Page 1 of 3 REVIEW OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING THEORY AND PRACTICE BOND INVESTMENT 1. The follow following ing data per pertain tain to Antique Antique Copan!" Copan!"# # in$e#tent# in$e#tent# in de%t #e&uritie#' #e&uritie#' Trading A$aila%le A$aila %le for #ale #ale Co#t -/,,,/,,, -/,,,/,,, -/,,,/,,, Mar(et $alue 1)*+1*),,1)*+1*),, -/),,/,,, /-,,/,,, /0,,/,,, /0,,/,,, /,,/,,, /,,/,,, 2hat aount #hould Antique Antique report a# unreali3ed gain in it# ),,- in&oe #tateent4 a. ,,/,,, %. ),,/,,, &. 0,,/,,, d. 1,,/,,, ). On O&to% O&to%er er 1/ ),,),,-// Bangued Copan! a a&quired &quired 5),/,,,/ 5),/,,,/,,, ,,, fa&e $alue $alue 1)6 %ond# %ond# of Didigan Copan! at 11, 11, plu# a&&rued intere#t. The %ond# were dated 7ul! 1/ ),, and will ature on 7une +,/ ),,8. Intere#t i# pa!a%le 7une +, and De&e%er +1. The &oi# &o i##io #ion n to a&quir a&quire e the %ond# %ond# wa# 55-,,/ ,,/,, ,,,. ,. Th The e total total ao aoun untt paid paid for the in$e#tent in %ond# wa# a. )+/ +/1 1,,/,, ,,, , %. ))/9 )/9,,/,, ,,, , &. ))/)/-,,/,, ,,, , d. )1/8 1/8,,/,, ,,, , +. On 7ul! 1/ ),, ),,- Ta Tagu gu Copa Copan! n! pur&h pur&ha#e a#ed d a# a long:ter long:ter in$e#tent in$e#tent in ;angiden ;angiden Copan! Cop an!"# "# 1,:!ea 1,:!earr 1)6 %ond %ond#/ #/ wit with h fa&e $alue of 5),/,,, 5),/,,,/,,, /,,,// for 510/-,, 510/-,,/,, /,,,. ,. Intere#t i# pa!a%le pa!a%le #eiannuall #eiannuall! ! on 7une +, and De&e%er +1. The %ond# ature ature on 7ul! 1/ ),1,. Tagu u#e# the #traight line aorti3ation ethod. 2hat i# the aount of intere#t in&oe that Tagu #hould report in it# ),,- in&oe #tateent4 /+-,/, /,,, ,, a. 1/+ %. 1/), /),,/,,, /,,, &. 1/-,,/,,, d. 1/,/,-,/,,, /,,, . On O&to% O&to%er er 1/ ),, ),,- Bu&a! C Copan! opan! pu pur&ha#ed r&ha#ed ),/,,, of of the 51/,,, 51/,,, fa&e $alue 1)6 1)6 %ond# of Mana%o Copan! for 5)+/,,,/,,, in&luding a&&rued intere#t of 59,,/,,,. The %ond# whi&h ature on 7anuar! 1/ ),1)/ pa! intere#t #eiannuall! on 7anuar! 1 and 7ul! 1. Bu&a! Bu&a! u#ed the #traigh #traightt line ethod ethod of aorti3atio aorti3ation n and appropr appropriate iatel! l! re&orded the %ond# %ond# a# a long:ter in$e# in$e#tent. tent. On the De&e%er De&e%er +1/ ),,9 %alan&e #heet the %ond# #hould %e reported at a. ))/+ )/+,/,, ,,, , %. )1/ 1/8 8),/,, ,,, , &. ))/0 )/00,/,, ,,, , d. ))/ )/,,/,, ,,, , -. On A April pril 1/ ), ),,-/ ,-/ Calu! Calu!a a Copa Copan! n! pur pur&ha# &ha#ed ed 5-/ 5-/,,,/ ,,,/,,, ,,, fa&e fa&e $alue $alue 86. Tr Trea# ea#ur! ur! note# for 5/89)/-,, in&luding a&&rued intere#t of 511)/-,,. 