SPEAK Test Information Sheet The SPEAKtest is the institutional form of the TSE, Test of SpokenEnglish. The SPEAK consistsof retiredforms of the TSE. This test was developedby the Educational Testing Servicesfor the purposeof evaluatingthe spoken Englishof non-nativespeakers. lt is used in universities and in the medicalprofessions. Studentsmay pick up testinginformationand sampletest materials,resisterfor the test and receivescoresin the EnglishLanguageProgramOffice(205 FairchildHall). nnyone takingthe test must providea picturelD for registration and for testing The EnglishLanguageProgramoffersthe SPEAKtest each month.For dates,please checkthe ELP web pageat www.k-state.edu/elp The fee schedulefor individuals takingthe test is as follows: Freefor . ror $10 the first two tests for studentsadmittedto the University (students need to bring their admissionletterwhen they registerfor the initial test.) : $:1ilifi,{?:#k1".1#iTfii: orresu,artest sessons Test scoresare reportedto departmentsvia a secureweb page. Studentswill receivean individualtest score report. We ask that studentsnot come to pick up their individual r e s u l t sd u r i ngth e w e e k p ri o rto th e beginningof each semester( i.e.in August,June,and January).They may come to our officeto requesttheir copiesafterthe firstweek of class. Studentsmay get additionaltest reportsfor $1.00per report. Studentswho fail to receivea passingscore two times must take steps to improvetheir speakingbeforetakingthe test a third time. Studentswho have failedthe test twicewill have to pay for any subsequenttests. Studentswantingto know their weaknessesmay schedulean appointment to go over theirtest results.For remediation, studentsmay enroll in DAS 179 Pronunciation and SpeakingSkills,work with a tutor,or work with the Speech and HearingCenter in Leasure Hall. Work with a tutor must be documentedwith the person'snameand a descriptionof the time spentand a listof the activitiesdone. Scoring The test lasts 20 minutes and emphasizesspeech functionsand extendedsamplesof speech. The passingscore is 50 on a scaleof 20-60. Two gradersindependently score each tape, and their scores are averaged. Examinees'tapes are identifiedby a number o n l ya n d n o t b y n a me . Al l g r a d e r sh a ve g ra d u a ted e g re e sin English,Englishas a secondlanguage,or E ngl i s h linguistics.All have gone throughthe same trainingprogramthat ETS usesfor its graders. y e ckth e irgr adingagainstthe gr adingstandar don the tr ai ni ng E L P g r a d e r sp e ri o d i ca l lch tapes. On the occasionswhen locallygradedtapes have been sent to ETS for a second grading,the scoreshave beenthe same. For sampletest questionsgo to. www.k-state.edu/elpitesting/SPEAKtest.htm Skills for the SPEAKTest Task -specificQuestions Task preparation Organization time Directions 30 seconds spatialorder Story Vocabulary specific directions Grammar to prepositions imperative transitions 60 seconds c h r o n o l o g i c a l general order Graphs none Pronunciation elicitedby street, building, room names tense general prepositions/transi tionsof time summarizing/in specificto graphs tense terpretingvisual / tables transitions data dates elicited by the content in chart numbers Schedule 60 seconds a n n o u n c r n g general information in a schedule emphasizing changes tense dates,numbers transitions elicitedby names, places,and titles GeneralQuestions(non preparationtime other than the initial time to review map, story or schedule) Skills performed: - stating / explaining an opinion - giving / explaining a solution to a problem - comparing two options - explaininga field relatedconcept lterm - discussingan issue of generalinterest - stating a complaint and requesting a solution - discussinga future goal / plan - discussingaltematives/ prevention Resources: Maps from phonebooks Graphs and charts from textbooks and magazines Comics from newspapers Schedulesand coursepolicies from classes A B O U TT H ET s E T E S T On theda! ofthe test,you will be givena testbookandaskedto listen to and reai thegeneraldirectionsbeforeyou begin.It is a goodidea.to becomefamiliai *'ith the directionsbefore the day of the test.The practicequestionsbetoware similarbut not identicalto questionsyou to thesepracticequeswill find in the actualtest.Therefore,responses on an actualtest.DuringtheTSE testyour tionsmay not be acceptable r"rponseiwill be recordedon tape.It might be helpfulto recordyour on tape,thenlistento hearhow your speechactually practiceresponses sounds. Thenthetestwill begin.Be sureto speakclearlyandsayasmuchasyou to eachquestion. canin responding town The mapbelowis of a neighboring Imaginethatwe arecolleagues. I visit. You will have30 secondsto studythe that you havesuggested aboutit. rnap.Then I'll askyou somequestions GENERALDIRECTIONS how well In theTestof SpokenEnglish.you will be ablcto demonstrate 20 minutes.Youwill you speakEnglish.Thetestwill IastaPproximately te askedqueslionsby an intervieweron tapc.Thequestionsareprinted in thetest'bookandthetime you will haveto answereachone.isprinted to answerthe after thc question.You are