r@ CLINICALNOTES Evaluatlon of Neurologl< Deficit without Apparent (ause: The lmpo.tance of a Multldisdplinary Approach BadeyE. smdh,MDIj turphr Rymine.MDI;chlrauk 9NaroqMD], h loieph I rG., PhD'?j lohn R*ri4 MD'];ramerNlmp, MD'' rodd Alben, 'iDepatued or odlropaedt sdgery, ph lefieron unreEity tlospiGr, adep s..rsreund/ob,.drrc: A pdied p olqaii. dnoder, :nd d thRjunc'ure idsrry ns my psy.rr*ft 'r srds b aPproF de diagnd c nudis cn co (neurorosy, psy.lriat'y,sochlwo,k, m€dkar5pech5b) sry lu thc ev.Luation ot avpi.cr paiary55 may tphp' .otd M.d, 2oo7i3o:5or51, ' h Fnsltivi9 lor the bF.riE . nicr or pbri t frr : oie rdr $e d: u4idi of .ery 6 $rie tomogaPhy(cr) rmashg hasa cP dbqnosis orlradurenthe.efl.arspne(r) hthe.ae o f b d g a |a wt r* t e m' y p m|y s s i riown hjuryb (herpie a &mpde of the 'ratioi (MRr)or the bain, .€ ti, md thon.oumbaispiial rhe hilrnal ot spln'r <ord M€di'ine (nil.oti.5 iee*hq, $eknq ho6iq, &odiD.e or 'o4 dO lhoud be appEFd. rr sympbm5m nientonrrv i8m or nlury ''d lbjedve .ompranb qens. y do nd .oneit. w(h u'y motorand/o,froryilndiof su As outrhed,nuhplc p5y.hi3!i..ond(otr Gdi'er and mrhqsiiq) Gn prcfnt wnh neroogc d-4i.r' € snr PcEon(4)' , d ti.art n€drcroer. .ompL n6 ( e, paE y:L). . it, (iorma rerlexes, Gb sennlon and rore, bdbo.,vs r dois rcrd) 5hodd rie rhe hdq or jurpoon 'or m*iq.menl dnorde,(4).h.od or somatzarron ind eiPqei.er in hii/her5ynproms dljords b€rieves ind an MR, myeoqn somdosrory.eloN.d porcd rr {s54t :nd mobr soled potontiat(MtPt evarua'e(h.deo(y di aisory diitbe d: liinndoni (r2) cr (sPE.l ri p€iod. pmrrs5 (r 61 3t Auioimmu (4) ro, the diriss(i daqno< ro. tlrc Badtof rudcar moiornimlri. v! humicrd ar(re) h?veEponed$d or b ya q e n e r a!medra|.o|drion,thcnb . |o n d ] rro t ih e sprndr.irnc, c.nrcrren rhe spinil hju, c c.nt€. (5rOrcn wasdcrr b.d by a d i t y lheev doldec e d e d c a u d d es Eldi or.oNssioi dnods Yuef etar0a 'o.lhe hysedarsymptomi d rorlowup vst (re). tuid o n a M r Rr(rMR) idedrr$E qd oitrrb ii (20)wth.enah'MRr maehefque M{+a d a {21) d$qbed a fMR nudy oD a d mt thcrcw* thc'dvi9 in thor rcsions slsssr paialyll,theall{Ed|imbwi| m6dc.odradon oi the hamndo$ (r4 (2r) Mr5h . rc r. l (2r),so for€ thatdE ad$fbq€r or (Prr) rude the abf,.e o' Add tbm ,l M R |sdaymdeU pd:ystwl|typk.y atcmptinsto5t'.elcxivc|yldngt (:22,23)rhir 5hondnq (uiinvdred) rinb - lbtutr.ios (urca 4d).odri.r, ir 5hyporhe5=dtbd (7,3,r0,rr,8,25), ther i.idsc L trbr€y Bre (4) rpiial .od hjury @ er dd nldier Gny, cr, md MR) dd not d.ntiry roy pitienlt ows e*remV wearn€$wth no