T H E t s A C KB A Y S T ' N Galeried'Orsaystill strongon Newbury At a rime whcrr vncirntsror.c, honts on Ncwbury Sncct xrc becomnrgan incrcrsingllconr mon sight, busmcssrcmrns brrsk for Galtric d'()s.ry as morc peoplerLe lu)k;rg l rn as a solidirrvcstncntu .r shaky Do$1rtor Baffling is today,addiDsdrat 10 of his "plelr air" paintings' a techniquc in whichthe arristp.irxsourdoors ' wereprc-soldat tharrin]e. Thesucccss of Zuprnl prcvicw I'n'r unusualfor Calcricd'OLsr1 considermga Picas$ lrnocLrr(Lr linoleun{ut print)soldf,tr a prirc in the mid six figuresor\' rwo lJ\ KARENC( rst weckwrs .r bit of r lctdo Ol)in)is wrnr travcling.A1lth dresses. A li(ilc hug bcnrcenI rccnsybits of jc.rlrrsv rnrong rhe Bri rh. qncenund $c (l,nr't: lr lyusall ir Tltc quecr r.rs quite prctrr-in her l,,r like n4 l.uc nNrhir, *hieh madeI Iltrt rhcrc $rs ,rr. rhi'rg rhar b Obamasin whru prrsesrs hcr livingr My mothrr ncvcrc.rricd I pocketbo r p , ' c k u l u , k i r i y , , l r l l v i n g( x r n ? l k w h c r r\ h c i so u t g r c c t n r g fcoflc.Bur$ firLrkcrdre qLr(cnol li,rslincldrng[ n "A lot of collcctorsrrc nred Lftrh of thisgoodforrrrrccnn of sccrrgrheir ponl(,h^ drs.rp- bc ch.rlkedup to thc highc.rlibcr peir, .n.l dtcy w.mr 11)illl'csr of scnicedrarthe G.rlcricd Ors.ry ln somethurSrl r gi{rs thcnl stlfl p()videsitscusromr.s. plern,rc." srd sullictlirdrbers, "lf y,meonervho h.rs ncvcr (lLO ,,i rllcirr g.rl- .bought an ltfore walks in, wc foundcr.rnd lcr):"Ciood.rt is alwryssoirrg cduclrtclthe potcrrtirlcusronrcrl," to conmrnd I top clolllr" sfld StranneKing, coiirrctrr of A Ncwnn nutivc.I lirshberg Grlcric d'Orsay."Wc rc.rllyl,uild ca cd.rilcgrccir arrhistor.yLrndrclnr(rrships, andrh€yleverypcF In thc inrcresr rn (iiliscnrrcprtin busincss fft,lr k'stoD t jrrivcl\iry y,rr.rloncs." S.t ic thsbl,ur,lt) 0 d I'rluecto iin(l (rt rhc .uswcrro ihe and spcntl0 ycxrswo.knrgf,,r Ilr iLrct,caleried'Ors:rygocsso Cl:.Oo[ CcLuit .l olsdr. enlil rcldress. IrhoughrrhoLrr pho Fidelitlphcingrrt ur itscr4rr frt t<,.rtcomnnd.rte loy.rlprnons rruch.SoNe will rorr.,i,,hrfflcdon r rrtc otliccsrrd conrp.rrry orrcd rn sometimcs.rllowingthcm to downrLrrn. Hirshbergmaint.rins Insk.r(lI hcN.nr t,Lr//lir)so!cr a p grllcrics.Shc dccidedto opcn hring a pairrtrrrg honrcnx r rrirrl (irlclic d t)rsay\ hatiur is onr oi qu|en\ t,,rlctlm)k: \Ylrydo llosro her o$r s.rll!r. in 2000.rnd perir of r d.ryor trvo,ir ordcrto its stnnrgest s(llingpoirt\. t<,sumnrn.ru.rll 'irrr.rls4rercri* tr,:nsirlncriI 2,000 squlre nrrllorcrthcpurchasc. "1hercia "wc rc on thc lrrr l)l,Lk ol withoLrt h.ivin'tr) do .r blcs\edrhing h!,r st'.rceon N.rvbur\' Srr.et nmual trust bctwccnoLrrcollee Ncwbur) Strccr,"Hirshberysrid. And whrl i .r(ir! in $hi.h cve. th.r wr\ hr|nrcrlyhoDrcr() I rors.nd Lrs,"Hirshbcrss,rid. "(icncr.rlli.whcn peoplevisit rnd xnyotrLin hi\ rr htr nghr rnrndthir shocsk)rcinro (;trlcri.d Ors.r),. Hirshbrrgaddcds,n,c of thcse sl.ryrt thcTxjor thclour Sr:rsoDs, whLumurt lloston'snndsrsrhinkwh nxl.tyl thc grllcqls eollecrron reho(nrships also now sprr\ rwo wc'rc the firsr grllcry thcy scc rrr sisIlrls iDd wirlkirrg .nrtwry? sprrs si\ .cntrir! rnd iiturrcs ,tcneratuns rs childrcnof ltlrrgtinrc stcet lcvcl. Ii peoplefinil somc, So I wuu righr r,, drc rop rnd a rhc work of drc rn\tcrs,incftrd- clicntsh;rvcbcgunR)pnrroni?c rhe thins thry lovc hcrc, thcy'Lenor depury.(!n|ni\si(n)ef of n rnsponat irrs I{eml)f.rncir.l(enoir rnd g.rllcryaswcll. gonrgto kccpshopping." (ialcricd'Ors.ryis locrted;rt3l Pic.uso.rnci rr sull nLrrriltrof And conrrLrryto clainrsrhrt i l)(!1rnrlirillqNrisr\. Nrwl)ury Sticlr |rsirtrscs lre Nrwburl St- li, nruc i jonr.r lQu Cord laylot is a hew IlLLrrroZup.rn is one such rakingthe brunt of the ecorornic tion, visitwww.galerie-dors3y.com her hone, Shecanfotmer be rcathed ftom e(nnurryorrr!1rrnuerwho {ill mrlc r grllery ipfcrrrnce on Srnrrrlry .rftcln<rn, April 18, Over to ptorrotca nrrnthl ,t crhil)ir of h;s work. llirshhc4lsr e pr.yicw ,,1 his $1)rkduri g rhc Parnt last sckend of N4rrehpro|ed Come jLrsthow srrrblerhe .n mnrket REAL ESTATE BREWSTER c. BERKowITz Bost ? t l : \ ( l | . i , \ r S r r c . t ,I l o s n n , N { A 0 2 1 0 8 (sl..rl..om 617'167-0505rl,rr-\rr.l SalLyBrewstcr l{on Bt rkrrwitz 100ch 6\7 22 IlctscyBarrett Toni Doggcrr .fL ,Jrrnior