Pruguti Insurance Limited Ilead Office Ptugarilnsuronce Bhaban, E, ail :u )A)l Kdetoi BazaL Dhdkd-1215 f!1: PABX:91i358A 2, Fat:gaA 2 B122tBt) aA:Iydgatiinsurance..a"L:in:foaA.pneatiirsuMhce.cah lyeb: ltv.proqdtii$ PROPOSAL FORM FOR OYERSEAS NIEDICLAIM POLICY (BUSINESS AND TIOLIDAYS) (To be submitted in orisinalwith nro copies) (A\ailablelo persons in lhe age group 6 monthsro 79 _veaB) IIII] OVI'RSEAS TIIDICLAIM POLIC\ ?ROVIDES IIDEIINITI FOR f,XPENSf,S INCfIRRf,D FOR TfEDICAL TREATUET_TTOTHI INSLiTD PERSON \IHO TRAyXIS ABROAD AS CORPOR{TE CLIINT. FOlt ILLN0SS, DlStrASliS CO|_TR{CIf,D OR INJLXY SUSTAINED DURING OVERSEASTR{VEL A\D \lHiCE lS ?RIMARILY lN lH}: NAllll0 Oa AN ETIf,RGENCY AN'D WIIICH IS Nf,CESSARY TO BI TINDXRTAKf,\ INITfEDIATELY, WITHOIJT \IIIICfl TIIE PROPOSIRIS PROPOSf,R IS \OTABLETOLEAVf, THE OVIRSXAS COUNTNY lNDf,R VIDICAI- ADVICI,'I'IIII T'I'ENIIO\ OI fIII' DIIAIV\ TO ]Tf,\I I] (\'f,DICAL HISTORY) OF THf, PRO?OSAL FORi\I, ESPECIALL}' IN RI'LA'IION 1'O THX ?ROPOSAL FORIVT SHOIiLD BE COMPLXTED TO THf, BEST OT YOTIR XNO\YLEDCf, AND BXLIXF AND ALL NII|I'If,RIAL TACIS T SHOULD BX DISCLOSID. IAILTIRE TO DO SO IIAY N'I]LLIFY COVI]R LNDf,R \N! POLICY tssLxD, + A material lacl is one that is likcl) to influeDcc thc's should consult ComoratioD/ ComDany iflou ar€ in dy acceptance or assessmenl ollhe proposal. You doubt as !o what consiitutes a material fact. Name and siatus ofthe proposer (in block Iel[r, as stated in the pasport State $,herher Mr./ Mrc.l Miss/ Masrer 2. L 4. 5. Residence Ielephone No & Mobile No.. 6. 7. 8. 9. Olfice ltlephonc No. Proposer's Actual Occupation Gpecil,!) oluce Nene and Address ifan) Asc (in completedyears) Pdsport Nunrber (copy auached) PlaD l')pe Sclcnsen countries \vorlchlide (excludino IISA & Canada) pran a l-'__-l Non-Schensen countries worldlvide (excludins USA & Canada) Plan A world\\ ide (including USA & Canad.) worldrvide (i ncluding USA & Cmada) Pran Plan B 10. . s f-__l Pumose ofTrip (State ofllcial/ holidly lrarel in conducred !our/ holidal travel individual) Puposed date of depaturc from thc Peoplc's Republic of Bangladesh (kindly nole thar no extension 12 13. ce be granted) Numbcr of d.vs slay oulside dre People's Rcpublic of Bangladesh (kindl) notc thal no cxtcnsion can be granted) Ilinerary (State counLdes lnd placcs vkiied and apprcxjmale number 10 bc 1,1. Name and Address oflhe usual and Registratlon No. phlsician Telephone No. Consulti!g Room/ Office/ I],. IIIEDICALHIS'IORY TO BE COMPLETED BY THtr PIIOPOSER /SIOT]SE PLE1SE ANSWER TIIE FOLLOWING OUtrSIIONS T].{ YES OR NO (A DASH IS NOI SUFFICIE\T :\ND (JvE FUI,L DETAILS. 1. Are you in good health and free trom physical and mentaldhease or inUrmity? Have you ever suftered iionr G) Any nerlous. mental or psychiaLrio disease, slipped disc orolher splnal disordcr, thintinB ephode. blackout, fir or paralysis ofany ktudl (b) Hi8h blood prcssure, hear! diseases including ischaemic head disease, piles, raricose,cins. othercirculatory disorders or rheumalic Ierer'l G) Hernia, any rheunlatic oljoint diseasc Urinlr) dhease or diabetes? (d) An) respiratory or allergic any disorder olthc disease, or stomach. borvelor gallblddner? G) Any olher compldint requiring specialistrsconsultltionorsurgical or hospital treatmen! or inlesligalions? (1) Any complaint orlendency that may necessiiate such consultation or trcamenl in thc future? 