511)/-,,. The note# ature on 7ul! 1/ ),,9 and pa! intere#t #eiannuall!. Calu!a intend# to hold the note# to aturit! aturit!.. In it# O&to%er +1/ ),,- %alan&e #heet/ the &arr!ing aount of thi# in$e#tent #hould %e a. %. &. d. /8 /0/0) -, ,/, /,,, /,,, ,, /8) /,,, /8+,/,,, /8 /8-/,,, /,,, Page 2 of 3 9. ;u%a Co Copan pan! ! pur& pur&ha# ha#ed ed %ond %ond# # at a di#&o di#&ount unt of 5-/ 5-/,,, ,,,/,, /,,,. ,. Su%# Su%#eque equentl! ntl!// ;u%a ;u%a #old the#e %ond# %ond# at a preiu of 5)/,, 5)/,,,/,,,. ,/,,,. During the period period that ;u%a held held thi# in$e#te in$e #tent/ nt/ aort aorti3at i3ation ion of the di#&ount di#&ount aoun aounted ted to 51/-,, 51/-,,/,,, /,,,.. 2hat aount aount #hould ;u%a report a# gain on the #ale of the %ond#4 a. %. &. d. )/,, /,,,/,,, /,,, -//-, ,,/, /,,, ,, +/-,,/,,, +/,, /,,,/,,, /,,, . On 7anua 7anuar! r! 1/ ),, ),,-/ -/ Bu&lo Bu&lo& & Copan! a&q a&quire uired d for 59/-,,/ 59/-,,/,,, ,,, the entire entire 50/,,,/,, 50/,,,/,,, , i##ue 1)6 #erial #erial %ond#. Bond# of 5)/,,,/,,, 5)/,,,/,,, atur ature e at annual inter$al# inter$al# %eginning %eginning De&e%er +1/ +1/ ),,-. Intere#t i# pa!a%le pa!a%le #eiannu #eiannuall! all! on 7une +, and De&e%er De&e%er +1. 2hat 2h at i# the the inte intere re#t #t in&o in&oe e for for ),,),,- u# u#in ing g th the e %ond %ond out# out#ta tand ndin ing g eth ethod od of aorti3ation4 a. 1//-9 9,/, /,,, ,, %. 1/+0 /+0,/,,, /,,, &. 0,/,,, d. 89,/,,, 0. On 7anua 7anuar! r! 1/ ),,-/ ),,-/ ;a&u% Copan! Copan! pur&ha#ed pur&ha#ed 50/,,,/,,, 50/,,,/,,, fa&e $alue $alue 1)6 %ond# %ond# at 1),. Bon Bond# d# are due on 7anua 7anuar! r! 1/ ),1- %ut &an %e redeeed redeeed at earlier earlier date# at preiu $alue# a# follow#' 7anuar! 1/ ),, to De&e%er +1/ ),1,/ at 11, 7anuar! 1/ ),11 to De&e%er +1/ ),1/ at 1, 2hat i# the intere#t in&oe for ),,- u#ing the a&&elerated ethod of aorti3ation4 a. 1/+9 /+9,/, ,/,,, %. 89,/,,, -9,/,,, &. d. 0,,/,,, 8. On 7ul! 1/ ),,-/ Bolo& Bolo& Copa Copan! n! pur&h pur&ha#ed a#ed 5)/ 5)/,,,/,,, ,,,/,,, of Ea#t Copan!" Copan!"# # 06 %ond# %ond# due on 7ul! 7ul! 1/ ),1),1-.. Bolo& e<pe&t# e<pe&t# to h hold old the %ond# %ond# until until aturit!. aturit!. The %ond# %ond# pa! intere#t #eiannull! on 7anuar! 1 and 7ul!. The %ond# were pur&ha#ed for 51/-,/,,, to !ield 1,6. In it# ),,- in&oe #tateent/ Bolo& #hould report intere#t in&oe at a. 1-/,,, %. 19,/,,, &. 8)/-,, d. 0/-,, 1,.On 7ul! 1/ ),,-/ Caga!an Copan! paid 58/-0-/,,, for 1,6 %ond# with a fa&e aount of 50/,,,/,,,. Intere#t i# paid on 7une +, and De&e%er +1. The %ond# were pur&ha# pur& ha#ed ed to !ie !ield ld 06. Caga!a Caga!an n u#e u#e# # the effe&ti effe&ti$e $e intere#t intere#t ethod to re&ogni3e re&ogni3e intere#t in&oe in&oe fro thi# in$e#tent. 2hat #hould %e reported reported a# the &arr!in &arr!ing g aount of the %ond# in the De&e%er +1/ ),,-/ %alan&e #heet4 a. 8//-9 90/ /,, ,, %. 