elli Nc.].r}i!!r!,t f{aFidqTqffrf{ 022-n70a140 (qR-d {.6F } Tt R't|RI{r) COIIIPANYLTD. THENEWINDIAASSURANCE $holy oMsd byGot of lid'a) htur, r €nmn4{ f. Tcl {t001 i-i-f{qd ffi dct@ , at<l]'i@ 400001 Fod.Mlmba otnc.: N4 id.A$u6meBds37.MG Road Regd&l{ead - D- MEO|GAT AOMINISTRATIVE OFFICER{SCALE RECRUITMENTOF Th. Nw hdla Assura.cs conp.nY Ud, a readis Pubicsedorsenera offier fiom ndiancii.eneiorlhe postorAdmn sl@live Govemmeni of ndia,invbs applicaiions whoru fill the ellqb I ly c'ileria .caididaresbeonsinsto oBc €Gsory burcominqn lhe CREAMYIAYER a€ noi entitled lo oBc csedaton and -Ilreysho0ld cabgory a3 GEN. nd €le hen ase.elaxaron be postadat companys Headom€ or at anvot ihe compaivs Reqon€lcenieFall €ndidateswouLd Theselecied over ndialhemanasement€lainglhershiropostlhe€ndidaletoanvplacewllhnrhe@unlrv condruoN(.s oi f AusGi 2015) 2. Errsibirity (A)Nilionaliry:Acanddateappyinsrorreci!imentin thecompaiynuslbee'the.(a) a cirizenof ndia or (b) a strbled of Nepal d (c) a $bleor ot Bhulan,or {d) a ribebn €f!9e6 who €mo over lo wththe inieniion ofpemaieity seningin lidia,or (e)a peconof ndiaiodglnwh0has Lidiabefor.1j January,1962 ihe UnitedRepubric ot T.nzaiia Buma,SiLanka East Afrcanounlri.s ofKeiya. Usanda. mo€tedfrcmPaksbn danlryselt is ii Lid a za;bia Malaw z.ne, Ethiopiaand P o v d e d r h a l a c a n d l d a l e b e o n s n s l o € r e q o rG e s) ((bd)) a n d( e )s h a b e a p e 6 o n i n w h o s e l a v o r a c e . r r € i e o f orInda elsib 1yhasben ssuedby ihe Govemmenl lB) Educa{onalOualifiration(* on 01.03,2015)l A €ndidaremusroo$ass the minmumqualLl€tonol M B B.s oesrceor equ€led to€oi deseq whch aE as equiva €nl io M B B s desrceby lhe MedicadolncilolLidialoma €€sn zeduniveBqandmusrbe rccosnized hodinga varidEsisl@tion lmm Medica couic or idia or anyslate Medicalc o! ncil. wo*ino kioLedseorcompuierlsprcreEbe. AcandidaiemuslbeollheMlnimumAseof2lyea6andlheMaxihumAseof30yearsason0l0s20ls Rer*lion in uppe.as€ lim I shall be as lonore: 1 T H E N E WI N D A A S S I J P A N C CE O L T D M U M E ! I ( H OI sl s.hedured casre/s(hedured Trb6 olherBa(lwardC as*s (e sbe lor 6edalon) acruarperodof seryi€ €nderedin ihe derei@ro@s + 3 yea6 (3yeaEror sc/sTcalegory) subjecr roa martnlmaseimr entesay sepa.aiedtromrheI husbafdswho havenolremarded Pereons odiir ydomiced in rheK Exisrng confmedEnproyees ol Pu companes Glc &Asdouiure lisuGnce Company of {incl0ding jidia Lid ) I n €se ola €nddale {oiherlhanPWD& Ex+erucemen/Disabted Ex.sedicemen) whois ets brefor€axarioi aiegodes the ase re axarionwittbe av€ ab e on a cumutativebasissubrecl ll cumualiveAqeG.xaronrorPwDcanddares(Ponis3arois{ilhr.24,58,roR6)ssubjeriolhem rr candidaressekins ase rc a odq na1cedircale(s)ro, ver frcaion a es of nsssa ry cenf cale(s).nd prcducelhe ho hasoi@ loiied n a Govi lob on rheciv srde.ner av.itinsrhebeierirssivan lohimasanExservcemanfo|[isrc€npoymeni.hsEX*edjcemenSta AiE;sefrceman,whoapplesforvatd$va€ncesbefo€jdninsanycvemploymentcanavaiheb seruceman, as soonas he/shejois.ny cvil Enployment re wie delails ot app caron fo, va app ed for befo.ejo ning the nitia c i wouldbe availableoiry in respecrof va€nc*whicha€fedoidrcdrecruiimentandwlreEverresefralonsaoDL€belotheex-satuemen