Tr..lE CJ€STI tNS r€E e88 € V , Lo/vDCr' T!n_9",_!Z_ ?sp"7*"t_:h" ry tuL, {ctunnat -}?u Gzr,1z,tco,,a P'7r4'c4 e{ axhezue P'df 'eo ve,,7aeo(f,teu 2oo.z-ta c<z,rd A41& {o+ fta* (/a;+t bät ana |,trch,pprd.' ott a .Sa.,ut by h'n Veopb . &;ou &"rt, htz Un- sokaz bq ,'/rt! Da,uel , "tLi llih laihzr a ig",-<ft tthelokts {talh ,' fa,Jt,2 ,-vuxdzJo."r,io/1' e 'S qao(X a- ?o<" .f ta rcfr; t*zü ,> ,ni*i .46 S+.?"b, 3;{ etcc e,' *i lt,reut &" ,{erirk al aa,ufeJcibk 4o ?ca'cr htz aübiec{a , q.u4 {%-fop e ,et:aa"d W ru ^ So"^ t-;s tnuJ 2at, uortdrh'ou )Qw]' ns ShoüSd {ou.o( o vouaoknqr }o S* ?.te; . 3-q5 QoCaq ,4OSb.\a+lk.b^,,ed,v.IJf a ,u"u.tutoA ü lhe clleruau .qe. 4" ve4atc '&t &Io,.i c{-*; "cr. o! -l?"r?at'l &'c.hz< lL@dexle,ryct, o' kfura a.0!s4 .77^.utqe AiQu,4, 64toez"o. Jfraut<'t culd' l$t tvQ4l4pt t u&.,?h .uou f,etat ,ß,^' {* ?ir*-r t ..totL, 4 Sf ilc,". -.5'5 ita' V '^.7 Jlv ai',t" bt katLa{ oi i.;.t:.tJ ; a, uttttr 't+,aß te.(ef a /oe4 or s i bat id,*:4 cZaU by a,.tol ,^as & fä,frrertl+e* /4<,,.',..f .rf lLL frao,.datct lath7t f* !ät< ankzaq +12 ku4 &luu't' ctt",i@ oo4 Lv &cäron,a Rt rtat ./ 9\E4t rtl 6,1c, sfl11{,47t's,6o. ",ro-n ';.d; p,t,'(,* $w, ßt 6"ty( &,<aoa-w.d otcch4 b-tt t{/,a4g p. P<a<zc , pa;l g{ t,:[-,ch 9$Q yan<atk. Jt* corsroJr,*"'q ,ü iodnT :"un 'ro&"oLeolP u, '1fi626"t' fuer- Oen.,/06( au 4t, g'h louoo ry '/O66 l(+u7 Q{a'e:d &zcl urd t a t b.tiript{ '* 4.."i auw C4iuc12 . ( ',t1 llic ,Mt Gu Tairro, ,.2*r. ;ao,".:/in ^L)1@/'ar.4 z<.,'4ö ..i choae l{ta , bbe7 {ot ht t e eo ) {nAwa.,,*7 Abbey 7hs'Abaartcltn?',f -J v +he __ a"o'd &7 a'rd'a fls hu,e ,.,.et* eq ,a sul aka "/ *a&"1'ean v z<^o e e/ Qlward *fu Cout'e'-ot , aVtcuna ftr&t: .r1p Lai L,o( ,1fu 'z/'/ 'Depe 63. az, Zaaeu, eed 6,a ,lho '6 be b<;n,V' z/4, br" ,lq*'a a4r,afl"7 aa4e'c c"*n e 7';1'8zgt ' /k dtuod?'tkc( &z 4o+ (1r,,,,, Z (,aZ,td ?2 ) ooa<l?cl ? '4 aa1.scoto<hazz 2o 2 eo'n "{e )d a.* hoz' foU-)) i'rä &6 ara..r.a,oe beat*f;4 ä-ä,od ;&-;"4; t*-'u ""' '"zz< " '/tcz"a / w//o/Ara4' 'lRra ) &^4 /<a,^ S.lyA P4Z/oa/ 7-he lJeslm,bcler flbbeq t londoa 'Z- n2?2 t'e d<ioc fu qras nsad.Jfu ugru6qa7'a/aJzftk('azd ufra' "* d4airea( lfuIo'pzzrot'ooY tut AzVaa"' ' fu h,r,rai a-,/tcuJ/o aco* { fr- @'äl'f".(.^ b,znalve-'cz nr"; iä i; J;* 'jäirz i /u /ta/ 4,oLald'3.lrn &U!*h.t49. "t baa'aiec! n:la"u/al/tr/f1a/4( bd? "np, t/ru) '(hrt;otz ünne4&. lnt uwdet a/ fu,fUa v Jno "'ä-,,är-i;t*s* *q4 rcutat aPl'Y *)a n'r tott t uaok ' ä- iAo nuW,o-ol Gtt&.t'a otl4 u,akn p'$att4qez 16 il Wu* Uy fiui aLf',rrt fu,ft , t%n'v a<!"A'o'L at'ä z<'2'slett, bün:af ' *U*J" ol "tsa/ileua,ok7"o,'d ot o 14fV:o*.'t*tc uaa )"1 * q /4/- {ctt'.'e{ a'o<,aAin'a"?, fis nl "n*,8 aad fu'uz" ah a* 5*l cdnZ'7 /,/&' h'h'c4 voLp! utetsr;1pa u;'/4',lht tt' dl ä7aYh k/'X't al'ot PTQ ," dlalh E HaLkr' J4' t4l,le+ W ,,uLa/tt/ e'vrt tX l'4'. 'At t).;6t *,a.y711" ^Lt oo'"'on';g , t'qÄ'-d charc2 aa "ur {4 il ,feday' The Qrchileolurcopthefrbbay: bt n pn, of, ,'oto di{.su /nefcau't', ä"ir,,is e'&.f , #,thtsd. lourü' rtu (aal' f,h"fb" i'i'ä7," il [%i F* ü* & dh,uc AP W . t9eoan€r;ufa'4(ä e*'rp rft, *P4 = ( l':et: 3o cc.,) r-xcr*t 1 - + .I NoYl\ q,sle hagsttor...._r-* Navc. lft*"er | choy aaaaa..c---_rr !arr./ vtli Chagct Sc r..l+, R;slc Clorsfe:S souq TßTAI Sf,PT flisl.ta- Sertenschiff für{. - lb*etsd.ißf Clc(s*ers - Knuagalg Chad€r l.€s se,- SofistiFt .}enscft - fj1'9'.rsh,fp I ih<,'..r..el llca'clx'r.t t tttS #ffi3üi.B'r >t?t-?4.e7 - f"gan, oL Xrla%JJ:1S V - d"rnq gv vng qarzotg v{11^ - t441n cr, 1v epa- ,Jagy l pJs paaos Jv ,.Aöq4t43,e^ - 4YlarYrvYtaPV 4V wtfurlnqTy4 - arpAc.m+ ol 9v ,rlg,t ro"8 - q,twr Zv '.rpgg*o B.rv\gwt'6vrc --qaroLpo* WX w 'rtrErr*'db,an / ',,as \3.?cad8lon!' - NvYud t tawtc-r1 4tFy -'qf 'i frrr4 I ,er6'arJ5J'5;6,.t wu&^q tr"6-d ov t )o8 - da!\et|v\ - 'it'r'ry'nges of I ->1ß,9vt'7'otLh {- vX raet"tS !--$"a*"2 lr t ."at-+rVzn ql - io!'S'4ouJ wJYT?