UnH JI, Cyber cnme 5sues ond cyker otocks Unguthoriz ed Access to computers -Unouthon 2ed computer acCess, popularty fcterred to 0s hacking -Jl descnbes a ciminai action whercby some onc uses a compUBer to knowing1 y goin access to dota in a systcm urthouA permisSI On to access tho 'dota -.Unouthori2 ed access Is uh en soMeon e gains access to a website, program, serrek, seryiCe System USIng someon e else's account oY other or otther methods. -Fox exomple - If Someone kept guessing a possword oY UseDome toY on QccOunt that wos not thers unhL they gon ed access It Is constdered unouthonz ed access. Computer Jntusions -COmpUter ntrUSI Ons meons sOMeone trying to gon Dnouthorz ed 0CCess to yOUr CompuBer system cOmputer Intusions occUr uhen someonetrnes to goin 0CCes5 to ony prt of yobr computey system - compUte ntuders or hackers typlcoMy use outomot! compute plogroms ahen they try to compomise o compUter's A characten stics seCbnty. of compUter intrusion Any pl eCe of the compyHng system con be a torget : Hordwor, sottuor, Storoge , peoplelUs tl, Date 2) ny System Dpoini. s_most VUIneroble Ot cious code moli Viruses and Progrom thot isert Con phco e to other e cod moltctous madityiog th em. on and pass progtoms by VIDSes VirUs thot hides moltcioUS te compu -Examyles of AA TTOJon Trojon ISta progrom to sPreod s Irosons4) seemingdevices. legitimote wrthin a -A VI[Us /s a across nelworks Itset of mO}uot Is a tyPe Ronsomwor le 2> RonsoMluorr - thot encypts a yser's ron som 40r Its aa ond Urn demands Mol1cios Code progroms 0Y iles unwontd - MolicioUs cod e is_ to a COMpUter .0r compromise that can couse horm doto stortd on a computer outhonty the ser's unde IUns Code Molicios but lutthovt the Iser's pton petmisstor. lypes of code MalicioUS COde iy ViVS - Otach Itsetf to progrom copl es of Hset to other Ond propagats progtoms. iDTrojon Horses - contain un expected, oddr addi iona tunchonolity iiS Logic bomb- tng9eis acion uhen condition oc(Ur. Hme speCtic IS ime bomb trnggerS achon Unovthoriz OCC Ur when ed acCess to throush ous Vs Iropdoor - atoUs tset funchonolity. rcplicotes of itset wthou vi) tuotm - ptoopogatts Copl es vis Robbi n etwok. cplicotes worm lesoUrccs. IPUS oY iUs 0Y exhous Iimit to access Jnten et Hocking gnd crocking to gon trytn9 modity - An gcHvity thot Invoyes eol, St to orde confein OpUter system s in thot the system OY domoge the dota * Hacking r compuher a into - Any ottempt to intnvde colled netwok withoU outth on2oton s hocking. -Ihis InVoIVes chonging of system or Secury eotyies In a bid to accompli sh a go01 thoA difers trom the intended purpose of he sysim. -An individuo who invorves them themserVes In hockinq ocHviH es s Knon asa hocker her ar vori ous kinds t hockers 1) White hots hockers 2) BIock ho hoikers 5 Grey hot hock ers LocKIDg - CroCkIng s compUier bicoch to bsed technique a technigue computer security sysfem sottwort enHtc wIth moltctoUS Intent hocking. - Cfocking s Jess hormfy) thonntentonlly brco ches who Someone Is Ctocker A Compptet secuity. - hey con steo crdit cotd informotion, theydata can ond destoy mporton tiles 1les , disctose cIucia them Infotmotion for persono Y persono! detells_ ond selt gains. hert a t Vonous types of crockers tha+ nCIUde SChpt kiddIes, pocket monkeys, lamers , wan dood 2 ond uonnahes. charactnstcs of cackers S Less skled ond do not possess Necessary depth kn ouledg e obout progromming . iiD AlwOys ely on the sottwoK toots ceotdby oth ers to caiy obA their in operoions ID hey ONy know the pIoCess of cockng the seUn ty nettuotKS ond they toCk the od vonced Knowl edge -Jhe bosic dtference bettueen hocker on cracter Is thot a hacker bses thelr eitensir KnJul edge of compUter log lc ond cod e, while a crocke JoDks oy bock doors in plogtoms , Ond exploiis those bock doors. VirUS and wornms VIVS code Ottoched A ViUs is a moliciobs ex ccUtobie ess to another exccutobie file thot Con be haml cOn modity o delete dota. he mon obl ectire of vUSes Is to modrfy the Dformotion. -VIrUses genetoly coMes from the shord or downlooded fles. -IH Is Mor hanfoL - 0t needs humon oction to replicote -Eramples of vinUses InCUde creeper , Bloster, SlamMer ete uorms. -A worm 0s a form of molwor thot feplicotes ttse ond con splod to dfferent