to their country?