\ - e>|4erw - o4\srody -fc/b,o>f ' äd-:tÖ *afcod> - 6+?to'otl4/vl ry?7üö8 e'PP^ n,t,n tAo6oA - --*afpt*n 9 : b ' ro a4 L fioÖ /7nt^ddt/do- '8s 44s$n o1 , ,8u)ofi l"jAp,,1_ETO f\ i- ili_ifiT Fl'\i,r\t,Lr Harlpton Court PaLac€ ls sltuated ln the south-west of lonalon ln the Bushy-?ark on th€ left bank of the Thanes, It ras bul1t tn 1514 ln the relgn of ll€nry VIIT by Tbonas rilolgey, Archbl€hop of Yorkr who becen€ a caralinal and Loril Chanqellor, of England, The slte was acqutloal on Lease froB the o].iler of St. John of Jerusal"en, !!o1sey flas elreaily thr most powarful and rrqasewlftly becontng th6 rlche€t subjokt ln the ktngdom., Thls country house ras planned and fur'nished wlth a nagnlficenc€ r1vaIl1ng. lf not surpasslng, that of a royal palac€" The Carill-aal,s householal nunbereil nearly 50O; 28O rlchly furnish€d loons rer€ kept always prepareil for guests; end wban a fo]lrnal agreenent betwe€n Fr&nc6 and E)xgland.was sj.gned ln 1527 th€ trrretrchArubassadora'nd his retlnue of 4OOw€r€ €nter-1 talnsal ln Hanpton Court at the Cardlnalis axpense" Iwo y€ars lator he wes atrtpp€d of a1] hls power and' * w€a1th. In a desp€rate €ffort to regaln th€ Kiagt" favour he haal presented to Henry VIIf hts nanor of Eampton Court with its butldlngs and fur.?18hl"ngs, lts tapestrlss and Lts plate. But on 3oth october 1529, e1l hls lands and. goods w€re decllaled. forfelt io the Ktng. ALthough h€ recelved a general perd.on 1n Febmary 15JO aail retlr€d. to his provinc€ of York, he was arr€gteil ln Növernb€r for hlgh treaaone but d.ted whlle ho was bsing brought to London., E€nr'y VIII at once began to enlarge the house, naklng lt ona of the rnoat lu:Eurlous palaces ln th€ ktngdon" In turn h€ brought lnlx€ Bo1€lm, Jane seJrroour, Arln€ of Cleyes" Cstherl-no iloward and Cstherlne Parr to th€ peLac€ as Queon" IiAMPTON CL.i,Iil .Pl Ai:! H€r6 Janea I preslded AeterBlnlng Its over thq conference for th€ sald to be t'anisa tn the of thlngs d€ltberatlons to set things d l-al iittie rlght Ln tüü church, but f?on lt sprang the Authorlsed Verslen of the Brbr.E- 6A M and" for a short t1me" q-3 Charl-e6 I llveal here as Klr8' durlng the Clvli War, Aftsr hLs death, Ehen aa priso!6l the xoyal poss€aaionn were scld by order of Parllanent, Ollver th6 palacs wa.s kept for th€ us6 of th€ Protector, rrpoplshn CronweLl,. fts chapsll was strlpped of lts lnag€s s'Dal plctures a!!d plaln glass v/as set ln lta lrj.ndöws. Charlos II the palac€ anil lald out thc gardens aa€wö lil ;1 l,,,1 rlriq!rt of 1688 and the accesslon of th€ r€volutlon wtlLlarn antl Mary cans th€ soconal great rabufading wtth l-,_., ,tJ, ;),ff //t// et Eanpton Court" S tr Chrlstopher E?en ras conlssl-onod. because tt dld eult tha taste to plan a Dan prlace. o? the conyenienc€ of th€ new sov€r€lgns! ilany atestgrls w€ro nad€u ard one echene at ]-ast li'trvol.vsd the destructioaB of th€ wholo of th€ thell er.lstlng butl-di.ngs €xcept the g Feat Hs1l , The Base and th6 clock court s€re aot ?ounal chaDgeil Ln appearance., but the thficd eourtyard, apartnents of which th€ stat6 Rooüs ard th€ prlvate th€ gover€igns we?e group€dn wes torn do$,n to mak€ way whlch now su?round. for ths suits of rooDs end gaIl€?les üas€al 1!1 the Fountalll Court. Th€ new building the c!,assle r€nelsssnce style of the day and can bo eompareal with the ponp of such a pe].ace ae Versaj.lLes" threw o-en the stats Roöns to Iü 1760 Queen Vlctorla tlnes Hanpton Court 1lk€ the pubLic" fn earller " by nany gleatebouses near f,onalonn was aDproeched but noradays the usual approach ls by r.rad, rat€r, of leadent€rlng thFough th€ T?ophy qgteB built ' , r,.l:i.r'rI:.,,, '.,, - ;, , r':r.,' . : . 1: . . { . : t ' : r ..t. 1,,.., : ...-;;.,,..,:i!* r,.ti \; q:-;',...;:,j*tni'..1\ IIAMPTON COURT?AIÄCE Now somo interesting slghts r BASECoURT,the firs* courtyard, ts littL€ alte!