COMPUBers VÌa network. - Ihe mgin obectir of Woms_ Is to cat the System tesouCes. -H doesn't need a host to plhcot tom one COMputer to another. - homs generoi)y coMes from the downlood ed tiles or through a network conn eHon. It is less homtuL -Woms ar exUkd via W eakness es Ininthe systm. - It does not nefd humon ocion t seplicar -Hs sprtoding sp eed is faster EXompiesi HOrTIS MoTIS worm, Stbm wom softwon piracy Sofwat piracy is the ineg91 nego approach Copying, dìstrìbuing ,mod tying setting Using the sttluarr which s the act sHtua piracy Softlua 1. In an lego| legaty prtected oF stcoling lesa. woy. sotttuon Iypes soFt|ng - H is the mast common type of of s on e, bUt the p}loc sotuar pìrocy. n this pirag, th the sotttuarr legai oner users ar gr muitiple. 2. Hord- disk looding Jt Is the most COMMOn which moiny happ ens in - The shop otwner buys Sottwah and rprduces type ot sttuon Pc fsell shops fego1 ts Copy ot Copies piracy the in mlipLe coputrs by nstallin, online pirocg egai sFthort s teg01 online piracy, the acquird from onine auction Stes and bta9s - In which is moiny achierd shoing often thrugh Pp tle SyStem. of the m 1s acuired by meons It is calied inenet plracy. nern, Intellectual property'* Intellechal Over Cre the gire he oA h'on heir right Creator a mount Cee tain ght are propu ty rights given o the pecan miod. They wudly creahon his Ver time of four types of intelectual pro per ty: Tt s an excluaie right granted ioveo hn. 2) Trademar hsi Atrademar can be any word, Dpatent phraceLSym bol,deign or combinahon of that lelen h'A'es yor g e0ds these things ceruice s 3) Copyrights i- T+ is Over the their Trade 4) Tradle secret cedtors th at rights arithc cwor ke and terar9 secret bare ia tellecha Coofi'den hal proper Y ig ht in orn ab'on Mail Bombsi email homb per petrated which Massive Volumes the oddre Ss mailboX and hoshngdenithec An bomb emal form is ioteroet of the th tough sendio g of specifc of email to goal oVer HQig over whelmin g the adde ss m fing Servce bomb abse he Serer ia to Qttack Knpuwn em ai l as a l e e r Thet Mas ma lie 3 2Je bemtng Expolttoo exploi+ An +ake find des igne wlnratilits SeCuTI ty ypicaliy Computt for iostaliing purposes Explit oeliver to Stalk ing and naluare Obscenity cyber stalFing inteenet Thís coniiitenH crime Sociol cyber with tneda Cybtr criminads thaten per pehair ond o the on line mediuo staiirg he additon the bed type harae ich ofAine Jt in cludes frau d and erpoire falie in torn sen Man iphorn destrche threat obscenity: obscen ity Or behaviour Seen con ten t c tandard Comnnunity Co b tem potcy tht tem leg od the 5y illegal and expresioo pornographc judged Violates word . refes Dbscen iy has o ffenive teraryar hrh'cpolibca has Or Cybercrim e following are preven h'on he m etbods: methods cy bercrime se curty io ter0et a ful seruice paswords. Suthe updated 32 keep yur sethngs 4) Manage your Social media 5> Steng then yeur homQ netuor k +) keep Con tact major up to date Compnies ne the SecUr ity ban ks breaches fraual Never attachmen t . " pen. spam spam enajls unrus te d Dooot P)) 3e give minalful of personal whËch website io fornah'on URIs you Application (patabase, se cur ity Appli ah'on app)" protet meth ods pedural slw he securty hJwand rom ex ternl th re ct s > Databa se a of broad îo tegr ity con hclen hality Relea se tu pasri ve 6oth reff' Content mesrage cempromíce avaj lability th reCt s Pa s r e at t a s active and Vwneeable Em a secur'ty - £onu'I agatnct lottabase their ConCerr Security range Con bols of Jecuritq Databa se. security : analyl Mod'Acah'on while Replay Masquerade. benia Qnd mesage of service at to CK. 3 In teroet bran ch he of cOmputep securj ty ofte inv oluing Ioteeoet brower Se to agunst Tepre seAt exchanging secerity generad pplicat'ny It applies to objeche to ) peificaly network also tree security estabch a ttaks the Iateroet channe inferm ahon Jeadiag to SUch fraud phishin fo r The Sccarity Considerations Backps: Data chi on of of onpoqrams f Data Secunty /s the prote cati communi Sgstem data in computes ¢ ccess modifcation, destuchon unauth onzed aqainst oR disclosure tansfer intetional Data sccumty Sure that the fnsuri na prrvenf our fom eSsential Store basis and to data Save additi onal copies