EMERGINCMODELS Appmximr€ly 3 ninio. cnirm in anEi6r khmL m in ned or nental halth sic A.ordim bo b6r 6.iMG fdd thnn 2 nilian oI lhe childEn reiw tlE;Rd€d sPis. I rh€ @uun py lRive ir orkn inad€quk.^ L'child psy.ni.tj* shourdb€ wMr in€ with (h@ls to nE€t th. (llwl n€€deo, tn* nillioG ol sher chitdm. 11s eicl desihs sm D'qaru 16,r h,!e shi{& lru rhcb'dboDr |ppc.n dFmvidns llmbrh6r'n (ftutLho sff(F rd *hdl p€ffiI h p'*dud th.r 'ndude mod 'nEnmhep rp n AIFida {hmL by Dlj'jlllda nli,|b'lrt.l!ulh€p'ChiaEi'f9E|d Lnhr '@ n d,f pDre*,6. offcruB the .b rty h bp rro ftw fu|dr8 mndi6. nd opr.lhng PSYCfitAtFtC COltgULtAltOtl TIE r9s &w lhe advsr ot omnuity P3Fhnq md dE apmori6 dehnod lffirnbnon :t rn hdid plrr*\ w h thr 3@r rl pnviding iGishr 60 !.nd p.@l ab.d hoa b tutu8r n6bl he.lth i$u6 6peially for stodf,b behavid.l chtleryes in Op das @m. sire 1975and $e passAe of Public kw 9+l{2, @Fuliatjd to shmb hs t€mme noE inellanw, oha povidiry diRt pric? ro e8N rl@hDFltlndl}jlryfur (]d4. 6Fd. n .inbide bdF &FnrddPrydory,Gnh'dFH6F ro ,Fd .dKn6 *dic. Ii lnB wdk with rp.d:l .durrim shd6n, ln* l! . l.€. nng. at bb rfirt p.'chi:kisb * dird b pmvte rhcn .ppn.hrd by . J'ol di,hi.r lf h.lp Tn* (e sdud. ldenbfyhg h.h'.E b.]lm. ash4 rbd6b 'or hcdiebd. h.lpmA u .dhinit i* ir dF sint dnna u +PFPdk ftr i.dividul 3tudmb, :nd M helpl.B h d6ian ffiid .lhnv€ (IEulhrim n d.lr, bur prltEB" rnie ie. d.p.rluF ttm pairu it h.om tury b '[ rlE rtded. of 'Rry dildM .rd ,corF Ir h.5 b.m dimbd dd loa b 2oer,ol (Js srudab ould b.n 6r frm 6rJ lE lri siG. uD ro 10.. of sddb @ d&lled Ll pE*tu,.td rFrl.du(dM * n fiw b tr 6 h ol rll* etuddb @ 'ml@ mr.l hslti rd.nb6, howNn. dft ! dr dsw d'd ilr* rtud;b D d ft<snl} reivms d.quh ,d's rld D Fy.nobsn tuiml a m.di(.tid .ffid " Tn.E Ir m .Ma a dMr *idme of hN ro b6t *re chrdm w h L.mhs .nd 4ohq:I dii'rhilri6 in dE elEl ctrinS. tEd b irl6i6 lll. @t 6t d dE inE*nrid ot sp<r.l .duc!n6 .dr&8 hb dp psuLr d.m. ! ir nor dd wh.dE dildm wt0r .p€.1 r.d. r'lE e phed h d|fu -hrF 'R[rc dF tu dE r!.d b 'Rdr *sr Fhri a n iJdlffi i:, pnmrily . d, svnla Iff 6. dp dirtrib. Itr pe lq uduyo ftqudrly slE s irlusidr a a @ fD. @i! oI dild6 widl dirbiliti! to rtE .h!d b b. durbnscd by lu8hr'iErin atonuio lolhdy ii8 FR np' hoF dur rl* d'dd Dy riE nod€l .|m {.|PtD inpklmr.tim ol irlBid oft n h.. .da€d b dp sl]$ ol Naul.t drgmn hcncs .nd dc9nvld loft ,nrdd! of 0l. Npp6d cdqtid ,vrllrbh ln rtuUd d.s Tdchln .lh .r und- n Hs'nx pN.un b}*16b.DEl.F.n0^Bof ol rbdFb d6p'b lrap cl8 rizr rd lliL or rc |@nhrhrl phnNrS tlJF duirs nE ,clEl d,y Mry of ttE* b.dft do d h.v€ rh. |Ery !rd€*'di.a ot.b eFrrl dKdo chilrd.,iift rdd.t l,la rl lF.Irh ssnbbm b rlE i..dE ir @i.l in qt&lu€ 0tn Ad.l'un .'d Tay'or poinr dr t6r .dkirid syrt 6 Muffi :r ryre md rhit firqudtlr the ,tuddb rho Fqu'E leA$l.nr.ly nwdrld ht€ telw ohd{.m hhnatu rhi m uullv Mr lwly lrFlr.d Jd mfHir e. Tl*y 6@a. oqddB b help ;.h61 !y!