026t2016 M*inu : IOO halkB Tnne : I }our ad 16 l. Tli€ nohniy of iLs solulion coniaihing 4 s of sodium hyd&idc in o.e liirowater i5 r. In 3. Aolligative pNperty d.D.nde (\) 0.1M (c) 0.5 M $. 4, On <= 2 NO!., , u iM..e in pE63uE : (B) Shifil ih. equilibriu io ibe bn (A) Ternimte theF.ciion (c) Do€s not ci.tse th€ €quilibdr (D) Shitu th..quilib.iue t th. ngli ftaclion Nlq@ (D) The nmh€r oD : dilihd, rp*i6c oduct @ (c) De. mt chalsE pg ofu.olution 3 c) 12 Ec'lgnd Th€ nunbe. of d)3 (c) e r! el*telyb : G) Daees (D) rmEe. (D) and tLen d€cFs till!.: 2 p,it irth€ follosings.ction, HCI+NE3<>NI{+CI_ @: (A) Ecldd cl ?. of (B) rr Tbe @njrsit€ acid.bae (c) di.&lte. {n@ hyddideion6mrd&tio! i.000r Dobrurc (A) 6. .olute olslute padide di!€olEd i! r Biv.n bluE€ otthe.or*ft (A) Imaru 5. : (B) lM (D) 10M (A) Th€ tlnber of elwrt psdcld h *hi.h tI. (B) Muof sl . di$olwd in the elEDt (Cl M{sof .olre t*er ' eintta. NI{r flrde.nt.l G) NI]! snd Cl- (D) NH: a'd Cl- vib.airon. of h.thane !E : aD 't (D)8 lP,T,O,l 8. The 660€l rr vrbmlions of CO, (A) tuna. active (O s. A! dd@lhedt !.ed (q 10. Boi! RlEan ald IR i! Cabiu Which ofiho rF: activo @lunn chrcnrior"lplty id of uil! (c) 12. tans6 &oo : (B) (D) ?-3 Tbe )€Uow @lou of 13. The of .tfth in nilL @n be deteadurns: (A) Bt@i!. *ater (C) Ioiline 14, Ar €*Dpb 16. The (B) C.loln ct'lorid. ehiid @) ny.lrchbncaciil lolution fo. a .ynthsti. food tih.blo &idity of bilL q! 6lou additi% b..&rcds.d i! i.rE. of: (A) Cihi...iil (c) le. Lsc$c gcid An er.Eple of r .1a.6 010/2016 3-4 (B) Ca;tare (D) PhdDnonpi{i. &iboorvi! pFff€ 5.6 6ilL n dairly dw to : {A) ca*in (C) : (B) Tenpe.atlre (D) E.t (q c.de'iEtiotr pll B.ih tunar enil lR iftctive extendive prcps:ty? (A) Prcs@ rr. lR eciiv€ (D) Aruhinun chldide hydtoxid€ 6n@jnt i. rn (B) (D) [ pr.€MtiE i. : (B) @) Mrlic !.id Taltsric rcid r?. The prdnce (A) (B) (c) (D) 13. 20. 21. th i. ine bod .Mpls mD b€ detacied nMg : Specirophotom€iric Catechol violet neinod colorinetric Corbanate nethod Glo.in.tric moltbdenun blu€ method Colo;detdc Sitver dietlvl dithi@t'baEzi' neihoil An a:anple tor m adincjdl suetener : (A) sucNse (C) 10, of Cyclsnat Fa, pedDt of toMd nill itr {orala : (B) (D) 4 3 chdlins ihe c6cicncv ofpssi.uizttion oln'lk Allolin€ Phsphatle test Thc tesl for (A) (C) cl,R t€lt The s*cet€lt sugs. mong tho folowinc (A) : i. : Gluco* AEt €.t a€ to !€ i&latcd itr p@ cryst{lline 6orn tas (B) (D) Hexolinase en4me belotrss to ti€ da$ : Inrcrtase trrtr* : (A) Ordedducta& i. NOT a lonotolysaaldide? 