s4[uir d rtr lbitiucnd Slpfftmffit st Glxtation 2 brpEd MSMOIiANDUM 7 AtS 2013 Nq. l5{ , r. tota fiflo ttAtll S Or tnlliori of rrtAxAdllcc fi m 1l OR lffitAttc(llD Irfid EbudtJf.nbx nRddLIt ttltcttf(l irD LEtnllIfO Af, Toi Undqiqcctarict Arii.trlt SctrEt ricr ' bultau Dirtctori Rcgload. Directds Schoolr Divi.io!/Ciry SuperiatcEdca[ Hs.da, ftiblic ElorlcfflrJr Schoolr All otlrcn Conccrncd l. *hroorr| t4 tbr l'ctfttannoo olthc furr6ri6 od Grrrrlqqhts, rfid idtnrctiarr, tbr eore -b!rda6!t of tbq Dcflrtrtrn ntr i.! brricllly dGfadrat oo rtrc qurnry ot t..cilnS. lcllaint h cvcry cJ|,orgqq trd lg|IDin! c.atcr nrflgld dnd tqcijirar.el ty .--.,r,ci and tbr quility 0f initr{cddal lcrdcnhh aot sflragonEut prgv{dt{ Dy ihc C4hool bfido drd nrpqfte(|. Tlui t0 sh&ci rbc capdduty of chrlredltt tc*ir*c, rclroa hcil4ft gfil upsrvhorl, the D€pcft6dat 0f pduflton {DcFEd) ,{itr coodircl thc flrrtuod lillrht cl frrbsr n tlrr{fnf tlt t to ri tti *f.rr..a fuU Idr!rd.'[ Elb||ra' t r€Afqf lld ldrtra oa $Ft6b!r"iA.6, iOI$, inclurlvo ot l'evGt tiltl., {r rh! DIElEd ECE ECH Ccnr.f, hhut, C6bu Cttv. l. Ar t}16 snd ol thc lrrtdae, the p*rtidp$tt {ill bq ..b16 ro1 s. dFr p€ ond ndon-alrdE €,6 irttn&{si3l l$&taf| rfld $hool earr.grr! to thc ltc?Edh vldotr lld ldtdon; idcnti{y con6tcacidt uccdcd b pcrfo(m their rolc in ettltntng th! b, las.ruitrg outcoE.3i c .ugFtt horr tJtdt up.l4.d LnDBtadgc, tldlr tb.f raGfruder (K&ld on K td I? or thp &.hlnc!d Brric Educatisi hotrrrlr ti u*a tq lmfrovc rcadDht-lcaniDg; "o". d, deorxr*rm cdfcrdw t8tcoirg, Cytrt loo{tbs{k, cotGbinl, Fsobhla rolvirg, d.ci,.ion lEd.i4B .b.l frditd.tl ddu. t, {rd{i;nc tfeir l|lrning lnd t0 prwi.b apFopietd tichnic.l llrhb$oe to tcrclrtfi b thi{t lcllltqF.[d Sritrtth lctlYiltGtl prwidc ralurblc end gectical lnrfuhtr ln bproving th| oondud of qurtity alourflrs, rnonlttrilu erd ctalultio& drd npdrdfi on be.hiry r! t lrar i!u: .Id crpre[ !E!qr!r gu!|ttiEomt to loplpv! ffffodelqgc ql or{llr . c. t inottuctioarel lcadar rnd rchool annrlcre, - tdnrrg df{lGn |Et n$Dbcr od ptrddflnlr pff r'Con oFo ccokdlnd b 1' - .m" the follorring ctrcio*u tcgr & b. fild€qrc ErcLl{srr I l{o.I - No. nloglra of AcSetdG$ .nd ltuebct qtP3lrdFraH Dqr R.don, i 4, Thc trtcr prrttlprntt lnElud6 onr (1) dlvlaiod tard bdnor ltoll lech of th. ?I9 tchooL dlvhio!.a rnd oDE (I) trrining lnd dcvrlaF lat tert! brdcr &@ cach of the 17 regions, 5. Thc.!