&tu mp .nd .MlyE th.lt unl-tid ol F'ffil b .liniEts ,nFEdin i'l@.ffr(rr..d t|l|tl|M Rdundrry M.ny Md h..lth prokqBh m* a!r@ rti a.d fc (nn8u13 rtE MM rlb Gd @r fli.B +<icart wh-! |f dildM.F-jn rrL 5d'el 35lE6. Fsidirll stE TlEy ak rdiz 0d .dins alone d psychiabtb linil5 dr idpact wh@d wmr4 d a l,i3e tjubl h8lth "rem' ilca8 wfih hr.hm, .'ininisdab6, ih6l ((rel06 and e forth dranalically impDv6 our elri.ay in addrGsing ri? Imbl he.lih ne€& of Aroic.t chndm. Althoeh baditi@l l]m'nbdm do prvide neededg(i€ md slp pon b mny {hel p€eftl ad cnddH, tlE tasl L dauntinS. DryIGtr p$id6 a .mpftho'vc eview of pevmtid pm€l?m r clenuG4 .nd hr3h q}tu|. !,hc 'ddh6ql rhe <*.6tu1 PIoFatu rhl stiF , nuFh{ ffimd clcmnk dFp,c ditr.mG in pnalm "'r In €fkiv€ PG size onrbnt' s@k, .nd [ael df dlxmmtrtid sl?m, niah-nsk childm ar (mEred to a Bposible adult. Ttu ober is rheir effod b ...5 and .ohho aspe.t ot sucs6n pnCffi .odndE d rumbr.r pmerafu dd *niG. k'th d emphai! on Ii diewing tt.ls leamed frcn dl. nodels, rhe exp€ft.9R for ilEr thd i5 no (ft Fluhm b pnvidin8 h6bl hearor sdiE tuerl chldM They aflR thn J pr! r!8e or {n ic is rquftd. tuld sp6.l .hbn b rh€ E,inirs, b s6hiEbiliiv or <urinuitv or cnofr s .ed€d. In tadjiidDi llNdbtim, d6r ffiulbb e .all€d lpm ro pdde a (,ffinN Dk ro i dBtDL5d mB'nR Snup reF sptrt.l a.higve r be.i.r svsdi. ,o(u. lelimL' in . snall di6bi.t, ras able i. ro offd oculbhvi ldic io all l€veG ol rhe *lml F{gtml b kev th. disti.r m m ad hr bdi' In dh€. dhhd, m'jhtim rdd1fubah r6 ddtc n npn'nS p€rl(mik of . hr8s nui pngffi b€, oI pdml Orher on'ulbnt CDup. orrr rlsh.Eid. su!h a b€heqoral Pl!s-.m! ro tdd brxyrB bchrvd rw d eby c6ny sric k more3tud6b nluie @petuaiv., i. s.hol, elkiy€ oHik ntudve du.atioal poBt@ b pn8s h,ve bRme .Jun.htdihe And6e, 5€{n. P63,ami on. niddl. <h@l b sisr nh'.h'ldm \il)l q.F.nd'onal or b"hdqordl'mFd'hlin r.lem ry.' Bd M i ailiem pr.dbnr rhp prcgr.m Jdlnpird h delop pdhve <h@l hdoMs by culh by an's mtmuity laut6 to pDvide indid itutuion rd by h elr ! oudbomve onsuluhm sth ftnril tFalrh Dm\ id4 r,wF w\le r edu.'donrl p).nobsBr i'n'o.n;b ophMu;h.ds worked wirh ,todFb f,nitiF b'wpur b alr qnNl dd hme ed6. *.lf ida F rhiaric Msulbnt s}mt I hor Fr {er wiih vlul dEsinA dpr8ing pn$|ft. At the didid of 0E ieacns, th. psyRtly wrh hd66 r ranily mmb€B, arliuish m Im.l htui (lkti.rtim d Fy.hothr.pt) *.' prvidsd rll€ (rnulbr did, wsdr a G d.i &in sd'oi er'rf in '@in. Fld.ni rc, .hmL btuL f @mr' euppo6. Mh.s6r d srudd'l E &. nr clEduh b.i,,,icG urd in this pr.enn D drcib.d dt*hd! in lhi' voltr by 3o!rt .r'd BrBmD. ,^ldedi lF:rli.L 6 dt m rnll cnpffr cl'Elbh 'r+c$L lo. tk FFruh bcn 68 o6uffd n db pDard, 'l mly tR \bdmr b pE aH tu Equilin3 dEid€ plaffir, th. rFnrn c.n @ rhi. nm?t b drd t