to keep separate physical of cloud data fles in aton stor aqe data locations of data l0s5 xefcrs make Safe the data phivacy, ofdestucion f the Data backup of is the integit the Backups: to coTTect Ofqinal data kept confidentially IE includes' r Ensuing methods VaiouS Uses acideotal whether for us backup Some jmportant bacup Secure ogular ouY data Options are as pessonal |Work (omputr oR )nstitution ) Departmental ) tnal barddoives ) Tape ) bactwps Disipline Specifc epositones univevsihy Achives stoage Server follows: of Data : - hchival stovaqe and Disposal Data Aor The of data lon - tom miht data that it The the future be is OTganization The to OuY a be stored used data archiee ess of 7etaining secure place Storaqe can of proc at a chivingis the safe lDcations Cohenever t is esenha to sHll needed for may be cfoence. of considerations coill help of list owing toll lonq- te: teom usefulness the impro a Ichives! Medium device storage Stor age otd 3 Revisi ing > Data archËves Gs«billty s) Selectie archiving e)) Space considerations VS ofine 7) Online Dlsposal sBoge of Data: Data destruchon o tapes. media oR dispasal Jeshoying data method hazd unusable that and parposes 1 SO OTganizatin disks and is of shich data is the 0ther competely inacce ssible for also that rlains rt cords Of 1s sto red el echoni unreodable, unauth ori2ed the data for as they needed qre dise oses when no dest r oo that appropnaa n ' s ome eg by transfer hem longer other of Orchives to for Service fre uall and VPNS : Secunty Technolog4 -Areaall Netw ok Arewalu used Systms netwoks fuo - AA tustcd network fHrs: ---using is to group System cootro occess Eetween ngtusted and pre-contigu rd rles OR Copabi liies! frewall Sngle choke' polnt that keeps unacthoised users out of the protrcted provides pratecion fromn vaious Dehoes kinds provides a of attacles : locatio for monitoxíng secunty re lotd events A convenient platform for several Inteinet funtions that ae not Seturity relatal frewall omponentsi pacleet fitr SeveY Authetication Systempeform Software that Network oR fort Genslatien Address host Basisn PAT) CNAT bare the essentals Has anly VEN Vintuel ivate etworks]i netwoxk allous network a virteal implies the name -As of Seve0k vitual Create plvate td ministat or that Is actually Sepanate netuorks Dmpiísed he lacated emotey mputer foof beeven Some of which may This all ows a sngle to pear Connectd to he local n]w eVen may be hundreds Hhe rmote facility entire foacility of miles thousands tongurd be ypas to to haugh o The VPN Can usees to alloo away stieons put in plae by the frrwall. ) - for egi VPN Ueing Pumit Can UDP hase faciliies oithot low trafSe to frewall ODP the To technoloqy .a netuok engineer the Separate Typically floirg frcoall, to fow between having tto allow unesticted thaough the v PN netuork within he loçal aelity all from traffie is the VPN blo cked netoo lc fem to Mechanisms - protccion Havdwae divided protrcion ,bardware Basicall y categoies! Into3 protetion Memory proetion 3 3) Tlo protetion ) (pu protction: we femed to as -CpU piotcchi on process foevs to a cpu not give imited me for some it should be get the processes Coillt other Otherose chonce to for Over hat. from Hhe proc ess. used fimer jS a situation this basicaly give. a proces and a cextaio pTOceSS to pocess hold coill not affer the CPU for potectioo -In memory T otecti on when that situation presses access cohich is oftime amount timer to the sent be coill signal hente piocess leave the cpU Cxecuton Memor to get the 4 to memo other this *jetras n Bore Registe ) imt Reqiste more fime talking about we ae tewo and one process may rocess memoy ituaton we Q the ensuring hen the DeVe cases SOme sstem I|o pretrction have OcCunred as' - Teminaion IlO of other praes pices other f to s) ivig pricity - partcalo a precess csovailability condeniality Incarity is knouon as bpezating System StcuHty. The piRcess ot Cs seCuaty ensuring to efers the prx eses OR 4akento protect the operating sstom freom from danels, incudirg viuses (uosms, 4 3emot mal won hacke ngtrusions Stskm Stcurity aodthese may be thr tened 4hrouqh tuto violati ons that A bomthe to potcatial to system setiou iy )Aitackt: broch aecess has the a Stcuhty that allous unauthoited