JUDtcTAL ctRCUIT FAMILY COUKT DIVISION 37'h 'IIIVIE SHARING GUIDELINES It is rrrtlcrcclthat the parcnts of the chitct shall have possession of the child at tirncs nrutually agrcccl to itt advance by the parlies ancl in the abscnce of rnutual agrcement, and in the absettceof I specitic court ordcrof tir:rc-sharing, it isordered that thc parcnts slrall havc posscssion of thc child undcr thc spccitied guidclincs sct out in this tirne sharing guidclinc: Exccpt as rrtltenvise provided in this guideline, the non-prirnary residcntial parent shall havc thc'right ttr posscssion of the child as follorvs: I . *t, WcekendE - on rveekcnds bcginning at 6:00 p.ul. on thc I 3'd, and 5'l' f ritlay each nronth and cnding at 6:00 p.n'I. or1 thc follorving Sunday. of 2. \\rcekcnd pessessionS:<tcnclcd_b)ta holiday - if a rvcckend pcriod of posscssion bcgins on a Friday tlrat is a school holiday during the rcgular school tcnn or if the pcriod cnds on or is inrmediately follorvcd by a Monday that is such a holiday, that rveckcnd period of posscssion shall begin at 6:00 p.rn. on thc Thursday inrmcdiatcly prcceding the Friday holiday or end at 6:00 p.rn. on thc Monday that is the school holiclay, as applicablc. 3. il. 5. 'fucsdavq - on Tucsday o f cach rvcck, exccpt during June and July, begi nning at 6:00 p.rn. and ending at the timc thc child's school resumcs on Wcdncsday. l'hurs-days - on Thursday of cach rveck that the non-prirnary rcsidcntial llarcnt is rtot cntitlecl to a rveekcnd visit bcginning at 6:00 p.m. and cnding at 9:00 p.rn. Cltristrtras ltolidays in cvcn nunrtrcred ycars - in even nunrbercd years, tlcgirrning at (r:00 p.nt. on thc clay the child is dismissed t'rorn school tbr thc Clrristrnas school vacation and cnding at noon on Dcccmber 26. 6. Christnras holidavs in odd nunrbgred ye0$ in odd numbered years bcginr:ing ut noon c)n Deccmber 26 ancl ending at 6:00 p.rn. the day bctbrc thc child's school resunles after the Christmas school vacation. 7. Thanksgivinq in odd nunbercd vears * in odd nurnbcrcd ycats, heginning at 6:00 p.nr. on the day the child was disnrisscd [ir>r'n school for thc'fhanksgiving holirlay ancl cnding at 6:00 p.ur. the tlay bc{brc the clrild's sclrool rcsunrcs after tlrat Thanksgiving holiclay. - I 8. Spring lrreak anrl Fall break in evcn nunrbcrccl years - in evcn nurnbcrccl ycars bcgiuning at 6:00 p.m. on the day thc child is disurissed lionr school firr the sclrool's spring and tirll break vacation and cnding at 6:00 p.rn. the day bctbrc the .school resurncs alier that vacation. If thc schotll docs not declarc a spring brc'ak or a fall brcak, tlten thc non-prinrary rcsidcntial cLlstodian shall be cntitlcd to cxcrcisc a spring and tall lrrcak during the nronths of Octobcr and March, upt'ln l4 clays rvrittcn noticc to thc othcr parcnt. 'l'his timc-sharing pcriod slrall [tc tbr a lleriod of 7 days, i ncl usivc of rveekcnds. 9.tlterveckct:d,Tuesdaytright,and.Ihursclayrtight visitation idcntit'icd above shall not trc cxerciscd during the rnonths of Jutto und July lry thc non-primaly residential 1>arcnt. Said parcrrt shall howevcr be cntitlccl to cxcrcise, during the months of June and July, 30 days extended sunrmer tirncslraring rvitlr thc child witlt said tirne period bcing cxerciscd in trvo, l5 tlay pcriocls. lf thc nolt'r'csiclential parent provides writtcn notice by April l*', then tlrtt parcnt nray dcsignatc thc tirne periods rvithin rvhich tcl cxcrcisc the cxtcndcd surnrtrcr tiurc slraring. Provided that thc tirnc-sharing