dtd lor 5 v66 ol svdi.tsisr .frl|bnd 6m ti. An'ld. S.rFn PEgtn ,F MehS olrlll]ffi Dli.3 th€ litsl yd, snrd.il 3r.d6 lhpffsd 66%, .hdhis d. rolcd 62%-hrdit* ed di$isLr dch tlRned 339,. m'i .u% o, ed hrlf.h. shdn d'v .f€r 1 v@. r'6t sBr'. rbdob fri hd *'th the poAram wr! hBh. ..d die pFsra; v\.d $c <h@l d6hr.ppE\Jmhly tlt@o p€r rtud.nr n rhp pD8lrm Tl|e tR4r.h Rprrd.i b 'l* rnih <hol dF r.llwhs v.,:i a;d r Fi.hnhi. mqtt r paid tine war i'E.!.d. Irr Anita a SaFd Ptui..h iu88* dui Fydi.tic Gulb' lin d bsEfir *1dhb .rd inpNvc drf ML c EI d ie,.hin8 difr :nd rttl b. d-fftdivc '[ kidl dituid Patu6 m r0h& rEigrs.d4 3d!ol airn<b purthaed md ihple||Rhd ds rd@ S.rFn P'.a'D rrl 'ih'l,riy ..P.rd.d dF pngnm c.d, Tlb rudd. h.*M. 'dr b .ddhdul edieL ,'th'n tlE dsffi ha f..n lihjtd b $Do6.n r[!. w|lr rddiimr {turi.a) dild m ayailrbh: in lle rur.l '|@, p.vd ,tn .ftdbdt Fy.hiati'b dBnt d h.E dE ottid ot Effi3 ruddb b o$s pdtLi IndRd. 6 'lM elnt N (lud"d. hhe lplit drivinr bekM ib h! lll.Epd, snrlry deMdn* 6taf,<mlh im, e rhar tld6, ' ln .ddh. .dJffimF rlhrhtd rn nn b.h3 Mndmi h,ny lhua dt blal{b nighl diti.r. FiNll, lh. pFa6n h6 bs irpla lMrd o v d FLnwlv nrll *hnl dBft f{r .Dm'hmlv II crRtulv {lertr !tudenE rr ..ch rrrd nk rd ;ixP ffi;ur ir be, ,rbwins nr p,Khi.tn o!{u..r iuffi; to b6nl r frmir on or lli adid rd nor drnpd*tiw app|rxh6 h dr a .nt ffidhbm w6 ddelo?ed by J.6 ot lllm iMive Fyd dr|6ti.al|t Gm duir|a tlE Ld 30 )6E.' nr "Cmd PnB" bndA6 dnd psydud r^d .duc.h by ptrdu$ J ndnod for FtdninA edmrind ry\h b p'l:|@ l.iruB m , dsdryffitd .frr dd h'8hhdts du n..d' of rh! rtodoh. comr ldvtr !d rh. pdp..liw 0ut shok d p@id. pivohl pDdve -hs by fo*rin8 <hllrl6's da"lapmFr rhrtu3h pdltlte Fldbsh'p w,rh E clb .nd :dninbhbF hho muld hrv. ! d,R hpld m tio .tudmb dpx'ry b Las H. mrrS€d ..i6L io imlud. pamr. i. substuriv. a.yr su.h .s p.diciparina in snml 36.I:rrlG. Ite su$6red rhit . ln$uiqq psy.hjarisr .ourd €brtz need€ddDn3e by (1) pnvidiry tuel b:(t :fd @(h.nB ffiry ior twb€hrvrF. r)l pmvdd8 v u.bh pffi\.mulbro b. tu s,th *"u.Fr.bljsh.d inhml d@F {3J md oltsins h€lp b erablish manryful b€,rhffiks or !tud6v In his bm*, "Waiirf 16r t Mtro.L W S.l1@lsCrnt SalE Oul Ptor,rn. .,, H@ w. c,,," he emphaiz6 riat, "ror tle m']lnm Ban, si.r, nAd, b syiena@lly prcm@ adequah ddelopdmr fd G .F i synm of q hmlnu th, d bcgin ro hclp u. {lvc .rftr,l :nd .nriaBa he hphnnd rh. ihirl Dc\clopmmi fhsr.m rhn F h his cdpFr€nsn? sdtuar dtrsa, cll@ ddlN <hel .ri hate, cutriculm alifrment, and elfi.rry HLsf.ns n d (MG, colabor.non, .nd . icfa' sh€. He aavr.e lh.t "FbuiLiry qr . r.din8 . oDmhry L b. r r. h 3nw'n d 'b .hidM ,nd d,ho. rh'p E ,r the or of rh.r rbu'ld'n8." H. 