As?r YBsracg of fTne people tne Jews For 2,000 vears, aet and dar€, in tbe tcucr. Tbere uere !ame tton€t wltb yet/ow uantt craw/ing over tbem. Vhter utat lcaAlng fron the ualh and tAcre eltat e serible uencb. I tau' some big ratt, /ihe cbicAeat, tbat rzn n!6r u!. Vc ccu/d not ,nov€ abast or stand ap. Po/u/t seuter cleaners broaght at blacA breed and Daddy urried uatcr in c jug in hil tceth. lYbcn rcneone utoatld /7utb tlte /oi/et, tbe tewer u.,ou/d fll u,itb panid elater. he ycar l94l saw rhe begin. of the most frightful chaprcr of human history. Known as rhe Holocaust. it eras the' culmination of decadcs of harred. lt qrrs an explosion o'f nsanity rhar had bccn build!ng through all of recorded hisrory, !r sas the par Nazi Germany began the mass cxrermination of Jcws. Based on passages h{aE of the wcrld have been the chosen target of racists. carolvn Parrlsh reports "lt uat tern'bly envy and fear. tsraet tlve on) of thc Ncs Tisramenr and rhe teachings of Popes and sainrs. harrcd ofJews has bcen accepred and practised for 2.000 years. Some orherwise respecred historians harrc crncn painred Jews as wonhy and willing victims. Few of us can vies such prolonged suffering, degradarion and rnisery wirhout arnazement at a raw abiliry ro survi'rc. Alben Specr. architect and mun!tions chief for Adolf Hitler said, "The regime's anti-Semitisrn was nothing unusual. Hirlcr remained wirhin rhe norms of Europcan tradition." When did rhis tradirion bcgin? uomdn gave birtb to a babl'. lt died and utat tbrou'a inta tbe riuar I crarcd to msch for t$e sun and fzeth oir tbat I cznnot descibe it. Ve spent 14 monrbt tbit aay. On tbe day se r,ncrc freed, my tittlc brotber Pavel cied and tied to rtlt/rfl lo tha tesen He utat no: ated to tbe tigbr and u,at afraid of tAe peopte." A l,Yarsaut Gb In rhe period berercen 66 and A.D.. rhe Rornans occupicd 136 fron , \\ 9? U l sed1 by Permlss3on ? rvivor Palesrinc. They dexrolrd the Temend rheJce'ish starc of Jr.rdca. In Semitisro. 'plc 136 A.D., thcy kiilcd 180,000 Jeurs and burned 985 tcra'ns. This rnar&ed rhe beginning of rhc DfsQora -.1 sc:rrcring of Jcws around rhe eorld rhar didn's end undl the crcarion of rhe srare of lsrael in 1948. Lrkc reponed. "fur there c/ill b€ grear distrcss orer the land and wnr! upcn this pcople. And.rhcy siJl fall by rh. cJge-of thc seord. and rhey will be lid aq?y as cap. dras ro all narions. And Jerusalern saint John were acldccl',"Ihe iilS ::*1t"ifn-" i?th€r from whom yor.l srcuo eas a murdercrin foreign counuic. iir r..rl,y La i,l."-j:-t-t:l jt, (,od'-' xolar€ oot ot narion.i dignirT gonc. .ice,s be."*e alieru who li'cd by pl1*i*""1"" ,-^P-:,3::-?ii]if sealed whcn ihcy "*' accepred many lands and culrures f]lcallv = of Jesus' tronicauy. rr',, t..t o'i" hometand *'^9.::':i"-:tfld:l hrs hands anc Lendless. porertess Jcer forccc ro cisr as a dioiscd scsrncd ro'b!nd Je.s,rh cominuniries l::j,':ii'jtll-Yl-t1 rhey mainrained rhe language and rcnp.ined unique io on us and our children. A; ,h.y cusrom, reiiglon end uadirion. killed F!irn.', Thcy did not inrermarry or Early Chrisriaru cornpeted wiElr ]di'?tl;',y becarne *.ur"* i5'ilTr"J,f::;?"T:fiilt; t/,e rerigion *LiffiTJrj*'*t#? l*:l of Europe in.29i A.D. It bclicecd rian dury. F.'crced baprisms, confrscathcre was. ordy one God and one don of propcny. mob attacls and crue rcligion. .{ll ochen lrrrc false *e burnini of'synagogues erere Canada aad, tbe trHcr3d \t',q ovember I 985 t to S s and nor ro bc rolerared. Christians also uscd Jesus' own words ro con. dcnon tbc Jcsa and crcuse anr!- €orDmonPlacc. 4,dapie d e g/ 6 ;f; Lithurnians said thcsc were gf$s for dcfcnce purposes. As * rhc jes,s finrshe d rltcir iob €F *t. homc. Ar miCni.ghr ffl: \:D scnt men, logetl)ct wltn tajne 'crt wivcs and ch,ildrcn, s.cre lakcn rhc prrs in the forcst and shot. 