should be cxcrcisccl in trvo separatc. non consccutive l5daytirnelleriodsrvitharcturnofatleast5daysinbetrvccnthr:trvo visitatitrn periods to the prirnaly rcsidential parent. If writtcn notice is not providcd by April l, thcn the non-prinrary residcrrtial parcnt shall enjoy extendcd sun'lrner tinrc-sharing rvith the child l'r'orn 6:00 p.rn. Junc I5'r'until (r:00 p.rn. Junc 30tr'ancl rlso from 6:00 p.rn. July I0tl'until 6:00 p.rn. July 25'h. - thc lrarent not othcnvisc cntitled to posscssion of tlrc child on tlrc chilcl's birtlrday pursuant to this guidclinc slrall have tirnc-sharirrg rvith said child bcginning at 6:00 p.rn. and ending at 8:00 p.ul. otr that day providccl tltat that parcnl picks r.rp thc child frorn thc othcr parcnt's rcsidence and rcturns thc child to that rcsidcnce. 10. Child's birtlrSlay I l. Fathcr's Day and Mother's Da.y - cach ycar, bcginning al. 9:00 a.nr. on Mothcr's Day trr Father's Day as applicablc and ending at 6:00 p.rn. on said day, thc mothcr or fatltcr. as applicablc" provided tlrat hc or slre is not othcnvisc cntitled to havc thc child urrclcr this order shall bc entitlecl to posscssion of thc child providcd tlrat thc rtrotltcr or the fhther shall pick up thc clrild frorn thc othcr parcnt's residcncc anrl rcturn thc child to that samc placc. 12. E.rccptions to guidclines t'or children unclcr -5 - thc abovc rules apply cxccpt ils nrodiljccl bclorv for childrcn undcr 5. Thc tbllorving rnodif'rcations shall apply to thcsc time sharing guidelines: a l'ucsdays - Tucsday night visitatiorr idcntificd abovc shall bcgin at (::00 p.rn. and shall end on Wedncsday at 6:00 p.n:. - il't cvcu nuurherctl b. years l:cginning at 6:00 p.nr. on Dcccrnbcr 22 and cnding at noon on l)cccrntrer 2(r. providcd that the chiltl .slrall tre rcturnecl to thc grrinrary rcsiricntial parcrrrt tor 2 at lcast 4 consccutive days prior to resuml:tion of any Tucsday night or rvcckcncl visitation as set forth hcrein. c. Christnras holidays irr oddJ_rr$rhcretl ycars - in ocltl nunrberccl years beginning at noon on Deccmber 26 and ending at 6:00 p.m. on Dcccnrber 30, provided that thc chilcl shall bc returncd to the prirnary rcsidential parcnt lor at least 4 consccutive clays prior to rcsurnption of any Tucsday night or rvcckcncl visitation as set forth herein. d. Fall brcuk and Spring brcak in even nunrberccl ycars - in cven nurrrbered ycars, thc non-prin'rary residential custodinn slrall bc cntitlcd to exercisc a 4 clay spring bretrk ar:d a 4 day lhll brerk to occur during tlre rnonths ol'March and October upon l4 days rvrittcn noticc to the othcr parent. This 4 clays shall not bc exercisccl inrnrcdiatcly prcceding or irnmcdiatcly follorving a rveckcrtd visitation 1:enod. Rathcr thc child shall be rcturnud for a pcriod of at lcast 4 consecutive duys to thc primary rcsiclential parent prior tt: rcsunrl:tion of any Tuesday niglrt or rvcckend visitation as set tbfih hcrein. c. Exten<led -thc non-prinrary rcsidential parcnt shall bc pcriod cntitlccl to an cxtended of tirnc-sharing rvith thc child tbr a 20 day pcriod to occur during the rnonths of June arrd July. Provided howcvcr that this 20 day period shall bc cxercised in 4 day incremettts rvith the rcquirenrcnt that the child be retunred to thc residential home lbr 4 day intcrvcning per.iocls. The rveckcncl,l'uesday night ancl Thursday rtight visitation idcntitied above shalI not apply during the urontlrs ot.lune antl July. s.urnrncr-possgssion T'hc llrintary rcsiclential parent slrall havc a superior right ol'posscssion of thc child at all tinrcs othcr than those identifiecl abovc. 