'mgtl^ rhdr \br8 gwth Dd l€mha ,nd rh.r rh€ rl,tidshiF bdwa stodf,b and bch.B nBt b€ supp.rkd by shng Ehtjmships amos adulb.'" cons pavs pdicuh aftntid b rhe enhy p'ls:nd r,ring rhe time for the srarehold€$ ro asG wrth Cdnefa 6odel tor *hdl Efom bk6 inb.midmiion tE Kr rhrr FDgraft ned ro b. bilond ro ih. $h@r! ne€ds.ot the s.n@b rhd hrvc u*d lhe comer pM6, s. rhjd h.ve had dl?mric €ulb, ljtde cha$fd He actnowled86 that &oft to inpre &iddk ind siar oukonB ut€ stlidar tine to dselop and d8r oien rhR puesg h,v€ nuliple ulHtcipad in1lu6ra. Rtms <imriii. prur@! e diflicult in *h@l 4vircmenE wtFE rherejs ofrd a rot S.ver.l dls pr.6.m hirc oa8sl L\,i N mF inkF€nriv€ in dllnng cla$Ms,nd chanBing*h@l etruci!re. Oft nod6t p6ard is rhe Hac?rd RALLY pnjKt (R6ponsiv€ Adw..y tor L€mjls ant LJe in You$tr n n pnm4nl) J ptugr.mrh ir\FSRjUnFMl} m gts ir rhc {n@l 5hcbF. Ini: pb a nM Lind or in@od.. usin8 prv6tid praditi(Jl6 8rm ahpt! who bnd8. hdlth $d tunbl hdlrh *1iG aid ods .{]Immfty @uro in B@B !o rhe ned! of alrisl voutns h *h@h The nodel b ra bu a a Fhtioruhip b€tua the dir&nr rd . l1rtmftd adu} who herpsfie sbddi acniae highe yd stin EalGtic erF.b6N thar.ft,kned w onftF sllL studdts ft pxcd wih pr\ob Dr.lubffi who lptD llpn w'rft ther,.dhic ri,l ed cmdiml dnf $e d,ssmn and <nor *rtin3. nFy ars herp dmb spdd ond nomiry . w6l at tlE s.lel prcviding cvalurtion, pie tlE pavdio ffiuliatim, rnd slDd-llm c()llRtiry prie. riti(rl]6 Dtride .mDchasive n rhe F-aLL\ posrrm 6 uuqc o Uur i h.e b€rn 5u(6rul pnm'r 'lv wth rtodmB who h,tr n.dcd dJy modaak \upFd lb ddte p'?ff r dr alrdr.ls'\ff in clra' bF B rfirt tlkqebhiB *-i b rh. .h,ldd i lne dls;m nd iud indtr idu,[ "ll ";-dabrc ro idenrified 6 sred'l nceds shrdab. Tlq d tEreloE b.dF '?ullinS idddly PItrbl€tu €rly o. Nlld d arr slPpd dF llmept ol in' saiE b dF dsmn as . heac r. bctter mnilor slud{ls' pb36.nd cumd). rh" P'larm ts rator ipprcprue feflmtioB. hDd.J h pd rhrcu8i lc.l Br.ns and <oll,bdrbvp hbrution\ ,d rh. F.etd ha bttn e\ ilu:ed b.ii qu it.riw\ dd {rhdEeL opItrial ed beline ncasue. Arirftsh studenb appamrly bcnF bd bm irpmrql Flrhm\h'p bu dr& rlil banin& and *wi( ind mi ih,r i ha bm ch.Uf,srnE ru mde ld}j*., Nsh d ,lr pE.bMcr'r r@.n hb the.ld$mm Thn inreEdh th. DFmb dpp-o<h <lc6ily hb apr;r.d b *p mdla Eeph' c rc..he6 orE unw eni flJw m the ddBn 6 rhnr the trual bhowr or ih. pFohon pEdihofi ,nd rh€ dhm ol rtP chid p5y(h',try fcllow. hdper A.M.lno Ptolnm. Fhnm Reo3nizj.3 tF dili.ar ne€dtor .mtiiuity or @hdire .h'F wih \hddts 6 a way of en(our,g'ng ddamh ro .ryaa. in sduhmd s advliru pos;m In ,mill .lrd.ove heh <h&l>rnd FviF *h@l' w€Upl,med dq.hg Pmgrift h:w m.de d d 'Itu1N in ouffi forur.nst .tudos r Ir bJapi pubL! tush i hwl!. ho'$ e. rlye\eEd or edffomtl) e\ilurl.d Like mrny odu urlr hish rh6ls, Canbridge Rindge md ritin tnBh 5.