MAHARASHTRA POLLUTION CONTROLBOARD REGIONAL OFFICE, PUNE IO2q - 25411627 wakdewadi, MumbaiPune (020) 25811029 ffi hltoJ/mpcb.oov in o,a, 't o lt' corg t Na: MPcB/lt' | 6 D 3f 7"16 9AOO773 SP{'ol 26 of rhc wtF' mts\"n'or & Co'ttl of 'nder piiii,iiii e;l rs?, & under spd'on 2r oi Ajr 'Prc\"nrio' & 'o'rmr or i..i"ii"'t ,r.r 'ss r -a c',h* a 'on r 't'n"w' orAutnorai'' 'd'rRureso' ir'" i.,"ii""! w*"" O't-', Handling & rransbou lrv Movcnert) Rules consenr @ Ift Oo.r,'c bc relered a3 r wstcrAd, Air Acr and Hw (M&TM) Rulca €spedi"elvl' CONSENT is hcreby snnied to M/s. N.K Realtors (Hotel vauy vista Grand) Plo! No 9, iudev Nol03/1/1/l+103/tl/2+103/l/2+10312+109 ViUagc l<unemda Tal-Mlval Dist Pune .c"rco -n rl" ,r. d4l,. o i ad"' the pro .qon olt'FwJFrA r em ;uLr o -a'.ol,ndq rr p o .-on o Htr54&1 \'L) Pr l r'd' Ar" dnd d3\ be \"",""' on;or 'n A.r"ndtreR.r s""a'n"o'dq'.hd .;;.ii; j .';.r",rher-nr-,b-rro \" o.lo{'ns|,m'and o'di' l. rhe Conse.i t E3abusb is sanled lor a penod up b: Coonissioning ofthe prcject o! 5 y** whichever tu es.liel' 2. Tbe cons€nt is valid fortbe- i-"t"":r st".cats.,y) 3. CONOITIONSUNDER WATER ACI: (i) The daily 'iuanlilv oftmde emnent non the ladory shal noi exeed Nil' G) The daily quaniLq ol sewase enuent fem ihe (ni) Trade Edrueni : f'cbry sh"ll not -NA- (iv) lnde Emucnt NA- SA Yd P;\ exceed 20 0 M3 O rflucn! TreaiDcni: The applicant shall pDvide Sesage a hai.hi. conDr.hcnsivc influenr lnd opeBb 'rualiiy so 3s to a.hiave lhe qualnr ot nlaGd ed with Elerence ihe sne .odinlolsly b emneni to the follonins *andards (r) (, Suspanded Solids ?7.C. BOD 3days toe\leed Not 100 30 nga. ns/1. 1v,) sew4e Dllluenl Dlsposd: rhe rFlred doi,es!! seErge shall bc ussd on land for (rdNon Hazardous SolidWa*esl r) Indu*ry should monitor emaent qualiiy regularl!. :i) Ind{*r'} shall develop green belt of specH ,n 4, The applicant shall comply with the provisions ofthe Water {Prev€nrion & control or Pollution) cess Act, 1977 (to be rerefued as cess Act) and ane.ddenrRules, 2003 there under Tha drily Naier consrnpiion lor rhe lollowi.s categoies ie.s und.r {'l) indunirl P)o..ssinB lool 'd'.ru'n nn Ag!.rllur/ oxrd.Dins The appl,crnl Se(ion 3 oril'e s[all resrhrlv said -1.0 i , l, 0.00 ctlD strbnnr ro ihe Bo]rd de rerums ol A( 5, CONDITIONS UNDER AIR ACT: o The arrlic.nt shall in{all a snsisiing of ontrol equipmenb as F wRunled riih rele8n.e to generation of enission a.d ol)ei.b rnd maintan the saDe .lntinuouslr so $ ro achieve the levsl ofpolnta.b b tha fotl.\ving r.du{,r. shrrl rrrjde du{ (orrf(or of lI'.isnt capacry b. Sranda.dsforEdissionsotAi.Polluunts: 1) SPlt to ontrol ( ". NoFe ton,,t.0.c tndu*'y sd.houtd b" on,rot;d t. pm\rd,rc "n rha ruum acousL should povide amusric cn.tosure for conhol otnone. desisned for noise srandlrds, Ehichever is on hqher side. A exhausi numer wiih inscrion toss of 25 dB LA) sbllt lib'eni the of ihe oon shoutd be hinimun 25 dB (N insertion loss o! for ne.