€d. siuce lt was built by Wols€y" Th?ough Anre Bol€ntlg Gat€way you enter th€ Clock Courrt The bui.ld.lugs " surroundlng it haal bea? alter€d. sey€raI tlmes" ThEy yulers. ar€ ooastructeal uniler contlol of dlffer€nt Above the s€conal-f1oor wl.ailow ls the fa,noug ASTRO]VOüICII, CIOCKnade fo! th€ KlnG oLp 1540 by Mcholeg OursLaa" Th€ cLock inattcates the hou!, tb€ Do[th, tb€ atay of r0ontb.,, the number of deys silncs tho beglnnlng of the y€ar, the phas€s of th€ nooD end as r_. its rsouthlngrr, fron whlch can be calcuLat€d tb€ ; \.4, approxülate tfue of hlgh nat€r at Lonalon Sriil&e. 4", "t It w1ll b6 not{ced that th6 sun revolvea roDnd the €a!th, alnce th€ cLock ras oontILved bsfof,€ th€ illscov€rl-ss of Gall1€o and Copernlcus" lhs aliaL ls 2,56 itr alleüeteri anal three seperate copper allaos r€volvss at differert Tates th€ centrel po1nt, "ounal tbs eartb" Tho outer edge of tbls thlra dtsc ig narkeal 1n 35O divlslon8. About 1840 th€ allal, ro longe? l.r worklng oral€r, tas rgüov€al to e store.,loon, but 1879 Lt was rep].eceal eril a Eew mechanls[ Ic88 neila. Qult€ r€cently lt has be€r c1€an€il a|rd repalnt€d. eccordlng to the or181Da1 colorE. One of ths nost popular features of the nuEeroug gardenB ia the Dase, e klnal of labyrtnth, plantaal 1[ the relgn of Qu.€! .lrnne, Tb€ o1os6-c1lFpad healges rhtch l-ltt€ th€ paths Br€ 6 ft (to4m) hlah a$it 2 ft (0,6o) tbtck" TEB GEOST ghe llBuntsal Gal1ery, butlt by Wolsay, ov,rs lts nelrg to ths story of tbe gbost of Cath6ll.n€ l{oreril, r1fe " Od.!r '15 nonths aft€r hor EsDqr VIII'E flfth narl.LBgo she haal besn accue€al of alsconaluct anil alreat€ at" 1 fÄtrP?oN CollFrll il i i rl',:trj ,i{u Accordirg to th8 story. before Ceth€].lne ws.s e€ut to tb6 Tow€r sh€ {as confln€al to her own chanb€ra ', , . .- - - -= - - ' : : . , . ' of Hanpta" Court" : jli" ii!.. she escapsal and ren along thts oorrldoffin the hope of speaklng 9o the K{ng, who las then hoariDg I'lass l.! the RoyaL flos€i" Just as ghe reaeheal tb€ Clos€t aloor sb€ waa Eetued by th€ guard.s, lyho alregged h€f, screä heck along th€ galLery vhtle tb€ K1t19, rho tnuat havo haard. her" cotltinued. hle devotlons" It ls aaLd that the d€srotring ghost af th€ Qu€en atL1l shrloks alorg th€ !ial: drlr, but no on€ toiley s€€ns to have hsard her ! \. tf ^ r - . ,r - l i * . . , . I , - -v--!.,lSeSLl*/ l..t-l:.,,'- alto to acqulre on lease svrlft to su?pasa fornal agr€elo€nt forfsit anlEs eccegslon to sult th€ tast6 sonTealeac€ southlng spproxlmet€ to contrlvs Eisconduct Royal Closat to sslze plsc€ t.r r€nt a blrllallng fol a eortaln tin€ quick, fa6t ( AdY.! srvlftly ) ilo or be better ths.D T€gulsr ar'retrgeDont suffor the Loss of as e p!ü1lshD€nt $lrong, out of oral€r reaching s posLtlon ör stata to satlsfY 6"o," s d.esir€ fre edoE fron au.fficutty novlng southwaralE Yer]r noar to to al€sigfl üoprop€r behaylour Royal Chapaltek€ ho]"al of, sualdenl-y anal violsntLy (+,/..{.e.1) =::::=d lY' HOIIE :.' I l8 I . 7 Base Cou I' [roiffi,i CIock 20 Coun I rti} :. 7--\ oi (-) PARK 25 N {} 26 rt aim Sdnnrcd'.y '. Hoq It H:horonCour brido. r. (rbPhy G,Gn lreo. a c.rlr. Fd krt lh. a! t'd PtEd S*ond rbB ftn! wdris chmb ch.hb.. llf. l.dM .lrlrc la x'rg Gd!. tl r h& ta I'nq 6@4. lr r oßnl a rro{-r *Euqhr-bn .mn I i..qdinc lnd Fnir.ü.n'i sut ra x,r'r It x'o! t la tnE L It t Gsd..".^'t cl.d l& lmrdilr ftjnc. or wrh.l orBins il t'iic. ol w ..,.Ped 'la P'in.. ol Yv.lG'. Sr.i€ Coun rid c.un dwd cöud :gT;f fniär-*C:i I The State Apartments Plan of Palace and Grounds :40i .o F r--1 l. co,i''if,llf I !ro"n,"in e-t{n^-l ) '----|ll b S!. la ouFn i Pns@ ch.n!tt ou40: Gu.d ch.hbr R6 Ch.n'ö.. L L . Plinr chrhs 06. ouon. Dr.,i.r R6o .il ou..n'. Pnv.t €hrtsr txcoaouniolioic]|ky ch.i!.. 