\d r($r, in ( mb dB..v . L J . hJlleng$Bdv'rcmenr r pd*rm @ 'b plpdhdm ol musr r 2000 too" .F r studme ,Fn\ihih\ h.lr,( eGble b Reive fR lunchd i.d ft rh.rd 5F,r: 6Dr l.nsuBe .rid lha tnglbh. At CRr5. tluy \tod.nts do not hd\e rh. grad6 b haF r FalBt\ Jdc or go n3 h i 3o.d . olr%c. Ar cRrs 10P,, The p€Rf b36 or rll stud5b r,ll ,r lpd (P .l.s Ncq ffiH studmb rd Id ninonds aE df, hletF. ,{7Y.td Ani.an-Ancnd as *F h rhis .dYisins pi{Ard, ntne! thm plling in l€oft6 riF. lor hdF RAl I l Dnid 'lm rfic p@ah mohns6 eoktd !, !Ptu.|. ro bu d (oGhcnh m6h;shiF diar.nd ror Ffidd for lsring. Cbup6 ft led by ha.h6 sho, in aduge ior r li8lftr cde load,n€€t weuy with studmE. I}FE i3 & ef6ortto have6.h advibr aL{ have dE shdmb in daily homet1f,n .nd m rodemi. cls. T1p ltrirys n h€lC drnry rhe Eadn $hol d.y {d l,st Lr a t]"ical clas p€riod. fteE is r spe.i6c Midlm thal .deF skh .€5 6 od{ktio, sbdy stills, nlsoharins ontm, md idmritins l€ninA ski s. ftee is als plmty ot lrrn for .dvi$B ro a.hpt b u\e Tl@ re s'3hi. ohrb.l6 that aE nK€sry b ov€Nm wh.. inplenmri.g rhp advisiry pI%@ su.h d sned'Iin& stular Fdl.i' for r4rtoohd, rJd thc ffb@ E cha buv-6, wh€r (ml@b hisbur pnp€roi\ b ,hd manihnr D.\p,i. lhd ob.kdF. h advisiry Pl im ar cRIs b dpmdiry ror tne studat's ayd h*h s.nool exp€ride ThB pF3rm 6 a uiqre opFtujty b qdedand dF Dpad lonFtodnrltr m rdol€*nr drt"lopm{r ro ylJ.i1n.pr .nd hialF dh of ery+etlmrl ir r pubrj, ir,mr ry4m dAcrop.. rs GFcity lo pevide a(s to a oristent, p6ink addi Tte advisin8 3ns dEr . mjorfty o, adviffi $y th:r lnL is a F.Arm *.lu.tiffi p.aerfJ s,y b burd , pNb\ P . A 1,i3€ly uar sbb, Ns Mdico ha ln of tne b4d na d uiENd .tlldM in dE uni€d sbhesdd $ne o, th. hieh6r raB of rubsr,ne,bue, suicide,,nd *h@l dDporL In-an elfod 60 Foverry, povide dilol addid@l suppd, Ns Mdio hasddigned a onpe hqbre @N!h b bu'ld -.kotv bv dpel@'nc {.Fw',lc -hel\ Imrd h:,llrt dshtu. idel;lEin. r dind_Bvdi,bi nr N& hdjlh By br8hg pndF sluP3w,rh eovmir, *n@i n6bl hald'. md nr6&-based adelrF. thep B m hDllsre odmbd packieE ar $rica b $ppd sbdsa wfth n'rrtipl€ p-bLtr. ' olld ' p'wd6 mnFnina dab rh.i delll'xb srhm.nd" barnnS lor kathm m hd b d.nh4 ro Pflidc ddcquk FP.']* . exFnds s.]ulmmunirv olhboranon . advcrh for scnml nmbl henth h{isl2tim . ddeloF <n6l matal hdlth affients 60rat rie* children. As lhc child sv.hiaw diedor of Nes Mexi@'s sfet heanh hilnhve (SMi{, AaleLrEin d*.lop€d Esidul slml An €$dded nental mnd ,tar*wide irolrin@ Dlan (etatecnildm's health ruur sr ee plan) for udclEd d'ildra pmvid6 upanded wBparu vi.6 lor india.nr child6. Ine ,r.paend sai€ itulude moc lor 6Btstiru ndn?E ini.$iv€ sdiG such re hohe vis in. lfic Ih& dive shewide skps ol dd b€hlviodl h€lrh cPih .n. in@.