apprcrt abfd rr*ion and moior<rvi! b rmstured b a spm cdd hlury ce spiid .od iiiu,y eudier (NAsct pm'd.dl s s € P d ln g md f Mc mi|y jijb e p e rlq me d ' w h l . h rcpon€d mbilrry to nove hB of my obicdrc frndnssb uPptr enremry nrcnglh d 5/5 lrmed,i(wd|heophionoilhene i iopsod/quadi..ptt b i ir ionguts-rocncm6 muicc s.oup5had 0/5 nrcnsrh. vssar, bmy niudeswse dert 'ie voriron,?nd bu bo.av€,nosus reirex.rhe bi.eptrtepr mudc nrckh erlercs wsc 2 /4 b aten r, and h s pdelhr^.hirl8 rc,lexd wse r'r1 b kd y Babdi Hofimmn,sjlrnswgereqa''€b]laknly Becreo' rhe m<hansm of njL,ryin,r abFrce or or.dcdemps?|ywthmdtra dsnit ns a sps.i'i. lbnom? iry moior.onexGpp,opturarrerorhnri{cd imb)whei ot konriicnt w th apathy ol hteno; w€ hypoth€Qed thar dre preien.e or oj!ry Prcb(o Pbn frofy b5L rhe Pdiert wr $e *udy (fieurc5r dod 2) rhe pdied! asibron tr u si m'ifft,n,iffm4,1 r! irl!- (26,27). wheths the k.r ot moto thepl€Nwihp*:|yljolnoapp}e sh birnarco( c ier ns behdor Gb wd : preniptoi ior iar.dl. p;d nedrddn) rhe rh. ,.um.r of 5PrnarcordMedkhe e d rhevo* up oi,ny pdcnrwirh a!pGlpaftrysk * ;' ,f 1, ';,-\ -| I rr H rr ur ll!_!j_tr_l! tt r--5 t.omprB o i (m. g e . o u mrc ro ) -Ll :) n (ima g e . o u o n1s 5 ). n d rM R rm a q s di,th5l!rtM, draensfc etrod foturd on lr.nurt nq my psydrkr. reFded hiury (h rhs aic , Pcde mdbrvehr4, any pftrt presedoe wrh rn acdc o' 0aut5ympiomthdwg€nim'bmy'a'nddby thcpdcnt. n rcto5pc.l d,r prenr preaNeddaqio! on Grypta rde cqredoewrharepdded haundc nju,yoi.onsids abe rdr.O hr pl3yi may be psy.hoqea. n 'hat dertt psy.hoeen. piarri wse od pedqmd d niury md r crfofr had ben di<kd of Pfatrt :oiq b a mqe rhdmlqh sc, 1.rc$ LM, MuphyMA A .ompdd booqBphyd o adi!rci6r cryr, fhe , B4 Pc,Hah6sr aak ralnq{ d,rhd.od f!ry .ut t@t oPtbft N&at. 2ro02 ! 7 5r1 r Miq€naMA,rshr 1, Robba. erulon d sae hiqry wrh psydo$ri r4 €pqrry. / P4h,!a 4s. ree6,11rr5 3. kbion El,wnam5rR, 5dh! 6 pry.turt d$de, Godvediondndds) wn d aqnd€d a porp( ro 0doMN, uqren c lPa.ro4rtprafi \ye *!d, us6n bes1 2oaa)162 56i, 56i4. qdutoi ior tn€rtd p'ar' t BpaM pPofruatylolorm rph! ,oe2erqc R4 le6s:e:e13 r5HgltjR].on€tronndqFE|ysddLqerJad'Mfd/ An I EdetsMed. 7. a4f5 p{it5L qseunidsbrr 13 obq Kp rtrebxr Fidn '4o.,21f,1 20IurerR'Hosem th€ loumll or tpr..r aod M.dkrn€ ARe$cE]ofPBo,|dbn( dibden r prclpeii4 @iftr srcup n!dy. / N4rcr |942'caqMd1992'56j59 oi o*!n Ms, (eHaPl. ebickl ch6rdftEdrid qsdt padtds rrcm hyreidr FBTFL, !f<t on !s .onlshndld€i,o9N.u4'dqfom@ladPlr eacr DN, s€ibr rl r,bd c, iudey M .onw6oo hylda:kso$lremiunilmima9h9']N&4*h"lry