'ld [tchrel Gllll / Andrcrs Bertllng. wlndsor Caatlc the Conqucror had ßadc lrlnsclf nastcr of th' I. 1066 tü1ltm pert of Enql.nd; Thie succcsa xcad to I nl-I'l't'ry .rcitcr fong term trsk of holdlng doun r forelgn äämnftneit, n.lcly-thc soon trrnsforned popuritron" Ht; inv.dlng forcca-wen ;;d d;üi; ' nctworlt nacdcd uhlch occuprtionr inio'e -i.curctfrfnfv äpread lrrny of ovar Gtch lts esccndrncy t, ;nalntain toiträsses öi sl'tca €acct'd throughout It u€rc i scrLes of slrrteglc afgtiiit, mndcor Cägtlc' was tfrc countrv. Onc of lhcsc atronqpolnts of thc Thrnca ' rcrches protact nlddle thc ,hlch ,.s intcnded to nnottedo crltlc' I nr!s''vc crccted . typtcrl In 1O?OKlng $llttaq cnclrclcd and srrttounted by wooäen dcfcncea rouna or "eith, aprcloue arcr protcct'd by Beüond the dttch-lry. i" i oit"tr. or ürllv lihcrc you cöutd take rcfugc" The brily i'rernrert. sLdc of thc ts lrrsä and narow, iytng to .lthcr in ifi.otoi nounO, uhich dlvtatcd lt lnto thrcc acctlonst thc Uppcrt icntni u:.aAfi ena Loycr ll:rds" The Uppcr end !4lddlc wrtds er' tod'y scDrrrtcd bv the so-cat lcd Nortnan Grte' whlLc the sunkcn ffln thc oi thc prcscnt Dc.ncry divldcd thc ülddl' cöü Loircr Wards. Hcnry I Is knoun to h.v. lr.d r houcc ln thc Bv 1110 Klnq-ttrnbc;-frmcd constructl'on rnd doulctLGss lltcd of "ir[fi. Uppcr thrd" it uas u3'd for the of the f!.nk north ltc iiono piivitc epertruents of 3ucc.sslvc tovcrclgns for the ncxt scvcn ccnturlc!. In 1165 - ?1 Xlng Henry fI forncd two acp.ratc rengea sltc ln thc Uppcr flrrd one oi the öriginel .""rt,""tr. thc north fl.nk of thc rgiinst n.," sLte ön. [ü otfrer within a sl'nglc rcstdcnccs t;o ncGdcd hc iria, l.ce"". of 3nd Lowcr fortrGss" lhe tlic cr3tlc auffcrcd onXy trlo 51.gc6 I'n lts long hktory" (I.ter Klngl John count ' tn-1194 vrhcn occuffcd ilrst siccc tion' coaur dc Richüd King broth.r h13 rcbcllcd ;arl.nst itrc rccond-staqc occurrcd soon eitcr thq sQrllng of uegn3 cartr (1215) uhcn Jolin (now Klng) sccurcd thc rnnulrnent of thr ncr bv'thcthc Popa üd thc brrons ttith hc!'p from Prancc chütar cegtic. Oncc rnorc thc c.stlQ h.d elthstood thc liJicoeA ;"4 cons!.denblc drttlgc hrd becn donc to th. unfl'nlshcd ;i;;a; dafancca. eerly ln the ncxt ret'gn' vhan ncw Tha dd0rsc s.3 rcp.lrrd ü;"-H;#; iii iräre - ?z) ränt on to ork. cubstentLel rddittons" gv Eonotetinq thc outcr dcfcnces ln 3toncr hG ansurcd thc ürd of €he Lorcr wrrcr uhcrc hc th.n rafurbithcd .icurfl" thcttr to iddlng .prrtrGnts Hcnry II's Klng ' äiiiliv'cnferq.d r'novet'd he rlso reign iong Durinq hls nei chepcf" i-ioiiiolo ln thc Uppcr wüd" norä then oncc hls ap.rtncnts -2- Klng Edward III (132? - 77) rcbuilt and cnlrrgcd tbc prLvrtc rpartlocnta ln thc Uppcr Werd along the north fl,ank and thc crst rnd south wall,9 werc llncd lrl-th dona3tLc buLl,dings" To dlvldc thlt rrard frorn thc Uldd!,a lü3rd a nltrt dcfcnsl,vc gatcr,r.y, today ralg!,crdlngly callcd the Normn Gate, ercctad. tha chapcl crectcd by Klng Henry III rras repilrcd rnd endovrcd .3. collegiatc chureh" Hcnry II|E nngc of apartncnts, {hleh hrd bccn s€vcraly wcre dcmolishcd to danaged by fira fif,ty years previously, naka w-y for lodglngs for thc dean, canons and othcr clergy who ncrc to acrvc thc ncu coXlcge. Furthcr lgdgings for cnergy and . bclfry, thc Bldc of thc tofler Ward. wcrc eonstructcd on Aftcr yct anothar hundrcd years King gdward Iv (1461 - 83) bcgrn thc constructlon of the prascnt st" Gcorgcrs chrpal t imEdiatcly a nragnl.flcent end nuch Xergcr bulldlng to thc qhrpcl" ?he buildcrs have addGd a collaclrcst of thc earlier tlon of worka of art rrhieb roake onc of, thc rLchcst rnd nost the buL1,d1n9 ippcare splandld churcbcs ln England. Bxtcrnelly conprct and sytnetrLcrl " Thc vl31torl uauilXy cnters the chaplcx by thc aouth door whlch frccs thc Klng Hcnry vrlx'B Gatcwry" fhc who!,c navc ls covcrcd by rlch Tsultlng wlth mrny calvcd bosses uhlch .ra typlc.l" Whcn Klng Edlr.rd XV dt.d ln 1483 the eholr had becn conpletcd, though roofed only ln r,rood. Durlnq thc rctgn of hls son Kiirg Hcnry vfl (1485 - t5O9) thr navc uas crcctad, thc rdoodcn roof of the cholr tcpl,aced by stonc v.u1t, rnd thc crrlicr'chapcl reconstructcd tö forn the ledy-ghapgl of, thc neu öuit aung. (1509 - 4?) that thc aouth sldc of It ls to Klng Hcnry vlll prcscnt $üd tha touer owcg Lts appe*encc. Errly ln hls rclgn hc butlt the cxistlüg entr.n€c grte, llcnry III'e thirtc.nth€entuty structure hrvLnE fal,llen Lnto dl,srcpar-r" lhc nrs3lvc privatc apaltmcnts raLscd tuo ccnturica aarllcr ln thc Uppcr vf.rd by King Edrdird III had lndccd e fürthcr ccntury