21, (a) chitln (D) c€[ulom nill b a : (A) Gb@!tutein 26. Ca€it ol (C) MelaloPomhin 026/2016 tP.T,O,l 26. (A) (C) MonGn.ic tatty aci.l Un6ltlrat€d fatty a.id 23, lrcteins absrbs UV radiation mdimun {A) ftyptophan (C) Phenyl ilaninc 29, shN optical ,.tiYity? Whicb of tlE lonowing amino acid des noi Two !6!€ins IaE 31, 32. iher Bhould include limleic a.d rinoletric (D) cLould b. of (A) lsocitmi€ I 026/10t6 ofthe rolloeine would prcbably not abore point. The either glyoAEn b6t way to elE tle or adipGe tis!€ &ids i! following EXCEPT SeRins emedilte of the ciiie aqd (C) PyuEt€ 33, Wiic! $ (B) Pftvetrtio! of.rcEia CeI rM€reniiaiion Arl ihe follorirs obpound. rrc rtored endusne rilidng p.osrdm l$e ddact. of vitlniD A nay ilcludo ell : ia no.peciff. need (c) (A) (C) 6tty acid seiudiod r,iry s.id (B) Gel Filiotion chrcEaios8phy iD) Cbrcddtofcu.Ains iI presnt ir €hs, on rb Pob€no'c dd .ane iel€dnc (B) in@e (B) (D) (D) A! ofthc (A) Ion Ercneee ChromtogEply (C) R.ver* Phas Chsnatcrsphy can tlistidine Glyci.e at 280 nn du€ to the presene of 6ame nolecuLJ weish! is uoually present, alihoush (B) (D) e o.de. to i!ftd& : an cycle antididant exepi : (B) Malate {D) Sreimt6 , petei i. denarnred? (B) s@ndlry 6trudw (D) Tertiary sinclure be atr€ci€d when rhe boilys 84. 1'6e gener,l mnd rof an enzYn8 thai trdnsfe.s DhGphate floups froh (B) PbftPloryl* (A) Prctein ti.asc (C) 86. (D) Pho6phatase A t€.hnique @Dnonlv u6ed lol the assay ofloreon€c rs: (r\) Gtl6lrEtion (C) R{dioiomunmes4Y 8G. Iodirc nunh€r (A) i5 AT?ase m indi@tion of: (B) GLC o) npr,c (B) Dqre Chain l€ncth of ucaiunhon (C) R&cidit' g?. Niihydri! (A) (O 33. Purple pftlin. b grvc : olou Y€ N colour enttee Convcrsio! of ivo phGDhbelv@rot. to pnoBph@nol pyruvtts bv ihe lvhicb (A) activo lorm ol rG : (D) D€htdNcetutio! PhosphoEhiion i! tle etut.* (B) Dehrat'o! (A) D€srtoxrlttion (c) a9. tsacts with .n enzvne? Hol@.zYne (c) c.€.'Ybe i{0. ,rr- Trre lol@ins aE the daDtles for (A) Oleic acid (q Steaic acid CB fattr aci& EXCEPT : (B) PslnEiiic &id (D) Linol€ic acid @d IG r4tins the e6cie.cy of sutoclare 3t€dlization E : @) BuiUw olthr@i3 (A) e@bori\uestercth{^oPhilu6 The biorogic.l i.di@tor (tr B@i1tu6 42- AmphihichoE (A) G) m4elannm bacGna lD, cl$bniun botuunLtu Poss: one oageuuD at one e.d Singb nag€Uun .t each lole (C) A.l*ter of trlsela .t on€ €Dd (D) UnifolElv dist ibut€d flaselta der dre wldle cen tuda@ 026t20t6 lP,T.O.l 48. whch olthe fo0o*itrs a rhe (A) (0) Rabies Pox lallesr,nhal qrus? iB) Htv vias yiiud @) Eerpes vifus ,14. The d6i diec, denofttraiion of@le ol bact€da in €usjn: hunan di*as.s cm. Enn ihe (A) (C) t5. (B) (D) liob€ri I<eh J@ph List€r Wnich of th€ follo{inc ni@scopes can b6 used L4) Briglt (B) (C) ficld Loui6 P*ieu DdwardJ€Mer 6r olaepation of Uying ceus? MicMpe Dalk ield MicrNmDe (b.t.st Mic@pe (D) Alt oftL dh.ve rl0. Ph@ which trT€ ol culiure oedia ercwtL otbltidious DiNb€r? 6) End.hncnt Eeilia (C) Sol€ctivo oedia 'lvlich of th€ follosins i. a i! .uppl€nsnted sitl 6p€cirl nur.i€nr: for Bupporrirs ilE (B) E ricbd Eedn (D) DjtroEnri.l &dis cldssic Dorlel ofceDular slne nold.? (A) Dictlcteliu ,r3, w}'ch of rhe foumns is..! tridr 4r. dyc In legaiiw 6t iniry of tisw ape.iD€n BpFad with a thir liltn of : (A) M€Fuiocldo.ide 'C) Pbo6phorucsuc sorl Fd 'n .irDle .mns? 6r tlolDision (B) (D) 50. B&iqial e[ b.bb!@ @t ir.tdidliLe @led6 (A) choledbol (B) (c) T€lD.troid6 (D) 0t6/2016 el€.Eon nile@py, PlatiluD Uquid epoxy c.Uod: Eopmoids cty@rel ph6rr ihe spmin€! is 5r, Mold6 and yea6l3 *hich cau*s tud 5Poil,c6 DrefeB : (B) N€ulrtlPE (D) None of ihe ,bde (c) islation of @UIo.G in the @nirm.d ol tne louosoe sel*ti€ tesl ot wate! qudlity analysid? (A) Mtc ConkeY Agar (O Mannitol Sali Agar 62. wlich $, Tnc no6t @ndon (B) (D) .auetivo a$nt of t@d bof.e an.tsiN, knNn \i/hicb tuDgi plodues 66. lvhich ofthe follosi4 is Q) t h€ lA) Aeper$tllusflaaus \q nhiopus stototuilq (.A) S{iB cheese A hdloph € *ould be a nicr@.gdi3n (A) I!@a*d aDoun. or &id (C) I.fta.ed 6?. Tle 'nouni ofsrl : (A) E4h,ihiz 6ti \A miahui 6htwida6 C4nryltoh@tzt jejuti @) (D) Qldoie$ pLrptro Penicitliunnototun (B) colias€ dh*$ Bluc ch*s (B) l.cFaseil aoont of oxyge. (D) hc@d,doutorpo$e najor liologr.al indicaior of fdscbl O) A) grePt @c6 fde@ti' Clatriaiunr p4Fiuc$ d* i' el€ct€d ot wrich ol ihe folowilg orgaDbm pmd@. nnin a b!.briocin curentlY ued for preedl,ion of los acid cann€d I@&? lh€ 68. lbe tiEet€npclai'E dbbiEtion of tIrST coli bot4li^un 60, it poNe'rul drcinosen'? (D) (C) M@rcra 66, diseases in rtrdans @) AosEiltiun boruli'Lh l) CLsaai@p.4naseB lA s'ophlladawalr.u 5{. E@in Medylon€ Blue Asa. lA) Ent@l@6ts (C) ItutotullB dci.lophilus p6steuirtioti of ?l'C 6r G) A) 15 Beillus s/blt,i3 Coti.lkt bNtt (B) (D) 026/2016 IP.T.OJ 60. ftnes tne €mnon brcail mold, Rhiz.Dus slolonif€r? tn wLich of the follo$ins fnnscl diii$on (D) (D) (A) Amby.otr (C) tsasidionycota 61. U* Zysooy@ta Deuioronycola ol living microoqanisns to decradc cnvircnDenial pollufants is cdlled: (I) Midorcncdration (B) Nrno renediaiion (c) Lrio rencd'rfion (D) Arlofth€ge 62, lntuductEn or DNA In l,oeUs crps'ns b hl€h (A) Dl€ctrof{sion (C) El€ctiolysi. 