'i{ .4, jrcr thcir gold tccth nrtc ls6ercd. thrrt bc.rdrcs wcre icft fot the to dcvout " q'olvcs Sonre trred ro hide thc Jen's and rh:n fcercd for rhcir oq'n livcs. "!';eck. and nronths 2n6l 1's315 n'cnl n' r^,.1 61,'..161r h"nnCnCd. And I When I grri rrur- rhe orher children l:ugfred ar nlc. Onc o[ rhc Rr,mrn C.rrholics.*.]ro hclpcd sas Angclo Roncalli. rlho larer bccame Popc John XXlll. Hc issued thousands of Chrisrian b:p. r jsmal ccrrificarcs to Jews and savcd man)' as a resulr. Heroic srories sur. faced afrcl rhc war bur thc grearcsr sharnc was thar rhc Chrisrian world ignorcd rhc srories of what uns hap. pening unril ir R'aJ (oo larc. AII rhar rcmained of six millron Jcws ezs nrass gra\cs. ashes znd crushc& lai erthcr rn r cupboard or under ii-.t bcd Ir s'ls thrcc or fout )'cars anrj I haCn'r gonc oul of docrs. bone. Canada welcomcd thc Jers aftcr thr war. The vicrorious Al,lics pur thc Nazis rhey could catch on rrial ar Nurembcrg. Tlrc world gave rhc Jrws Isracl as a roken of irrguik. Alrhough many escapcd. war crjminals are srill being hunred. I E?! sevcn vcars old and didn't know hoe ro ezlk. N{r' lcgs '*'ere crooked and mr lect *'cte tsisrcd brckuerds. Adolf Eichmann. who was rricd and DeSEnEe!CIs?s )er: one of thc Hebreu or Jewish pcoPtc- in isracl in 1962. oncc kiiicd and burncd 18,000 Jews per day. Afrcr his trial hc sas srill proud of his accompl,ishmenu: "l can joyously jump inro my gra!€. Gcncile: P€rtan aot of ieutisn g,lcil-J R:ce: 4 gmsP co?zfiecied b1 com' *o" atitr"i: boute, familY' tibe ' knowing my mission has b'ccn tgltttlLq. rgca. Hebrcs: lsraclite, Jeu'; tanguage c{ ascicst Iews. i 7or* of ',i'iaa;rn, r'trh uordt bormwcd flm otd Gerr'an wan'J EurcPcaa longaages; s|o6en b7 Je-i l" execured or frotz ccrrff*t as,d attt€Tn furoPe. E)izspoca: disPerszon ofJeu ta a!/ p:an of fie t:,orld. Zoaisro:. rv o?etnctTt rcsaltie;g in ihe re'eitoblitArncat of a ieuri:b a:tian in PsJe$;dc. " The sysrcrnaric arremprs ro desrroy Je*'s as a culrural. nrdonal and rcligicus group havc failcd. Despire. or bccausc of. their lack of a homcland and rhcir pctsc{utrort. hcy sr.r n ivcd t&jrrh lbrmal Chrisrran rcligions losing rhcir h,rltJ. nq.'xssflrl rimcs rrc rccomplrrhing l.rr rrrort rlrlrr 1.000 vc:lrs ol' srrric tlrd (.:rrr.rrlr:rrr Jcu,s t cnrr(iI ouI iulrutc. c,lnsrstcntlr, cx. tclling irr lrs. nr(.dr(In(. busincss. rhe rrts and p,rlrur,r l'hcl arc rrorv I rcligruur and crhni. group rarher .rhan a "re(c. lrl;rnr h,rvc losr thcir abilirv ro rpeak llehrrt or Yiddish and fct^ rrc Orrh,rdor. ,l\l,rrc erc in. rcrmarrving and :rs.rmilaring. The lasr s.ord gocs ro Hannah Arendr. Jcs.ish phrlosophcr, "Everv human carries u,irhrn him rhe porcnrial for corruprion and rhc abiliry ro commir unspeakable arrocirics. !r. is simpll a qucsrion of hisrorl' rhar deterrn,inel n'ho murdcrs and who is rnurdcrcd." ? BITHE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL LIVE ONU' I'A},T YISRABL }IAI* Read the articl-e, questions: nAlE YisraeL Hais and answer the fo}lowing 1. Define racism" 2. Def,ixEe 3. ) exarnpXes i.n towards Jer*s Prro:E to 1941- ant,i-seraitisn- Cite tteree (3 Fristsoz-y of violerrce and hat'red &o t€ 4. Def ine sldiasPorail t - j-ne the Lern ilscagreEoatn 5 - Def 5 " F;hat event were the Jews bl;"med that tool< place " from 1347-1350? Here Jerss given the vot'e in Canada? 7. When 8. Fron 1933 to 1g3g one million Jess flec persecution in Europe. EIcw nany Jews were alLowed t'o enter Carcada bef,ore ECWfI? against Jews people- Give a Canadian example of discrinination 9- 10- E{hat did our Canadian Prine Hinistern HcKenzie King say about the Jewish PeoPle? L1. Ffhat inaEe energed to sterotype Jewish the Great DePression? bus j-nessmen durj-ng the titte of, the book that Hi-tler srrote that outLined *fina1 soluLionil to the Jewish probl-en? l.2. What was 13. Hos rnany children d'ied in the Holocaust? 14. Wtrat heroic act did Pope John >C{III perform? F{aziis were hunted down and brought to trial15. After ehe war, FEatr crimes tribunalF' Haue fanous t How lrave Canadian Jews l-6 - 3-7 . Def,ine "Zionisu* ' enriched our culture?