to ttrnd" Becrusc Hcnry VII nccdcd further acconodatlon for his Quccn and grorrLng fanltry hc used thr castcrn half of r short gap ncxt to thc Normrn Grtc in about 15OOfor a nc!, torrar the axlstLng .paltncnts. Elghty latcr hls grüd-deughtcr thc rcmrl.nder Quccn Er.lz.beth I fiUcd grllcry llnklng thls towcr to thc Nornen Gatc" rlth. In 1832 - 4 thcac two bu{ldings warc eonvcrted to forn p.rt of thG prcacnt Royal Llbr.ry" At the stert of, thc Clvin $ars ( 1642-49) thc cratlc nas seizcd by thc plrllrtncnt.ry forcrs, lrho cjccted tha dean rnd canons, thc cheptcr pLatc, strbled thelr horses in thc rpproprL.ted navc, lnd convertad thc lady-chrpcl Lnto a nr.g.alnc for trna. parts of thc cestlc wcre uscd.s r gaon for Royrllst prl'aoncts, rnd Chrrles X lrlrßc!,f prsscd trro short pcrloda of captlvlty ln h13 prl,vrtc apartmants ln thc Upf,er lr3rd" -3- It u.a not untl.l .fter the Rcstoratlon ln j.66O th.t Edr.ld III'3 butldlngs- ln tha Uppcr Ward, nor., thrac centurlcs o!d, uöra ,,n thcLr tuln dcnol.l,shcd" Klng Charlcs II, whose epucstrlrn atrtuc strnds l.n tha eurdrtnglc, rephcäd th6rr tn 1.675-43 wlth . prlrcr dcstgBcd by Hugh llry Lnthc frshl.onrbla b.roeuc atyle. Its Uells weie cDb;lll;hed ;tth byGrlnlUng clbbons, rnd lts prlntlngs cellinga wlth -wood-c.rvlng by VcELo. Fulthcr the Klng letd out rn clts evcnuc to forn r ncra approrch to thc south slde of thc crstle fron tha Grctt prrk. lhla fanous avcnuc Ls alnost thr6c etles 1ong" lhc trGcg stood for -n..rl.y rs lrrny centurlca, but hrd to be icl.tcit ln 1945 to dlscaae, nhan thcy wrrc rcpllced with seplLngs o! horscclrsstnut end pl.ns. Aftar thc ptss.gc of I furthcr cantury thc Lntarlor of thc prtv.ta .p.rtncnüs h.d f.llen lnto dlsrcptir, rnd Klng Gcorg. IfI ( 1?60-1820) 3ct ln hrnd a nodest prognntta of ranovrtlon and rcaonltructlon" orre of lta farturca rr.a thc grrdurl rc-Lntroductlon of cothlc t,lndors to rcplrcc thc round-toppcd önca of ChrrlGJ IIrs baraque ptlrcc. Tha-Ktngrg lchicvcncnt ris ccllpsed Ln, Lf not Ln ctag|ncc, reconr tructlon u[dart.kcn by hLs Eon, K1n9!f tnc g1.O6ttac-UpFr ( 182O-3O) , to $hon thc prcaent tppöerrncc oi thc 9,coCg9 ry trrrd ir l.rgaly due. Thc nost r.dlcrl of hts rneny chengcr weito nova tha prl,vrtc rpartlEnta of the aovcreLgtr iroa tic aunLasg northcRn Bldc of the Uppcr tfard, wherc thcy hrd bccn rltcd srvcn canturlca crrllcr for defcnslvc relaons, tö its southcEn rnd atstcrn fhnkt" lhc buildings on thcac flanks ucrc too nürou to rcconnodrtc an Lntsr-conncctlng corrl,dor; rnd for. thla lrurpolc rl aprcious grllrry was conlructcd rlong thc- cntlrc lcngth of thclr lnncr rrll" Hernuhile tha rpütrüent3 on thc north fl.da lrhl,ch thc sovrrcl,gn h.d vacatcd ucra convcrtcd lnto.ccomdatlon for vlsltora of stetc" lhir fundtrcntal raconatructlon rffordcd I idelcona opportuntty of - rcatorlng to thc extcrl.or of thc c.atlc thc ncdl.vll eppceiance ulilch it_hrd lost thlough tbe c.rlL* rcconstructton of Xlng Chülcs II" All nau ulndowg and othcr nrln fcaturc! trcrc .ccordlngly dcElgncd ln thc Gothlc styla, üd cxl.sting onas rcnodcllcd uhqrc ncccssary to n.tch thcm" The unl,fofD-rogfline of - t(1n9 Chral.s's p.I.cer-nov, rrissd by thc hctght of an cxtra atotcy bullt for thc accornrnodrttön of serventa, wee anllvcncd !y. lcveral, nca towcra of dLvarsc shepcs, rid by cl,rbontc btttlencnts irlpoccd on thr sunnLt of-olä end näy .l,lke. th. lqurt Round lowcr of Xlng Henry II, by aow 3ix-rndr-hrlf ccnturl,cs old, uhlch formed lhc centrel fceturG of tha fortrcaa, uould havc becn rcduced to lnslgnlficanca by thcae naaalvc lccrcti.ons, tf lt h.d not bccn aioulrlcd t'n hctaht. ! s rork thrt thc crstlc ou.r thc It ,.s to Slr Jeffry ijyrtvlllc nobulty of lts dlstrnt outlLnc" Hc weg eble to contrt vG r rclldancc for thc aoverelgn so coEforteble end wcll-ordcrcd thrt ltttla furthcr .l.tcratlon h.a bccn necdcd aftcr ttrc lipsc of n.