8/9, /9,1/9,, /9,, &. 8/--1/0,, d. 8/91 /910/),, /),, Page 3 of 3 11. On 7u 7ul! l! 1/ ),,),,-// Tug ugue uega gara rao o Cop Copan an! ! pu pur& r&ha ha#e #ed d a# a lo long ng te ter r in in$e $e#t #te ent nt 50/,, 50/ ,,,/, ,/,,, ,, of Ca Cand ndon on Co Copa pan! n!"# "# 06 %o %ond nd# # for 5/5/-, ,/,, /,,,/ ,/ in&lud in&ludin ing g a&&rue a&&rued d intere#t of 5+),/,,,. The %ond# were pur&ha#ed to !ield 1,6 intere#t. The %ond# pa! intere#t inte re#t a annu nnuall! all! o on n De&e%er De&e%er + +1. 1. Tu Tugueg guegarao arao u#e# u#e# the the intere#t intere#t etho ethod. d. In it# De&e% De& e%er er +1/ +1/ ),,),,- %ala %alan&e n&e #heet #heet// what what aount aount #h #houl ould d Tugue uguega garao rao report report a# in$e#tent in %ond#4 a. %. &. d. /) /)8 8)//-,, ,, /), /),/-,, /-,, /9)0/-,, /++ /++-/,,, /,,, 1).. On 7anu 1) 7anuar ar! ! 1/ ),, ),,// Si Si%a %alo lon n Co Cop pan an! ! pu pur& r&ha ha#e #ed d a# a lo long ng:t :ter er in in$e $e#t #te ent nt 5-/,,,/, 5-/, ,,/,,, ,, fa&e $alue of 06 %on %ond# d# for 5/-9)/ 5/-9)/,,, ,,,.. The %ond# %ond# were were pur&ha#ed pur&ha#ed to !ield 1,6 intere#t. intere#t. The %ond# pa! intere#t intere#t annuall! annuall! De&e%er +1. Si%alon u# u#e# e# the intere#t ethod ethod of aorti3atio aorti3ation. n. 2hat aount =rou =rounded nded to the neare# neare#tt 51,,> #hould Si%alon report on it# De&e%er +1/ ),,- %alan&e #heet for thi# long:ter in$e#tent4 a. /9 /90 0,/, /,,, ,, %. /99 /99)/,,, /,,, &. /910/,,, d. /-9 /-9)/,,, /,,, 1+.On 1+. On 7ul! 1/ ),,-/ Solana Copan! pur&ha#ed Aulong Aulong Copan!"# 1,:! 1,:!ear/ ear/ 06 %ond# with fa&e aount of 50/,,,/,,, 50/,,,/,,, for 59/),/,,,. 59/),/,,,. The %ond# atu ature re on 7une +,/ ),1+ and pa! intere#t intere#t #e #eian iannual nuall! l! on 7une +, and De&e De&e%er %er +1. ?#ing ?#ing the intere#t intere#t ethod/ Solana re&orded %ond di#&ount di#&ount aorti3ation of 5)0/0,, 5)0/0,, for #i< onth# ended De&e%e De& e%err +1/ ),,-. ),,-. @ro @ro thi# thi# long:ter long:ter in$e#t in$e#tent ent// Solana #hould #hould report report ),,in&oe of a. %. &. d. +0/0,, )81/),, +),/,,, +0/,,, 1.. On 7anua 1 7anuar! r! 1/ ), ),,,- Apar parri ri Copa Copan! n! pu pur&h r&ha# a#ed ed -: -:!e !ear ar %o %ond nd# # with with fa&e fa&e $a $alue lue of 50/,,,/,,, and #tated intere#t of 1,6 per !ear pa!a%le #eiannuall! 7anuar! 1/ and 7ul! 1. The %ond# were a&quired to !ield 06. 5re#ent $alue fa&tor# are' 5re#ent $alue of an annuit! of 1 for 1, period# at -6 5re#ent $alue of an annuit! of 1 for 1, period# at 6 2hat i# the pur&ha#e pri&e of the %ond#4 a. %. &. d. /+0)/,, 0/91/9,, 0/90/0,, /+-1/),, - end - .) 0.11