TheG s no reseMl on tor Ex.seNcemen n Offie6' Cadrc A (EXSM) EX SERVICEMEN Esfi (scl) dated27.011936.s4m (Dlsxs) Exsrucemen who whileseruns n amed Forceso,lhe unon w6re c (EquarOopod!niries. PERSONS W TH OTSABTL T ES UnderSedron33 ofthePe6onswilhOiEabtilies Frctecion 1995ony suchpeGonswoud be eriqibre ror €seNalon whosuflerfom noi of Riqhrsand Flr Padcparion)Acr less rhan 40',6ol relevanl disab ty and are @nriied by a Medica Boad appoinledby the CentEr/starecd nq disab I es are eliqble io aPPIY I visla y lmpaned {vl) owinscondrionsnamery(a) rotal absenceof sshl. (b) lrsd acuilynot erdeedns 6/60or 20200 (snerren) in the bertereyewrlr coreclins leises (c) Limraton or the fie d or vison subtendinsin anse or 20 desrcesor wo6e ft q EEqr Es*.< iiiq$ ftft's. #. (c.6r.) O L T D .M I ] M B A\ H O ) Lowv6!onmeansa personwLlhimpanmed ot vislatfhctioninqevenafierlrelmentor slandard rerEcrve |,o.'E o|aTqg d "'aJ|'ol o|;:;;:; ; ="qe d,;q*(,E. " lr D€r& NEarns rmpa.ed (H) Tl"dea''oIhGep.src\rr f.. do rct , ed' . nde6ta.d sLT ll odhoped€rrychareised(oc) ..,"=d,ola cerebrarPasy neansa qrcupof non-prosrcss vecondironsot pe6on chaEcler zed by abnohat noror @nlbl posluc Eurtns rmm bEin irc!ft or njres ooc!trnsin the prenarar pe.inata o. infanlperod or 3. EnorumohF e B.isfib (.ur.n y appticabto): Basc p.y of Rs17,240r. in lhe s€e ol tu.i7 24O.B4O(14)-29 ooo9i0(4)32640(du. ror rcvbtoi) aid oiher admissibe anMn@ as appticabte i r6rmsor rhe Genoransu€ice (Ratonarisaro^ ot pays€b; andolher @ndtoisorseruiceototf@E)scheme,197sasamendedfrcmiinerori,.rob".orumon**itroen prus i Metbporan cenle.sorherbenefiisncudepension !na- Ne* eereions*",e sovemea ry erioe, Gretuit LTS.MedcaBenefis.nd GrcuppeEonaAed beas pertutes.TheOflie; areaso enlilledrorCompany's/reasedaccom As.ppri€be n thecompany frcmrmeio rme Posls boposted orr€nsreredroanyptaF in IndiaasmaybedecdedbytheconpanyNopdvale w bea owea oEciice andio nonpcclisinsa wadcewinbepaFbe. C.ndidares .eesrered onrine sha befi61shodlisred rorpeGona pE6diar deBiewor rheshodrdred any o ursrario n €ndidaresca edtor inreRiew wllbeEimbu6od toandrrcAc secoidctassraitfare/b!s farebyrheshortEsr buierbmrhesla|onor€sidence lolhe v dence orhavins uidedakenjoume C.ireria fo.shonlE nqth6.ppricatioNiorp.BonatInrsruisw: a)weghiase rorma*ssecuren in basidqua ficalodMB.Bs :5s%(For100perenl@re- maxinum 55) quair€iion:5% (5ma*sforouatifi€rioi, b)we qhrage rorMS/MD c)we thraseforexperence(max60 moirhs)40 % (Formaximlm60mmrhs-maxmun 40 turks) (i) Foreachmonihot etp6d.n.e n a Nospira,Nurcinsfome havns Lessrhan 25 beds 0 5 mads monlhof Med.3 elperence LI No ma s rorpdearep€ci€ tealmenlolpaienig:0'75madG O LTD MUi'BAI(HO I seededandidatesif en ied io be medcay fir,maybe appoiired asAdminslGlve ofi@r (scate t) Medcaon probalionlor a perodor oie yearfromrhe daie oi io nlnslhe comp perodol sixronrhs ara l mestrctchingupto oie yeaL Thecompany.eserueslhe .ghl lo p6batonarypedodorth6en€nded prcbaronary perodwthodanynoriFo'asssninsanyreasonlheEof. Bero€joniig as prcbaloie..theserocted cand&resrorappointmenr 0n Ggurarpayrcrrsof ihe company w be damag*6quiva enllo on6yea/s96$ saarypadrorhemduriigtheyearorprcbalron whchcourd bepropod onalely