cncouraged in parentheses quistionsascompletelyai possiblcin thetime allowed.While mostof t-hequestionson the testmay not appearto be directlyrelatedto your or professionalfield, eachquestionis designedto tell the acad-emic ability.The raterswill evaluatehow well ratersaboutyouroral language you communicate in English. Yourscorefor thetestwill be As you speali,your voicewill be recorded. Uasldon your speechsample.Be sureto spcakloudly enoughfor the machineto recordclearlywhat you say.Do not stopyour taperecorder at any time during the test unlessyou are told to do so by the test supervisor. TSEPRACTICEQUESTIONS* First,theinterviewerwill askyou somequcstionsaboutyounelf.These questionsarefor practiceandwill not be scored'but it is imponantthat you answerthem. Samplequestions: Whar is the ID numberon the coverof your testbook?( I 0 ,..ond., How long haveyou beensrudyingEnglish?( I 0 seconds) Why areyou uking theTestof SpokenEnglisl? ( l0 scconds) YOUR TSESCORE Your scorerecordwill consistof one scorcof communicativelanguage ability, which is rcported on a scale of 20-60. Raterscvaluateeach qucstion and assignscore levels using descriptorsof'communicative effectivenessrelatedto languageusk/function, coherenceand use of of rcsponseto audience/siruatior,, cohesivedevices,appropriateness and linguistic accuracy.The assignedscorelevelsfor eachquestionarc averaged.Becauseof this averaging,the scoresare reponed in increl' ments of five (i.e., 20, 25, 30,35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60). Score level pcrformanceis describedbelow. Scale 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 I . Chooseoneplaceon the mapthatyou think I shouldvisit andgive this place.(30 seconds) me somereasonswhy you recomrnend 2. I'd like to see a movie. Pleasegive me directions from the bus stationto the movie theater.(30 seconds) 3. One of your favoritemoviesis playing at the theater.Pleasetell me aboutthe movieandwhy you'likeit. (60 seconds) Description Communicationalmostalwayseffective generallyeffective Communication Communicadonsomewhateffective Communicationgenerallynot cffective No effectivccom.municatioo English Language Program 532-7324 Now pleaselook at rhc six picrurcs below. I'd like you to rell me the story that-thepicures show,starting with picturc number I and going tfuoughpicture number6. pleasetakeoneminureto look at the oiJrurei and think abourrhesrory.Do not begin rhesroryunril I tell you to do so. 10.The graphbetowpresentstheactualandprojectedpercentageofthe world populationliving in citiesfrom 1950to 2010.Describeto me the informationgiven in the graph.(60 seconds) PERCENTAGE OF WORLD POPTJLATION LIVING IN CITIFS 1950-2010 I o! o ,) o 1950 1960 1970 1980 Year 1990 2000 2010 I l . Now discuss what this information might mcan for the future. (45 seconds) 4. Tell me the story thar the picturesshow.(60 seconds) 5. What could the paintcrshavedone to prcvcnt this? (30 seconds) 6. Imagine that rhis happcnsto you. After you have taken thc suit to the dry cleaners,you find out that you nccdto wear tbe suit thc next moming. The dry cleaningserviceusuallytakesnro days.Call ttre dry cleancrsand try to persuadethem to have thc suit rcady later today. (45 seconds) 7. The man in the picturesis readinga newspap€r.Both ncwspapers and tclcvision news prograrnscan bc gbod sourcesof informa-tion about current cvents.What do you think arc thc advantagcsand disadvantages of cachof thcscsources?(60 seconds) 12. Norv pleasclook u thc informari-onbclow abouta rip to Washington, organizcdfor thc rrcmbcrs of tl,. Fo..rttity P'C.' Fu: l* 9*n Historical Sociery. Imagine rhat you are ihe president of thii organization.At the last meetingyou gave out i schedulefor the trip, but there havc been somc changes.you must remind the members about dre details of tire trip and rcll them about the changesindicatedon the schedule.In ybur presenrationdo notjusr rcad the informatio-nprinted,but presentir its if you were talking to a gr.oupofpeople.Youwill haveoneminuteto planyour presentaion and will be told when ro beginspeaking. FORE5TCITY HISTORICALSOCIETY TRIP TO WASHINGTON, D.C. Datc: Saturday,April,f y! Tranrportatlon: ChartcrcdBus Dcpart ltlncraqr: Now I'd like to hearyour ideasabut a varietyof ropics.Be surc to say as much as you can in rcspondingto eachquestion.Aftcr I ask each questioq you may take a few secondsto prcpareiour answer,and thcn bcgin speakingwhenyou'rc ready. 8. Many people enjoy visiting zoos and sceing the animals. Other peoplebelievc that animalsshouldnot bc taken from their natural surroundingsand put into zoos. I'd likc to know what you think about this issue.(60 seconds) 9. I'm not familiar with your field of srudy. Select a tcrm used .frcquently in your field and defrneit for me. (60 scconds) f,r$$fSea-rn-CommuniryCcnrerparkinglot 10:30a.rn - GuidcdTour of Whirc House 12:30p.rn - Lunch* - Rock Crcck Park 3:00 p.rn - NationalMuscumof History and Tcchnology(ccrurc --4:00p.rn) -Oinno-g-ffir, 6:30p.rn Gcorgctown Return: Cort: I 0:00 p.rn (approxinutcly) 5?&€d (cxcludingadmissiorsand dinncr) $uoo 'Bring yoor own (90 seconds)