ül,y r cGntuly rnd a h.lf. -4- lha Castle soon bec:me and has ;€nelncd avcr slncc. ona of thc prlnclptl and favoulltc residcnccs of thc sovcrcLs;, arrO l" tta only royal rcsldsnca th.t hes rcmllncd in continu6uä u8c fron thc errly lddl,e Agcs to the pr.sent day" Tod3y lt is rnccstr.l caatlc and suMer-rcaldGncc of thc Engllsh Royäl f.dly. coEoitnant - Vcrpfllchtung, Blndung sccurc fortrca - slchere Befcstlgung -fo;tsctzcn to nalntain - .ufrccht crhaltcn. r3cendrnci - lbcrgswicht, üoerrögenhcit strongpolnt - Sttitzpunkt llound - to autTlFunt - umgebcn dltch - cnb.n - lfrll b.ily - Rlng nlt vcrteldlgungs.nlrge Daancrtf - Haus dca Dckrns - Fachwcrk tinbcr-frrncd Obcrhrupt ranga - Rclltc to Butfar - crduldcn, ertragcn 3l.cgc - Bclrg.runE - Versiegclung annulnent - Annullerung, Aufhcbung to Ecfurblsh - erncuarn to cnlqc - vcrgröOarn church - Stl-ftskl.rchc - abbrcchcn to d.nolish clclgy - cclstltchkalt cholr - Chor nrva - Klrchanschlff vrult - cc{ölbc - V.rfrll dlsrcprtr - Untcrkun t rccoürodrtlon r.Uolatng - benachbrrt to Gjcct - hLnrusuarfcn - gc€l.gnct Eeln to rpproprlrtc g.ol - ccfgngnls srpllng - Jungcr B.urn dlacaaa - VcEfaIl horsc-chastnut - Ro8krstrntc - Plrtana round- toppcd - oban gcrundct rchlcvancnt - Volkndung - rtu|lcn to vrcrtc to .fford - gculhrcn to nrtch - plßiaen Itorcy - Stockr{crk - bal,cban to anlivc ahrpc - Forn suml't - Spltzc to contrLvc - planGn - Zinnc b.ttlceant to Lnsl,gnlfLcrnce - bcdeutungslos 1.p3c - Verfrll ::i.r;l C-e-!*4 Dte S*adt wurde !r@ 4l fude der röoieebe& utxA el! Lebe4s. heJ.ße qu€l1e bekeante lq4dlrt rts chafgllch schleg für die d€s liöi:ters lleß&tzüutgBt ai.a {l}io ö6en uod kufturelleE braft vor s.Chf," r:rd yar bis zulB n.ühr.l eilt Uer':rrr&1 deE !e1j,giE1$e €cbon bei. den Ke:lteÄ ,üsßen threr geil- srnBie die €ut l{ntet(,hhunc 66drü$deü l.{dg:l.i-e hLeit slr nirta€edsr den . rrcs aL! übercquerea üftj,ald gab.:.j sohl dl"etes runi{scb.€r Siedlung. liie Kaufleute ur]d Hä!.dserhere l-J.eller sieh ent1an6 ll€r 1.oi rrros6€s6y'i (heu*e"' Lo*doß li.rrd) jlj,eder, dlie vij.i tir.o:., dea Aua- enEtea S{edtrer", !:r nömerö gebauten llacb Exete:, flihlte ued be! Eath den Aqon ijberguerte" Io Laute der Ze1t eixtalaüd u$ drls qqe1lc dqir ijelltruD .tr x Bathr et$ lurürl- öses Bedehaus {tKj-n806 Bsth,,1 uBd e1!t le|ilFeL zrty Versh:..;!txg dex' cötli.n Su1l6 llillerva, rönlecben die eJ. e lfer{-1..'ehitiaS d6y ke:r,tl-5chen Go.rhelg Äqur.ra:ent i,lt!re!.vs {$ö1:hir dei' i{eishelä Itt iliedem I@DpeI würderl Tleri3f€t guj.j-s und j.}rreE und . ,11u!g} darste:Llt6. a1s üsnk i'ül: ein6 116:.|uag dargeblacht" ,. D6s Qüe1laa66e! {ru}de tn eiEe ijgrLe& e'lfgeJa$gen! d,a€ ro)r eine& Säul,engang uü8ebe! wero gessei:lej.iunge führteb yor {rioyt zun Badel ,üue, das LÄ di€ser Z6it eitr vLehtiges i{öDlrü&J.k6ir{ r:1irei1lrnn fl!::r üo 6oga? 'hl-}osophen uilteFriebteteB. Die Aufteil.ü$g eaa i4 8it!6 €i:Eez rä@1ßeI!eä Eadee r6ai iorer gLej.obl gnkl.eideraudl l.ÄFodyt€yi-uo) r aB6eh11e1 rsd in eiB e!ae& Bad (Tepidartue) Cen!1:ir betrleboe Bev.,r rurde" uuerst sarues eiß !3ehr h€!ßee ßed lcaLda?j.uri. i wo Kö!,pelFf,Lege dan ir,t lca:,-len $a66er { r'rigldari." r,1) sch!.ra6B, 61ag da! glrgtdr sürd€ das Aad eerg!:?i lert fepidarlu4. l{änner I danit Doeb eL!!eal, iea urdl F::auen daa Ea.l gl-eieh:aej.tig bel1üts6n konDLesr, ohDe {ie öffetst1i.che Uoral zü verl,etteir! DLeBes Zeotruü war voD äffentfi-elie!1 Gebäudeq rr!1d v€r'nrt1ich aueh einee gb.eatea uegebea! eosJe vo]"nehn!6$ 5üi:ße?häuser$, Auf ie:i esdoreB FXußEeJ-te eDtat&lld ej"n€ Vof,etsdt! !'u!lde yon röl,l)':lchen SaidRten€räbei}1 Laas6h zehheicbe Bath zu Be8inn Eltre Stedtaaue!. reo aJ-4h :,ilmisehe ltrl_egE!.et e:sj1,.1. r}lederl{eß6i1" der röiliseji:en r )r rten! Be€jä1rsll!:li ej.D :r"e€er befirirlo rrllrde erF;t. fldn deE j.r llach dem Abzug der Röole! ve3fLcl-en turden f,ü:ri neue Baut€n EbEeträgsF^ clie€es eheEalj.Een dle .