*d rshmt. oll.boradd, and eadv in@rion alldiab rie sct{oot BASEDrENi t FEALTI|CENEAS 'Itp am€ of sdml inbmrim 'l]6lB h6 be€n th€ e of *hdl-bas€d dini6 in sndary &d ev6 m dehmbry Eh@b. aid, Tie e D'endy moE thm 10m KhNlbded hdlih 66, g)ft.mft pc lmd in aiind sery *.b.s s(hmlb.scd dh pub[. vide both a reilh opporMity and a chaltensins clinica] md pdyd ,ti!t wtrrinA in .dminisharive Fl€ for.he.hild and ad.l@t yltrls., r.y!n!68 !.n .oll.bdhvelJ nhc.lly mlt?e rdlulqG Tlif br ffiiry ol etudot ,r ri:l ,nd e\ rlurF prfx,D of hmar.' pd pdi6 incrude adv,nb!6 oI rltrln over hditiml sfls b cnium, adolsub, ar.t Inilis .n'l Is shgh. C@E ;@ beins .t .hed ro aeilin3 edic as Ell 6 the oppodun iE ror mmt'l lpalri Dolsion.ls ro ob*fl€ shdmb in nulhDle *hdl er M6and|necabilil\ofulvfElaglioI li <hmlirad nand he;llh enE^ in Dilla5. , child do,aq, rmbl hpajlh Frclurtur d6dwd a sllaboBh,e rJlhd'$plll4 i'{,hm' tln b inb.F dBhd-Md€ *hml-dk m;lul ham *, vi6a Tli€ pnzran lded l@,(m sbdsis in moE rhan 2m tub. Initi'llr rhe pmArm Epord a mdy 1O9..onpurln r.b, altholsh tlEE h.s ben a d'lpotr a rne pb€lm expanded.or noe, rFw*er, (YFC)edie }) to 25 s.n@l @npus. i! tEr the Ydtn F mily Cd6 I}le d6iF s ro have shild fFn m<ih rhdl fr6bl h€lth Ttu *aluhd Mdu@ ov .6i€$ b oftsib li.im inhFahm. DaU.sDubll. *h@h and ind.md (srade, atu dhd; {arutim, shdmt ;h€l $ffi our.@ d'e, mtuvio4, tu quniLbve 'lfulm De lrdbF ol wh'Irrhd) -p'F mp'bn€ 6ulh. Di.js h6 h(ed rSnh(dnr ch:llmg6 ro hR d.lirery >yrh. h.ludhg d.G.s?d mmpLlm nh od . sie rhrtr m polhdi !l'mh. wh.n h^ drabrdu) 'pd'.rd 's ruJdr8 $llre. Tnus. ttre exlJdhd rhat a .hild cd erd b E€ive er'@ rhDughur hb or ldr s.imt liJe llm plahoil d]lugh r.de r2 is I qEh@bL t di5 @h' A modlncbon of {n 'e del,\ q h qJ'Ed .i D.lld 6oun€; dE v,G.rude dnd .hal.Frb ut pDvidirs n,bb. coEistent a@ and 'rEbl healrh<n in L\. shol *in8. Ir Chdldr, Noth Crolitu, Cet er al' hav€pLy€d a ley nl€ in \{trG dai,ll4, modcl for ihmLbJgi '. .n urban publ( <n@l 3KE6 d 90rI](JlLdents Ldtfrilv 6e b€h'vior,l turlrh.enrer loolg on 24 d"thh4 inol5 b.!:e ur REn'h d by rt* ihoL tur d p'tstd ^I reuffi thtr rh. dry nhmdd L d b€k nledtu Crqa3 mod€l lls sdmt txlgrlwl ro id€nht sbdenb .rd Lnilig who roy b.neli IIm diasdi. -. lemmt, a$lsi6 md riarizarim 8mps, pamr kainh& d d pdd6 Lahd ffi The hn FrthdBr medral evilurbn, sbff hainin& rd suFrieon In chdlo r€d hatut pl,n b s@ ftahmr trdelity Tne nodd ras sh$led with p6f6ional tumder and with detemining h@ io b.st clalify alenmb k{a shml.nd ctnical *nic, cllrmd, ttuR is no stab0ln€d b6t pBdie 3ui.t€line or no.lel for deliverin€ con+fhirc @ to studmis ed fanilie rlDt f@ on dkm6 ditr dffihe .mclsiv€lv dEr sJml-baed naral he'lth@igF'tn.Eefte1iveoltrl€sinienodvea@mcl6A *hoLb&n .lini6 d@d, n is di.nar b Fv addrid rd ihc obeb.l6 Tl[E m t]hy porrtial md ol 'R.rJ! dd plR.dy eo okB v (cars td s.iol Mmiar H€aIh Assi$ne, Balrimoc, dd ucLA cenier fd Mdinl H6lth, ls Ang€t6). Tn* cmk6 f focu4 on deliniry tuk d.h+ed sbat ed6 lar Dll;* and oull1rchx Psrcq?ft1 *h@i.b.sed lmbl heilth prcerm n€d b add6 +\{al.hallos6 Adcl$ oudir od" oI l},e. rl, Llet.mirubm or whd 3y6hs b @ b idadry rtudor! in n €d ol s.n@l5a*d ncnbl n€in *wie. iz) otft studnb ar idmhfi.d, tuuring rhnr i@ ,vailible. (3) In r.lB oI &bliihing ctiniat hatur, sdi.6 d@ rsi b. randm md mhl€d tuhmr b als€ &le qurity md m!