63. The PCR ! lccldqlo stu developed by : (A) KarrMullis (B) (D) (Q Mns&in (A) (C) 65. roltls?;rtnc pub€ ia €llcd: (R) Eleclrofcion (D) Dlechtporatioo Kobler Altman Anribact€nal Pmt€ins Br.briosiatic Prt ing Th€ EEt su@dstully clon€d anida:l \'a. : 66. I. D @li. *hich enzyEe sylnnesiEs the RNA pnmo. lor okeali (A) DNAA (B) DNA C (D (C) DNAG An &a3Dcnt orthe* 67. T.aKiplior is tle t.ansre. of geletic infomltio. f.oo l (A) DNAto nRNA (!) IRI{A io bRNA (O TRNAI DNA (D) none 63. ChloFl. ipe"hs,re wrdelr Lscd ir (A) O.glnic tasb 'he rehowlof (B) Fyile&boE {c) Ho,!}n€lde 0t6/2016 (D) t0 Arr orihe6e : G9, ?0. Weotern bloiting is (A) Speonc (c) Spe.i6c (B) (D) In which of ihs folowine s€tmtio! (A) AlEnitYchmbatoell (C) Di.lFi6 71, (S) hY (D) a 6anprs lepE ted o! the ba.i' of lon Erhan€B CheD.t $aphY Gel Fnimhon Cbmnatleupby Ti pl!.nid, lhot is nsd in plant vecior (c) (B) (D) Aercbdcieriun.ediobacto! ?2. Whth ofdE loUo ng reage.t6 (A) (C) Iepropanor Bolb (A) and (B) (A) Csn@r induiDs s Tb6 tu6! vEccine tmdwd noo aniEal (D) LiE Dic..l,i6l @U lmd suDPl€n.nt €ullure wa. : (B) InflueE va'cin€ @) Poho vadn€ va$n€ (q SD6I pox vmine (A) Agrebsd€nunrhtltosenes Tnsrnus aquri.6 ued mifthes (C) Net rind of fo.d tilerg€4 ?5. i! spednc eLt@\9id in a sa'tPle Dothoil whcre pmtsind are {A) Isrcbactenndiunifdi€ns 74. Spei6c RNA i{epatiti6 B A grcup of s€eticalry similar o.sanisba dbtoitr€d hv (A) clotr. (c) A&enbly . .erual reprcduction ir calleil G) Population (D) Noae : ?6. nI',P n: (B) (c) (D) R€.trictbn Fra€E€nt Lnsth Polvndphi.o Retelt€d Ftasment Lngth Polymorphi.n Renewed fEcmsnl t lgtb Polynorphtuo RequiredFnsEentlinsth Polvmo4hi.n 1t 026/1016 lPr,ol ??. Pml id€lity of DNA Gtrn€sis ocaurs afte. the synlh.rir has ben onpleteil rcddiDs ,ctivity lo naintain tlE (A) (B) : ld a funclion of the 316' exo.uclotso activitv of th€ DNA polvEala@r (C) naquircs the prcsence of an enztno *parate f.od rle (D) O..uft in prDtarlotes b{t not aukaryoi€s 7a, Tra.sgcnic o4ani5b. are : {A) P.odued by cane t.ansfer t€chnololt (B) E*hctict Orga.i6n. (C) NltuElly @Uri4 ana eDdlEic (D) Plodued by kaditionalphri bFed'ns t ?9. ECORI i6 DNA polvhera3ee chniqne a: (A) DNA Us8* Elzyn€ (B) R4idctionEfflolucleas (C) (D) ar. rq imuli. synth$is A pl@id usd