{,D:fangdes 4. ;r:. daß sl"ab Ltl hat" 6ebaut, 1: Gebäud€, odler ihi.e SleLee $o k.,Eji.t-^ir.Eeil aleü .,E. J0" aus Fi,agoeot€ RöDerbaCes eEtdrcLt GeiFt Auch lre--cdell. F1"':' tmoI &u,tffidffi,u (t leiU"l It58t cowtc'elsh'ala __l I newronT/mant c|otsr€85 cRgfrER[ous6 cLot5TenS clDt3T6n5 * KREu26FN6 - Ooksrl Ff cHsgrEnHouss aFHnp\(R0tEFOlgq: . {kr ct(h6pfs House . tt^rodu6ara2Cüop{a I . uro^^uu'rqr\$ cCwhu^ect^erviau 4^ovu1666 (Trra*ophd a .loulaoo'ü,r'rlsspine a a [rog,^o Coda o( a9!' Alis\onsshoü^lcl lL )ofiE if Lrasarac+ecl +4c,1+?,eseet k nettotxA *o o{'es o'r .(rsge,r*ournt. c,'/ccoroüig\ {9'eauta cf,iocesesog sl',a\one aucl Raasto+g ,19'at ßol\:"2d Ai . fßs fis! Vsflnul bishoPt uw (or"'nd'1t{&'{edcda bishop ll€,r{rq,..{., cne lneü a\ocesQ,arc) ;{rs S€€ t os 0'rel a"' I$ehi!.QCXcJSquvn/ Ircv^se +gaftJarJhotft"ct ca)Äßof con/hünlca'hoh! oxd a qV e toga!. CosIS1,0,'f& ,1O78t*;neu djo.),atd it Oos lus '(accessd'Stosrnuuct 7n -U{,o cÄphk) @tLud'ra!-J*r^ns pnvshedu; ''los2 ' 19,e o{{e<i}'s ca.'.srcnal;'sn'f Q,nlg SolalrJ j|."r , I ' daubgea !4 l';ghtt'u'ttS "u} ()Üi$s<owud gxfrqiu'ce q,acfu)idrz[at brnuucl,wil+,a!! nis uv)ona'ue) (wsl.tuYsai attcl lh< laXrct a> ChauuLlotol QeoU',^ .alol,rrt t'ktt Lt t'fu'oA ü bay +4e *gli.fug Sirlf.r n( Wt uwraäl, st-slhedo if' so uül ' at'al Ä^*l*"i *'*ug<) ii'** Wr'uoclep al Sa0rhwg'Txca''oe{4e X* W, ur.äryutet+s , r"c'+unt{ w &1tcnd putalv u nnwg ol$,atöcttkednats ouc) tut'^ ün ln a*qP ' - Scol+o?""ct ie+t,tQr^ Jt zt - 419 co$9red,,vol' ßishof Ro6vr0ar6dg oelctllf ffiq Jf'Os/Yh('tl'^d o+ O!dsadr"^' 3i'te{buslol"bnscr-r, st4{ 4c saer,^ 5|";*tA{L€4. (he calhed,p!.t;as u;l+'tt"l4,eosl(e aucl e|ft^'a/'Al''!'bil0LtAR go{il'sühAet4 a & <a,,seof h&!'e. lm +4e ,l3h aa\ ä okcr'*i* trcrslcr&ar 1o hnle^ & m4'r coi4,edauQern* /mW. CohU%)r'etrlSile- VocabuLory : <ee - E;&hof{a;te diocece * Oiöze,re s ucce,r,ror. - l/ach/olge. con,,re cra-fion - Vei'he t$nfiry -,31;h,unuetrer reaLm - Könroreich *o.mainf ün L au/reüle rhalten,lorf,reben 'l - v,/tfhn )rn Jnndren - 6{andor/Sorr<on conrer|rcn *- beguem,ge/Ecn od.juf ' '/ v ffi1:t, urelüen SIoiiilHDi'iGE Stonehenpe vas built ln the plaln, Sallsbury ln l,ii1tchire. ten mllen to ;he north of ft is on1y a ruln today, but one stiI1 l{rondera !.ow thlE t.t00 year-o1d open -aix te.rple ,.{as built. Ihene axe r. recofde florlr prehietorlc tlne, so the nethodg had to be found out by a:qperlr0ent, anal €omlnonsense. calculatlon there are sevef,al supDositions about the orlgln of thii qtöne€. Stoaehenge is obviously a sacred ftonuüenti whlch lvas probably buLlt up at the end of the Stone age and the befllbnlng of the centuxies B,c.) tr.onze t\ge (tgth-t5th Stonebeng€ consists of (fron the outer area to tile Luner erea) . a lound tranch of, 114 n diameter, a rlng of 4,1 il hlgh dtone p111ar6, connected by 10 stones. fher:e is a secoild rLng of about bloclrs, a liorseshoe o:l 5 glgantic 49 u?right sta-iding little lrllithen and anotirer hoxseshoe of 1itt1e stones" The rr]lltarstonet ls pleced ln the üriddle of the rin8. precieely in the leirllthened Ia the north-east dircqti.on, axls of the horseßhoe, there are rna.-lis of an trA?enue", longitudlnal above vhlch ' the rislng surl of the sunüer-solstlce fa11s on the nLtaratone'r. Standlng by the rrAl.trrFtqne'i you eee ttl; sun ?isj-n{ above the nlleelstone'r oa the day of aui.'mer-solstice. On th€ da}' of $ilteraolstlce tlre sun set through all arch in the centrs of tire bulldinll, 'Ibe axch lE desiroyed to:iay. may be supposed thai StoneheD$: 16 a eu!6a.netuary" the stonoF are dlvlded into two groups: the welg."t of the bigger stoires IF about 45 rcetric tonB and the aroaller stones have a heiqht ot about two iletres and a \,relg,ht o"f S'rol,rth16 foct it about four roetrlc tors. Äs there are no recorcla f,ron prel'iFtoric tine, there are osveral theorle8 about the !.ray Stonehenße waa built. Ihe storJ- go€s that lr tne 5th century B.c. the l;axou Du](e il€ngigt Xlng Vortisern. 1ed la ryar agalnst the Britlsh In a nallclqus \r'ere sfa:in. The followlng wa.J 460 Brltish rranted to exect a monumen'r, the rlafic&n l:erllD Eaye &inE Aurellus hLm the follo'.