-h] ol rhe drddlft ft6 B p.rtdLrly (hjl|n3s8 bere of erlic.l dd l?llrllr rcmffi ! lr B chdLns* ro do l:mn, msu. in ndar h€arih (rFpbm, adaptive b€havioE) d able oul@ imwd cLssmn b€IEvior {i.ftr*d iodmt r.hic*nf,t. .dddare. ({) Idd$ilicition ot rhe ryp€ of $h@Ibasei n6bl helrh svic6 rhrt 3bd{b aE frnins b urilia. 6) Iddtifiorid io ot b'd6 -.F nd 'le\elmmmi !l llll:(:l:sl Frv! tu scmm€ rh* bamed (ip., 6ffiin, siiSD, linSuse or cr iual bariet. (6) CLrili..lion ro ol the bet rehnistr Ir m3aging shrddb who @ d@d vtDEogcfiool coNsulTAltoll In ovarin pnj* lor povidiry Fycniftic culbtion b aid €duabn m b€hg d{€lop€d o'F emple is vi.teo s.hol llNdb(Nishr hd Th! h,5 pohbl b e\ped rt€ .hld Fy.ndhsB ar.n.bJrh b rhF {hols m6r n n ed ur hdve tF l&n cffi h nabr tuaxh eric6 Mrv Klml ap sinDlv b f.r.wav fim h;rpr rnd S6nGt de FychiatisE to maintain FBJlar.oNultatu $nlEd a vida cm r.iion sryic wfth nulhpl€ rh6ls in Hosror T.ras,asw's widl kh6l9 a fu Th. univcEftv of Tq.rHousb. Mednal s.hel (uT-Hl'rs) TcL Edu6nm Pqer tqan in rhe Lll of 1993ar wlidia ElemmraryS.iol in t}Ie HGb l.der6d6r s.nd in c.,i6 X-5 i3 le.kd in uiban low-cniddL riemmi. a6. Initiallv liF s.n@l's neds Rr clarilid Tlfl, the losstical .vailabitty ddei. mb. rlF vnol ad oI dill psycni.nGb in a Miary.4 IJT Hlvts Dotuar of Psvchi.h w6 del€min€d trl HMS ddis€d a mdt l hdlii @sull,ho ;odel Bins vidm on .Encins b.-d .r rh€ psychiabic Ileris Cout Psychirtr. Cdter (Hc!c, a f€klri$ hcDiEl Gidted bv the d{:tffir H(ad Fhrhone liB.onnd md Fy.hi,l%Bh wi*r J7 {hols in thc HousM dRa LrriEyd!:BE a wel] s with iuYdiL iusr4 and Equipmt at d,i h6pilir includ6 a dBrabp (mp{ter onsa, eo mdib, ,id a deunur pDitrd. rl'e l€mh si'6 ap €quipp€dwith IrE vid6 cmr€Mcins pnid was lzuxH ar an mlal b.her day, Dr. H.'Fr rd in.4i€ day h€ld at HCrc. Eunne $iJ in..dic r1h $r r,olr, "mG'llr* ror | .ldy olhcr tn frult] mt f.rbfae b"h .htuc b !a,lm Mfi.monr ltu Fhorc ldaho6 T6.n D roprt F g: hs b dahlr rd .du.ab \to. d6a3€<t ..dpaonti,rd dmb wnn v&ios Fychi.h. di$'d6, wrnt b do ab.nr suspici(x of <h'ldrbp. ft ,, s $dr Ln.HMSFychkhsbrnd F thol.3Ets ould pmqde 5N6. domrcn A rr?r:l cNUlbiion ol I hou mBsFd of ' bri€f (2cninuF) p€hhrion, w h rh€ Enrini.S dc ddohd ro nmbl hdl$ .