Besides, he/she w haveto submila stamped Bondduryexecuied bytro smeties of soundinaicia sbndins(noi grGs€aary boddr. alvet. ioranamouni equivarent to on6yeaas perodsha be liablelo paytheea.y rccaived candidales.esisnins tromihe Company durnslhepmbaionary by inaddionto.n anounlofRs 25000/turds padialcosr rhemduinsthe.entcsepice h lhecompany ol ikin nq undabld)l 3.Apprication F6o(Non.R6f Payab e on-Line lbn 4bssptohb€r,2015 to 14ss€pt€mbsimls lbothd.t$ inclusiv.) i ne ony. Applicalrons fr.de appli€iioi nk, ava5be ii the Ecrutmeit seclonof ou webste oedod40 s.pr.mb.r,201sro 14us6pt€mb€r,2or5 {bolhd.r6 inolusivo). @ rhe rollowingdocumenisin o.ig na and se r ane*ed photocopes n suppor(ot lhe €ndidate's e gib ty End idenriy are ro be nv.iably submilred3i rhe lime or ileru ew fai ins which lhe .and daie may noi be pem red ro appearior ih3 he rme of iniediewwindebr his candidaiu€ ) pditdulolihednlineapplicaiioi Validsysiengeneraied lom reqistercd Prcolol Date of Edh (AidhCenficaieissuedby the compelenlMunicipalAulhorles or SSLC/Std X vr PholordenrituP60f as nd €ted in ' oENTTTY vE R F caTlo N of rhe 6dvedisemeni v) Ma -sheeis&cedr€reslorStdx,XLL MBBS.MD/MSDes,eeo,equjvaenrqualfi€iion aidva d resdtraton LJnive.s ly lor haviisdecracdthercsullonor before0r 032015hasrobe submihed li) (a) c*l3 c6rr fcat€ in €sp*l of sc/sT/oBc canddaresis ro be obranen frcm the followingAulhoriries + T H EN E WN D A A S S U M N C E C OL T D M I J M B A ] ( H O ) I Dislct Maglsrrale / Addir onaoisldclMagtstEte / Coedo/Depury Commiss oner/ Depuly Colecrod FLFi crasssiipendiary Magisl€ie/srb Dtsiona assslanlcommssioner{Nol berow rheEnkorFi6rcrasssr pendaryMassraie) rr ch et Presidency MagstrsrdAddr onarchiefPresidency Massraie/P.esidency Masskare ll. Revenue OtlcernotbeowthercnkorTehs dar ibes@mmunly of Tam Naduis ooierned the Cenr€ie gvenby rhe Revenle Divis onalolrer insiead Tehs of darwoud ony beaccepted (b)caidldalesseekins rcsenaton 5soBc arc.equrcdtosubmit a ce(ir€ie rcqadis his/her"oBc sratls& (Res) daled1411020031slch videoM No 36033/3/2004-Esrl 15/11/1ss3 €ndidales sho!d aso {Amended | _ Dstcr _ $n/dalshrerof shr rcsdeniof vLaqelowdciy_ siare_ hercbydeclaelhal Govenment of Inda lor the puF (SCT) MemoEndum daied0s/09/1993 Pe6oineL andT6innsOfiice No36012/2293-Esn videoM {Ameided yearendins n theIncome foriherinancia on lomal ssuedbythe oisr,icrMedicalEoa'din €* 0 sabilityen ficaleii prcscdbed or PssoB Witho6ab I bookaois wirhpension payment AnEx-*ryceman condidaie hasio produce a copyofiheseruceoroischaae k ad7 pG*d y hed(slbdadiveaswe asaclins) arrherimeof nie ew candidat*sedn9nGovehneni/quargoviotrc*/Pubicsecrorundenekinss(icudnqNsto Noobiecroice'1iricre" lom rheifemploye,.t andFinanciansriutois)are.equnedbprcducea theIimeor wil norbe dnsideredandlraveliigexpensesf aiy, inieruewi rhe absen@ of whchrhe, €ndid€lu,e cenficaleat theiimoof Pareons e sibe for asercrax.ioiuidef2 (c)- 6 .bovemuslproduethedomicile inleruewfrcm lheDstidJurlsdcrionwhere he/shehadodnaily r*idedoranyolherauihorqdesqnaled n y domicired mm!& rGshm rioiheeffediharrhecandidalehadordriar n rhe Kashm r DvsionofthestaleolJeKdrnslheperodnom0r 0r 3olo 311239 (b).