37,I' JUDICIAI. CIRCUIT FAMILY COURT DIVISTON GENERAT, RIGHTS AND RESPONSTBILTilE OIr A PAIUINI' As a parcnt ol'a chilcl you have the fbllorving rights and rcsponsibilities, rvithout rcgartl to any arvard o1'lcgal custody: l. The riglrt to rcceivc infor:nation frorn thc othcr parcnt concerning thc hcalth. cctucation, aud rveltare oIthc child. 2. 'flrc right to cont'cr rvith thc other parcnt to the cxtcnt possiblc betbrc rnaking dccision conceming the hcalth, cducation, and rvelfarc of thc child. 3. Thc riglrt of access to medical, dcntal, psychological, ancl educational rccords thc child. 4. Thc riglrt to consult rvitlr a physioian, clcntist. or psychologist of the child 5. 'fhc right to consult rvith school ofticials conccnrirrg thc child's rvclfirre and cducational status, including school activities. 6. 1'hc right to attend sctrool activitics. 7. 'fhe riglrt to be designatcd on a child's rccords as a pcl'son to be notificcl in cusc of a ol an cntsrgeDcy. 8. 1'lrc riglrt to oorrscnt to rneclical, tlcntal, and surgical treatmerrt during an cnlergency involving an irnrncdiatc dangcr to tlre health antl sat'ety of the child. 9. Ench parent may designatc any compctcnt adult to pick up and rcturn thc clrild in thc cvent tl'rat thc parcnt is unablc to lrc present tbr the exchange. 10. Failurc to obcy a court order lbr child supporl or for possession olor ircccss to a child rnay result in a conternpt finding that may be punished by conlincnrcnt irr iail flrr up to six tnontlrs, a fir:c of up to S500.00 for each violation, ancl a rnorroy -iutlgnront tirr payrnent of attorncy's tbcs and court costs. I l. Irailurc of a pafty to pay child support docs not justiff dcnying rhar party court chikl. Rcfusal by a party to allow posscssion not justity failure to pay coun orclered child suppofl to ordcrccl possession of or access to a of or acccss to a child does that parry. RUI,ES FOlt TII\IE SI{I\RING of the child tbr thc other parent. Ncithcr parcnt should do or say anything that rvill interferc rvith the love and atlcction of the child lbr thc othcr parcut. Ncitlrcr parent should allolv third pa(ies to do or say anything to or in the prcscncc of thc child that rvill intcrt'ere rvith the lovc and affection of thc chitd lbr thc othcr parcrrt. Additionally, ncithcr parcnt should: I3ach parcnt shoulcl tbster the lovc and af fcction L Havc thc child delivcr filotley or mcssages from one parent to thc othcr and thus placc thc child in thc middle. 2. Ask thc child to kecp a scorct tiour tlre other parcnt and, in effect, tcach thc chikl to lie. 3. Quiz thc chitd about rvhat is going on at thc otirer parent's lronrs and thus tunt the child into a spy. 1. Say unkind things about the othcr parcnt to the child ol in the prescncc of tho child. 5. Try to conduct parcntal busincss when cxchanging the child for visitation 6. Make any threats or starl argutnents rvith thc othcr parent rvhcn exchanging thc child for visitation. . Ask a child directly or subtly, "Which of us clo you really want to be rvith," and thus place thc burden on tlre child. 1 lJ. Allorv a child to takc control of visitatiorr 9. whenevcr hc or shc rvants trl do so. I-lavc thc child refer to a f'uturc steppilrcnt as "r)lother" or 10. Eavcsdrop on or "fathcf'. intempt the child's tclephone conversations with thc other parcnt VIOLNTION OF THESE RULES MAY AFFECT OIT LIMIT A PAREN-| 'S RICI.IT TO VISII'ATION OR CUSTODY.