@_rl]brim a ne€d€d by dp vhml htuliy relty .Nerase of the sim 6iat6 am :nd p y.Iol%au TIF ps,.lDrhrb d'd nor t'dm dnr!''i'm wrh dn d66 o plmb dJ\ddid mr psdg hrmsr. ,l$ou8h the/ Rm rnml Fl:{n€l ndded in@6hN for the cla$'lM, omed sirh appmPn,h mtmmt) sa L p .Rm6. :nd hclF{ \nd PeNn ml de'ru" dpFpn,c !kF. ro help indi\ iduai rtu'lmb Jnd 'Irmilie :dmded :nd .by.d F dlrt o6Rndy 'ah, <h6l ld rhb srm rd danM ehdddo Nrh dr ldm mod.lity e th* ir wa erhd€d dp ronodla y€r to otlFr *h@ls Tgacha%w* omtoeble wilh t' qErd o y $.! dE laR 't(rlfllbnl,' b. a{ail,ble tor lmger rin€ bkl.. la re*' s l}ur pDblm. n,8hr bc'w.'led rhouSh ulh p'\hDh<ts |m d ro a ptubleh q(od'ngly Ch,LdP).Jutry f.l. .45 ms padic'p,s m rhp i oBdutoE If lmdth b|dr! rhmt'y Fnvidins snnnuiiy while clini.al Iaing pmvids noE qp{rtis abdt sRilic isus ln addfiid b imofl€d ien.trr *il&, HaIw and san|os" @rt imNv€d raclEr s):ilr5. mv arlo Fdefnih T€lecmhliolilN .id studab, vie an bc toided to ebif ad pMtially to p,rd prdidhny in gsgraphi..Iy isl:d asim In aI tne nod€ls, rh€ potdti.l o, .h d psychntislc and ot'er 'mt l h€.lrh pD6esiftls in d@a pnhi3i.s. luiil€ expandi.s tE taditi;n diml sdi.€ nodd,.6lld fd 'dmb'vinr tudedt l]twl Fycfiirhiet, @ *dc ar idvd.F tu;bl hkl$ nRd!. .froDs" shoL @ br d @iery ior cf,..r\c Fpo'rs. be vi*rnr for qDriry ,N,Me delop md nrije nry prlgt,ns lhat eystematicaly6pond b needsol rh€ shol cl)nmsriy, r.d pbvid. hi.i.a opFotufii6 dDt demystify dF Fy.hiatd. .d.@b nDr ca lFlD adhinishh and Lach.6. Rel,rivclv w drld psv(hdBts JE.diw n dr dmr *rdnS n h,\e dNrrq*r a pRn& n 0r Mhml mov.menrb odde a6ul tr.hh spi€ in sdlsls. In '@gnitid ot rh€ tad dEr raditiNl mod€15of Fy.hiiH..re 3ucn6 ouqrtibt clhi6 rd hcpital6aed p'laraft do nor @ch tMy children ar|d adoleb, fi is lrcp€d rh.r child psychi,rilrs *irr b€ n@ divard ro hrve a noE active and @ardinS pffi in the $fiol srt e.r Evd with t'e vanct or b.h'ldm. 3 menr.lhdlrh ffi rheF d d rd of 'rlrfficn'd quehtu $[rh orJr 3{00 lhtd F)cfiir tislJ in the unlted sra€ .nd a0@ ihmls, fi is iree ind wi cd b be .bah8r ahour hd b6r io u.ili4 our lelre Ine hB qudhon s hhdls rhR aR o^\dltubl. md alhBbl. cluRkrish6. ffih!. ntsm, nd infrdiw pre ihat dbr. h4h,rirk shlddb b .hi. .du.{tml rd peEtul $(g. po udtllr LmAr d6plh ffihs|l ins nodel! bvatu pohhal b b€s; eedni iil! quBdo. ddervh.eL An, &isldiEy d4Mr, re x'dMo&xF'rlydly$|x'o H (.d,j tu M ^r. F:,84 r" Hldr M'ek,l9,PP7H7 r'&h|N:lrybE'qd&Ehi &bic 6 ke H, $k D ldr Jo k!$ &F!6v P( eFh kd ry d r rlqis ^d!!s'Brdityfu$'n'lhl1* AF!@|kt!.JIPwDE'dd€/ o.frPblFNIoryr'.!ulru scD N.* Yqi.htutu nmd br6 &-rq h {fd ret tu qebd ka r:t11q $6ii@,(1lldllldrddicd clrgw:b]ff'furyks.eF&e,ls 6!si^PsFfupfu|dJsrJhlqe&(iqdorrylg Hry h tu o, re. (q4biF lh BrdtrtudqrDtr4$,!4I'16b IdhsMfuF!d4bclbbdfuMokF'snh) D ri.llh t sF;r dE6 tud @ 164e tteb b|dfuAr&lryhfufubr n\E[ckKPffFk!r4 d oxritrlqrGd!dr#lFd {&)ilM!',!ndByd4hh$fu Udtqnydkhsh,bF Nolllwl ^l,l1*!udcnpedE'd 2 lt:l5c, jdsr, ilttuky r"H(rybH nnd4 (d) retBrslnr tu ^{t& tu,1* F rertr r e.i 3 L dl mao h6m3 tu: tu da tdnqd l/!6htuF. Frq d & qlur ,+Fd tu b|F'4nFfuliyfuRlshddbtl4tnllo}j{lq thrbsrsr+2r,r* Mqh|'4kb oddFE{id/hh6cFh eruiF{FFrllkugE*'