€[oot! dllislon/city supcrlE!.rid.at lhsll $@{ur!q the dtvlltqn lerd trai$or from aI!]ong the schoot hElds, lrld dictricc Erd cducstiol lupcrvlrors plrtcrabv ir'ith trainbg oa Ferilltedon Sbll6 erd Mon.aomcnt of l,carning end wirh i'rtcscgt tn Sc*rool Lceda$hip, Thc rcdonal dircsror sh!l! troet$at. thc tllinlnf, snd dcv€lopllren! tcdln lardrr fc tlt€ reEion. 6. Travcling crcpanies, bo*d and lodFraE of tbc ptrticiF!.JatB, reagurcc pqraont etrd training truna8cme$t rrn, !ftrmli€s and llurfiials, and 0rhcr lncidcorsl pcnsct b bc indufrtd rclativo to thb natipaal tniniru ehsll bc chorged to tI+ 0sec Huiltdi Rerourco llaining rnd Deycbpnrent iliFfD) .Funds subjcdt io rh. usuel acd{nrntihd and auditing nrlcr and rcgulatioo't. 7. Thc rcsiond cdicq ir rcqurltcd tq qs$d ihe somirqted perdoip.1lt' thrcugh cmr.il addrc!!$: dlE and hs&di0dftlcocd.rovnh on or "eEEpd&i@!d,3s{,.Au before AqtuEt 30, 2013. 8. Por nore infordrtion, s.ll coAcqmcd.4sy cdltsct It. Lobt Etoaldor, Ollicc of the AsBistrni Secrctar.e lor Progrerar rld kojcctt, DOaflueot of Education IDcpEdl, Mcrrlco Avcnuc, Pasig city at tclephon€ Do.; (02) 638.3703 or through smail addrs6€; Irnmcdirt? digictllifu.tlon of thls Mcmorrndum i9 decircd. tu tn.^I Ende.: 46 $tated REi.ra!!ce: None To bc indicated in tlc EgptSALhdCx unal€r tha followin8 $bjccts: [()t I c"l'ul d 1 Led lra;\n f,1- talalo,n., dlllt @) auq,,u) &4 , t[t j 1 T.t OFFICIAI,S PROORAMS pRoJECTS TTTAINING PRoONAMS 06'16/rulr25, z0tll )i,11{i6,\ Atwr.cotl t\ ar b+,v fJ'p. Il*4 .p, r fiNRICULUllt ttlc{l.Drt rd--aqF. { b rt.ErcadbdbbSr!4t ?lca1e +ga4 {@ ttotrdrrnlzd rh^. l'. tgt8lBo Frc gccrctary D cnAnkw\ {Frcloslr'-c Jlo- t toDcpED Helnorsndudt No.lfl, al. 2ol3t nt51--}1i$ *?railorrlor Itdfqcrirn Scbool alr{ds, Srllrcrrilorr sd otts t l,aad.3s on e'r-g-.f ( -tt TehiaArnd t .rlrnE bcoE.ft caater, Laaug, or6uiirr,G}rcrr,ucr +6, 2or lrDlCAArTt j Floor^r oi aetr:vrrI' tflTnhqFl" h CuEitfti- il Dcttv?ry . EEdladc . Aiyb6 *d fe('itras Pcedb.ck . t ddar Outcoac-ba!Eat {blinE . Tcctn|el Srdrtero! to UFda.l.6 X lo 12 LUNCH AREA &trrruc.d.6d L*ierb C+5.err.daa <)ualify A-utane .id l\4onitori! .od lteslu.triorl lhclmw l{oJ to Dcp&l Mcmorudun }10,154, n lftsbc d MdFttr t0l0l Pcc Rrgtor Tfitfr ._1S IV.B 11 i._=_ ivn lviu In I 818 14 1 I I r.t *" :_ .-. 2l 19 - _l I