{lng advlce I {ff you lrant ts deeorate the ro€n's /Travea nlth a Jeeal, that wi1} then 6end for ?tthe Dairce of GlgantF,ao whleh ls in laEt forever, becalse the"e ate atotg a rnountaln in Ireland, KlLl.arus ( Kildare?) po!,rer bulLdin.qs, vhlch üobody can nove today, 1f his intellectual 1n Dot strong enough to try lt lrlth a. t?lclr. ff they are ef,ected Ln a ctrcle at thls pLace as they stanii tod{ry, then th6y \r1l-1 exlst foxevex--Because 1!r these stonel: ls a secret, curatlve alainst rrtanyGuffertngs. In foxner tlEes gigalrts ha]'e brought then from far Afxica and erected then 1n lre].ard, the country they llved ln. And thls Ls the deBign fox idhich tiley di.l it. They set up baths in then and if a.o. rvas 111, tj:ey \rashed the 6tones, poured water in tne batha aF,: who bathed ln then got healtlry no !ßatter ho!,rtll he l,ra;.t ,arurelius 6e4t his brother Uther lrith an al$y to lreland to steal ilhe }ance of qigants.rr defeated the lrl-sir arrüy, they tf,leal ln vain to carry the atones away. 3ut vhen i{erl,$n helped ther4, pexhaps r,rith lrltchcraft" thby were suoceaaful. tllthout any difflcultles they transporied the etonee to the coaet. The stoues vere loaded on, bröught to Stonehengs and r,refe erected there. llhen ^urelius alied he vas burled ln Stonehenße, anC so lra€ Uthero r.rhofollolred him as a king and also the next 6overeigna, i{onstantln, Ut:1er'a nephervand ätng Artu6. 'Ihat'a the l€gend" Stonehenge !ra6 used for sul1 obFervation and sun reference vlth a dlfierenzlal calendax-systelr for calculation of the seeal- and harvest tlrle. 350 hlght graves, .$hich were found around Stonehenge 6how that Stonohenge had been a pLac6 of the eult of the dead. GeologLsts have 6how! that tile stones came frora the Prescelly rlountalus 11r South 'vtales- the onl-y plaee where the eaEe ktad of rock ls found " fn a straight 1lne tirL8 ls 140 üi1es from Stonehenpe. fhe dott€d 1lne on the r0ap ahows the rrrost probable route of re 80 atdnes which vrere trans?orte(l fron ',iales to Stonehenße. 0n thel? way overland they lyere probably pulled on sledfes a4d rollera. It ls quite üertaln, hotrever, that nlne t.rnths of tile dlatance vaE covered by sea. the gtones tdere r1o doribt 11oat€A along tl,e south coapt of rlales and up se?veral rlvers. lhe -7fhe second po8slbility seens to be f:lore probable! beeause lt bassd on geologlcnl lnvestlgations " nxD:.anatlon of the methods hor,l the uDrlfhts - is trare l+rlsed: the flr€t step va6 tile dlggl'tg of the ho1ee. the pl11arE r'6re put on rollers ans balataöed lilre a see-saw and r,rlth ä Lever they were slovly pushed into the ho1e. The next step ras tlat the top enil rras easily llfted \dlth t'ae l€vex and ralsed inch by lnch' becau6e the lever was on plled logs and stayed tile stones on one slde. The thlrd step vas the u8e of struts instead of iogs. lhe stones were held in place by struts and puLled upri€:ht by a Broup of nen, the last st€p 1va6tl1at the hole rvas packed vlth i-tttl.e ston€B, whloh held the ptl.lars in thelr final p1ace, rii-eh stanil 1n couples stonehanße got the narne f,rom the etoneplllars, anil ar.€ connBcted by eoverstones. fhese covetstonea gaYe ston€henge the nane: banging stoneB. Yocaba colomonsense sac?ed trench dlan€ter lenrthened lonEltudinal axis sufi[et-aolstlce sunsanctuary netri' tons lrallclous alaln culatlTe aleeign pour su!-ob8ervation gurl }eferenee calendar-system aeet tlroe ha.:rvest ttme helght grare sledge roller see-saw a.feat of engi,neärlng lnvestlgatlön uprlefrt to ale lever los struts - gesunder l{enschenverr t""trd - h€tlig. .Iei8 tlich - Graben Durcl'lrnessel - verlä.ngexte Lgngerachse - Sonr:rereonnelwende - Sontlenhelll,Atufl - l,Iaßeinhelt - helotücklssh - ersehlagen heiLend - Ent!rurf,, entwerfeu, planeD - g1eße4, schütten - Sonneubeobachtuag - Souneaverehrung - KalendercBys ten - Saatzett - Erntezelt - iIügelgrab -Schlltten .. Ro1le - schauk€l, I'Ilppe - technlsche lelstuag - Erforschu4g, I'lachforschr.a€l - aufrecht ( hler: Fe16b1öcike,die auff4ef,lchtet - graben werden) - Hebel - HÖlzblock, -k1otz - Strebe. sttitze