1 nil 3 A NaHW: Piobt iris 1 — 4 : Ghoosc tin best rrus’ipci to ?‘cuson?,’nq iint/,, One ()rThO?i co’iripictc 1. (3 pts) Vvlieii a. along the Yofi niake a of t/r( foiiowtrnj qu(f/or1s. E:i:piuzii. ni a ii iillfion, vo.lnes (>1 I.lit’ nlJicpc’iidciit ‘aUial)le ai’e vertical axis (j) along (. graj >h cue/i, ic’litc71c(S. the horizontal in tile range. axis. ( e-(ef 2. (3 pt’s) Consider thflt describes how particular car’s gas inihage depends )propriatc domain for this function would be a function oii its sped. An a. 0 to 50 unles per gallon. I). bines ITofli 0 to 10 iiflhiiIt. rc.)0 to 100 miles per hour. At’1 L_%c i”til t”- 3. (3 p1 s) You have a graph of a linear fmiction. To (leleunhimle the chaiigv, VOn should ;ij measure the slope. l’1’ identity the donmaii. C. compare the funetioii I 0 another, ci sely related linear function. cl-ivj 1y. ect(1 L,r firnctions rate (II 1. (3 i ) \\hitli (.u\vIl \voIlld have the xteepe-t xlope )l I illI(? I•i 1ll( I i( (>11 a. graph xliowiiig its popiilatioii a. a I own gr )wiiig at a eoiista.iit rate of 50 people per year. h. a owit growilig at a (()lIxIult. iate of 75 ‘ople ier year. town gn)Willg at. a ((aIsta.llt rate of 100 people per veal. 5. (3 pts) What. are the three hasu: ways to represent a junction? ° C, For (I: The data table repre. cnts (1. tltnCt /0Th. Ideitifij the independent and dependent varah1es. and the describe the domain and ranqe. Mahe (1, clear graph of the juflctzon. U. (5 pt.s) J’ cai’ 2015 202() 2025 203() 2035 2(140 Projected PopUlation (inihlioiis) 323 336 :351 364 379 •• . * 393 tb.5 - $‘Iulovl 340 2t) Vo’r 7: [n, (is (t ‘tYi/( ‘H)U’T’(],,S, 0/ (I,C.sc7”ihr (fir JHiirf.’iO’1i 4io’iini oh i/ic (/iThp/i.. clia’riqc (lx: san: l.o ‘fri clado units). Find I/ic 5Io)( and :yi.s ii. 7. (3 pts) P( )I)llIHt iou (ti 1( o U-H11( lx) 81) 60 41) 21) 2 nT1111(, 4 6 8 (veaxx) (C, _2- SIc:: L ‘20 2 - 5 t±!icf 1 y” For 8: Thc followinq situation, dcscribcs a ratc o chanqc that is constant. Idcnt,/ij thc ‘in.dcpcndcrit arid dcjcdc’iit variabics. Writc (i, statcrn.ciit that dcscrihcs how oric va77,ablc VUi7(S Wit/i r’cpcct to thc oth,cr. Givc tlic flJtC of C/ia/rlqc n’urricricaflij (1774 ‘USC Zt to in.swcr any q’uct’zons. 8. (4 pts) You (lriV(’ a1ou the highwuy at a couxtant spccd of 65 far do you travel iii 2.8 hours’? in 4.5 hours’? wr hour. How nibs a — ke ii”-c_rec se5 (