-"s rr slii.ble .bo be prcvided. The neasureneri ot insemon l6s wil !e done ar difGrenipoinb a!0.5nebB tFm aousiic enctosurerfton snu men rtks ade,tuab Delsure6 for conrtulorno,se levek fmm ns own soures within rhe prftises in r6peci ot Niso to I,. L3r ,,dB/a\d .ns tay .m-"nd 4, tBr\.ddflns rh" ,,st, The ,ndustry shdl a Di|d. .,..lofdberB*.63m,ot0p "e Erkoned "nd;"n .,n" beLBcqr l0 p n rorla,,, lnds!ry should nake efio8 ro bnng do{. noise tevet dre 10 DG se!, outside indu*ial pleDiscs $irbin anbrenr noGe requircmenrs by Pmpersrh.g and onhol reasur-"s e. lnsialbrion of DG s€t nu* bc shi.d! in omDr,anlc {M r?.ommcndaiions of DG seL hanufachuer I a oopq brr,'dp,ernr.." q,1!n.r.,"p{.ioL,!ro, DC.d 6io,d Lr, 6" Jnd Io to,"d .n or,,t,,ro, \fh h" oL s. h tnanufactur€r which $ould h.lp to prevcnt noise tevels ot Dc aei lsn dererionilng sirh ue. D.G. Se! shatlbe ope.abd only in ose The aFplicant should Doi ous any nulance in ihe 3uuounding aea due b operaiion of D.c. sot. Stlndards for Stack Enissions: (t ThesppLcantshs tobs€n€ rherolto (i) TheapplianlshalteEcr rhc.hinneyc)of thefotrowingspeciticariom: 0ii) t€ro: The lpplient shell prcvide po& in itre c[inncy/(s) and fi.itti4 such as laddci, plaiaorn ch. for monibdng ihe ai.omiseoDs and the sancshall be open lbr insp.ction to/and for use of the Board,s Sbft The chiDner(s) ven1s sria I dd 10 \ino,. eoLr.i. of dnis. on.)at, ba oi s.snaFd ur nu dbA5.L,n ". c ', S2. pr .nd (iv) tpse .n"t b" o.n,cd drspt.rdd b t, i.rdts The ind6iry shall takd adequrG ncasur* to..ondll ofnoisc levets ton ns own soures wiibin rhe pedises so as !o naniain .mbienr aif quatiy stsn.lafd in rspe.i olnoisc b tsss rh.n 75 dB(!J during dry rime and i0 tiE. DrJ_ tine is rck.ned in beinccn 6 a d6! m isrecroned l0r h h ,nd l0 1) Thc indushJ should not .aus The indusr.t s ho uld nonilor 3tack e missions and anbie.l air qullLq ,) 8. CONOITIONS UNDER HAZARDOUS WASTE {MANAGEMENT, HANDLINC & TRANSBOUNDRY MOVEMENT] RUI,ES, 2OOA: t" ndr [.n,. 1tp e a,oo .....".1 pe ' Adb"lo... Thc .uthouabon is h.'tby gr.nbd b operalc a racilit! lor collection, sbraee, rrnspod & disposal ofh.zardousNasre Th. indusiry slo{ld smDly 'ith rbe Hazadou3 wrsb (M&TM) Rules. \r'he.averdue b any a&idani or sas lcakage ororheruntbreseen act or is sppEhended b o..ur i!' axcess ol shrll be fofthwith Rcpo.ted io down, snch inforEa.ion *aDdar& Hedil, Police S1.tioi, of Industry, S.lef Collsdor, Djecbrab 'nd Detarnent ol Explosiv.s. otHealth S!Nic.s. !.l? Brisad., Dirclo[E pm.ess should bc stopped b! Boad lnd In..l Bodr rnd th. r$dudion hkins all nces!.'