3. Are thete any ldditionaltacts afiectinglhe proposcd insurance \ihich should be disclosed to Insure6? .1. Ha\e you dy inlenlion ofengaging in \!in1er sports or pastimes rendering you liable to personal iniury? Circ particulars olany oiho illnes o. djsease orrccident sustained b) you durinS thc 12 months preccdinsrhe firsl day of Insurancc in the lahle helow Nature of illnesY dis€ase Injury and treatnent received 1. 2. Name of attendidg medical practitior€r/ su rgeon with his address and teleDhon. Nunber give delails olan) knowledge ofany posirire exisrence or presence olany aihnent, siokness ur injury which ma) requlre mcdical attcntion whils!on tour abroad. Please l. 2. 3. I HEREBY DECLARE THAT . 2. .l . 4. I I will not be tE elling thc adricc oI a phlsician. larn nol or waltlng list for an) medicaltreatmcnt. I rvill not bc lravclling for thc purpose of oblaining medical trealnlenl. I have not received a terminal prognosis for a medical condilior belore lhis dat. I lurrher declare and warant that the ebove stdicmcnts dre ltue and complelc. I conscnt to thc insurcN sceking medical inlormation liom an) docror who has at an) lime a(ended concernirg an)lhing $hich affecls ny ph)sical or menlai heallh, and I aulhorise the giving ol such inlormation as Van Ameyde UK Ltd. r' Specilty Assist Ltd. od / or lhcir Progru Medioal Ad\isor rnay r€quire. I agree rhar dlis proposal shall fom lhe basis oI lhe contlacl should lhe insurance be effected. I am willing to accept the Policy, subject to the terms, excepiiois and conditions prescribed by Corporador D!tc slsnatu MM DD List of Schengen Countries Austria, Relgium, Denmark Finland, France, Germany, Iccland, Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands, NoNay, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Estoni., Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovcnir, Malta, Cyprus, Switzerland and Liechtenstein OYERSEAS ]!IEDICLAI]\I POLICY (TRAVEL INSURANCE) PRODUCT BENEFTTS & LIMITATTONS 01. Nledicdl Expenses & I lospltaliation alNad 02. NledicalUxpenses & lldpitalnadon nimad 03. NledicalExpenses & Ilospitalizltion abrcad tor Schengen Countrics 0rl. Transpoit or Rcpalrlation in c6e ofilLnes ofAccident 05. lmcrsency Dental Care 06. Reparinlion olFanily Nledical Travelling rvilh &c 07. Repltrialio. of nrorlal rcmalns 08. Tnleloloae nnmediate fanrily memtd' 0t. US$ 50.000 Excss USD 100 (worldwide excluding USA/CANADA US$ 100,000 Exc€sUSD 100 (world$ide Fur.30 tis$ 0n0 500, lilh Nilnefrxli6le Lxcss USS 50 USS 100perday. Mrximum LrS$ 1.000 Emergcncyrctunr honre folloelne deaih ofa close lamil, memb* IE : l llE COMPANY WILL NOT BE LIABILE TO PROVIDE ANY ,\SSISTANCE WHICH ARLSI,S Dll{EC Il-Y OR INDIRI]CTLY ]TROM A}.]Y ?RE.EIISTING N'iI]DICAI, CONDITION, SU]CIDE OR A'I'I'EM]'ED SUICIDE, MENTAL II I NFSS PRF:TJNAN''Y OR (lIII.DRIRTII NO