ar a v*-tor A v€cior useil Monalonal adtihodies m usually Drodued ftom : (A) M}clom@lts (B) Eybn{bot (C) M@ayteo (D) 31. Tla Indi.n Corstitutidn *as an€dded 6! tbe (c) 1952 bas Adipoctt€s iide in (B) (D) (A) 1950 a2. Ilp Co.lliturio! oflndi, I$i @11, : 1951 1953 bmw€d. FuDdamenbl Duti€q non tnich ofihea C.drri6' Corstitution? rB) (c) 43, ussE rD) UK Who aci.d a6 the Chairmatr of tlE Dfufti.g Conniii€€ of th€ Constiirebi (A) &ajaslpaltuLdri (C) AsjendlaPrasd 026/t0r0 (B) B,C. (D) t2 A5*nblr? 3,1. Wlan diil Rrgnt b Infornaiion Act @me into ror@? (B) (D) (A) 2OO5 (c) 2oo4 s5. Who bdane India's 6rst *oma! judse ti ,006 lhe l{erala Hig! courl in I950? (R) Allana Chcrija! (rJ) rlrnha Pratu Psllah (C) Anna Ctandy (A) 2oo3 Ary, Sanaaams were orgrnisd undcr thc lcadership or : (ts) LaUiha ?ribu Alldna Ch.riYdn (D) Arya Pallan Kuiiinsru AEnd 86, Anthal]ua () (C) Terribr' to 47, Wbich is the only Union 88. I(cEla Sa4eelha Nahk! Academv ( ) Ernakulah (C) Thrissu 80, The news papd ata.tod (B) tjksladtcop (D) DaD$ sndDiu (A) (O 90. Tne i3 l*6kd PashctLiDodatu Marayaldrajy,n the 6Bt : (B) Rajyasmachann pribii.s prcss !t KottaJd i! 1821 Ilenry B.t€r Sdv.mt Jatha td support Vaikon Satvec$ha (A) K Kelsppan (C') M@thu Padao.ban ,2, in !y Eernat Gnndart: ni.siour sho €stsbusheil (A) J*ph Fenn (c) 91, iave a flis} Coui ofi.s o$n? Viv€to&yad nagazind wtd pubrisLed (A) RdnaklislM PiIa (c) Arra.kali bv (D) G.P. Pillai (B) V.T.Bhatt.ibinpladtr : 18 026/2016 tP,T.O.l 93. Tn€ asilatidn lnosn as Nivarth.r comtitutiodal .eIormB of 9.1. 06. (A) 1932 (c) 190s sraned as a prot€sr agaitur rh€ : G) (D) $r)D ras th€ foundc. of Prathysbha nllsha (B) (O (D) A}rappm Wl!.ri tr{ml (A) (C) 9?, mo Devln (B) S@ NarayaDa Cuu @) Ayy..ldli Thalazhi Sivasanhb Pilhi sot Kendra Saldtly. Acadeby Asard Enippa<Ulsl G) Anubhav.nsal Pa:lichatal Chennaon (D) Ouseppin!€ MaLLal (unjiLuttan Which ountry adopied its tust denMati.ally franeil mnsritulion o! (B) Mranhd (C) Bhut.n (D) N€pal G) Sepr€Db.r21 seprenbor 6 Inbm,tion,r dry lr (c) sept€mb€r2d 02da016 2On SapteEbd 2015? of peace : Sepi€nb.r 100. which 6ta!€ 1958? (B) vaudtlol NdayaE Me@! (D) c. sank.ra rutrp (A) Banslad$h {A) j! e 'Xonla VyM'? TlmDuran (C) Kunaran..aa 0r. cle of is lnown (A) 98. Portayil Rune.a Vashbad.nrn{ta 'Patiini Jaiha' wad l€dby: (A) A.lt Gopabn (C) v.T. Bh3ldthfippdu t6. 1947 Daiva Sabba? (A) Ayyankali Sahodardn 1919 (D) eoived the toui6n sqe.d of 2013-14 6r ao6i irnovarive L4 use of Infolndrion