.v slfety Di?asurs Th. ,ndu*ll shall ako m.nnor the an,ission and cnsur th the enEsons do not.ruse 3ny harn or ,. dre n,roundilg lha Ddustry should pmcd* \'nhour permission ol |ho Boad and oiher rhlnory organizitionas rquie d erihe laN. .uis.nce Thc unn n3s io display and nainrain rhe data online oureide the facbry nnnr grtc in NaEihi & Enslish bo.h on r 6x,!'dGplay hDard in lhe d nerrnd ihc rcro$oftlE conpliancc along $ith phologrrph shallbe subnnled b ihs ofiice & .lncerned Reg,onal Office/ Sub Rccional c. It shrll Le eDsuEd disposd or {ridly that lhe H.hrdous sa*e is handlcd. mrnaged & anh dF HrzsdoN \\'aste (Y&TN ) io ^(odan.c (2'- 9, tndustryshallcomptywtth fottowtnAge!erat conditions: i T\" apor rrr .tnriJ,e.nsoodho_aF,plsrro "1 . oL'-e. o ;" "::,::l","j_:-'""'#::,::,. 33% o, the avaihb,e open ,and unde, '--um sreen :HiJ")Hi iiiji,T,'J.: sot'd \i5ts ,r- non herdrdous sot.o w_q, arisn. 'qrPp.n'. . .. be d .p*ed or .r-r:n.3i, 'o r b'<'ov e*drscs t. fl'.';; ;::l;#-1i*;:'il;; id" i; ,. rhr,!pt"€ar"l " aL p.o, . o .i: ;:c ;:#,1;i,l: ;;Tiill,1,1r:Jf". for an stFrnaE "t"qr., ffi ;i, #- ::;iliT ;:;: "] ;: *:i;fr ,ti:l"ii;* *' -. " * - " " j:I;:,;"jii;;#"1'".1 :ii:Tl ;,t: *"".:::,1 :rr, :* ; fi;T. t""il',il.1'.jlT"":'"1j;t:.1t":-"lt;. j;l lt,l"lIj.jj "J;:i:j,;; 'i T)papp.,.J'rcSdtt,.ordFh,1, J,o. mta,,ono q.u.onm,nL,crmppq"rd sJmpF. d r, ,nd .endce r.nJen, . ,u. "n, s,on6 a d".,cnrpn Fh6 5rd .',.'p,, ,o,m Bo,m i:,::".:""'l"l T,.tr lJ,j:r; "',i"T""ti#l;."::i: 1,[ :,J,ii]i;ii","t"iL."" ",'" -n q. 3,'.a, ol.f, ." op{tu snd co &j otSp",". lN,rcnren,ar sbrcDd I Rcpod to, rhe-0fnr,.,tva, J., Varh.n r' or cn\no,o"o' ;;i"ffn""1iX1;1"1iil"r*ff"'';,"#' "1 s " ::'.l""":,fi:ili*'"f: x '\e om" N,i,sb. b,h" BoJ'ds otu(rr" Tne apptican! shau insa]l a separate etdctric ne@r @",s, m.o, do-;", . ";; ,;j,:i"..i sI ";i: l-,:::.;::::;i,l;: *^* :l:"";T.',1fi.:?fi',:;il;i,;,'l*' -' -''ion or h"m.ish :::n"py ,,:, - :tri".I e:',ff ::i;;T;j']i qr, rru1s m"1' ii ::";11",*;:',;,":...J, ;jir":;: ;;::,j l\o, /lJjn ehJt. ,\e fo, m"3.n,ns rn" tro.r. tr;J:t;';"'");",J"":r"i',,li"iliT,t i1,,ti' b. adm.r.pd ,n j."!."):"m*.i r;,;;;." ",lI^'I;; ::"1:l:j":'.1;::;i:' md\e,e er'*."n3'b"''.o{pd,om\ This is issued without prejudice to the lawr bylaws orrceulatjons in ay.rh* psmEso requad undsanyof This Board reserves rhe rishr io add / omnd / re!okc rny condjron in rhh!on5enr andrhesameshalt be bioding TIF appticsni sbru obhin consen! 1f'e's"rc The Csp,tal ,nee*nenr of the ndu{ry ,s Rl 2363 0 Ijklr ' Fo' ANDON BEHALF OF l\,l.P.C aOARo (SURYAXANT S, DOXE) REGIONAL OFFICER, PUNE PJ 9d-t (Eorel valy vilta crand), Plol No. I, SuFey No. 103/1/1/t+ l$/ln12+r03/12+ Io3/2+ l0g Viuage Kune.ana,Tal, Maval, Dist.. Pune. l) Sub.Regio.rl Officer, MPCB, , P - II Pt Chiefac@unis OlfEr, MPCB, MuDbai / P.C. / S,ura / Solapu. R!@ived Consont lee of ?5,000.00 2049699I 1G.03.2016