(c) (d)and(e)ot Nalioialiiy produce lallinsin calesores c,ierashotrld a cedficale Pe6ons or e qibiily ssued bytheGod oflnda Anyorher€ evanrdocumenrs in suppo,,r of e q b ry dsrly *ch s FANc*d/ P6spo on ofiic al leiieri eadl Photoldedt pmof issued by a Peoples Reprcseiraliveon Aadhar€rdwilha phoiosBph/ ly Cad issuedby 3 €ognted co egeruniveGiry/ E m p r o y e o r D / B a r C o u n c l l d e n i i y € r d w i h p h o l o g r a p h € h o u debdeasnudbim heoisnash.llbeprcdlcedtor n rheaitendanceL €i vedii€tioi The candidaies deniirywinbe ver f ed with respeclro hjs/he and rcqusitedocumenis submnedff ideniiiyol lhe candidaies n doubtrhe€ndidalenay ior be a Ned 1oapp€ar o /al'dd p oo! ror_ ! p'oF, e cat ener (provided duins rhe prccessot shoud€xac y matchthe iame as appearnson Ih6 plioioidenltypr@t FemaLe €ndidalaswho have rcsistEtion) fr qskqr Esd{4 dq$ fdfta<, Ti{{, (q 6I ) ) T H EN E WI N D A A S g I ] R A N C E CLOT D M U M B A I I H O chadged rrstlasvniddle nameposlmadaqe mst lakespecalnoleot this.li lhereis anymsmaich bei{eeilhe names indi€ledn lheca I LeherandPhotoldentiry Proor the€ndidalewiLlnoibea wed roappearnrhetnleMew I Company €sefresthe rshlio I Mnimumquaifi€llonof MBBSor equvareirroreisndegreeswhch a€ recogntedas equivatenr io MBBs desreebylheMedi*rouncirorrndarrdmarc@snzedUnivsstyandavaid€sisrErontomMedcat otndiaoraiystaieMadicacoliciisessenlalaidihosewrhouiihsquafcaronarenotelsibelorihe 3 Tha Company mayposithe selecled canddalesto ls oltc6 ihroushoui Inda and lhe compaiysha havelhe p€rogaiive to decideoi allotmeda ihe €nd dales choice.ndno rcq!6 4 Company rcseNesihe rrqhinoi 5^pp|idio€iobemadeon|ine 2 be riia andbnd ng n almareF owi nleresrioappyonrinemuchbeforeihecrosngdaieandnorioMilir| daie io avoid ihe possib ty ol ddconneclon/inab ty,railure10 og oi to the websle oi amunr or he.vl oad on n9 abe lo gubmir ihenapp eriois w lhii A9p]icaiisare.dvisedloGgslelon|ii€them*|ves The €nd dates wourdbe rcq0i€d io subn r rhe ahesredcopes of enmcabs in proofol ihen asddare ot binh, edu€tonarquaLirelonsMcr€sislElon@mmuiirytowhi allh€rmeornreruew 11 ln caseil is toundal aiy staseof rccruilmenl lhe candidate doesnoi i![ the els bililydiera and/orhe]shehae i!.nshed aiy lneiiecrtasd h6m d aiy naterarl;cr(s) his/hej€nddaiu€ willsrandcaicelledll aiy ol theses Belorc app y i s for lh6 posi. rhe endid.te shoud ensu.e ihal hE/sheruf s lhe erisbiriry dvedisemeni. Thedecsioi or ihe c e sib iy ot ihe €nd dale rhesraqe pmduced for lhe puFoseol @rduclof Inr6tuiew sereciion andanyolhermatter€raiinoio Ecrurmenlw befna 12./fy Gsllln9 dspuieadsingoul ol (hs prccess/ advenseme shatrbesubiectlo soejursdcrionof lhe couds ua t ihe €nd dde for mNideErion tor rhe pcb 15 candidares srslyinq rhee qib ly condiiions may appryon ^eas nsrlded above 16.the conp.iy eseru$ the rs l Exercise al anysra$ orrhe prccesswihour assisninsany reasonlhereor. SCITDDULED IRI}E IN SUPPORI OFHIS/ IIERCLAIM l'Tbnn.o..dty . ! . ! nc coslrdion ( scheduled cs6) odq. r e50: ri. clrsliiurio' ( scheduled rrib*) o.dq, re50; (sch.dutrdca'6)(union rhe cbnsiturion r.ftih 4)ordss, Di' i rid cdrsriru'id (schdut€drribBxuiion rnir#s)order, resr j la med.d by 'he s.hcdutedc4rs od sch.durdribs ti5tsModifdrion) o re tunFb Ro'gmmdoi Ad re66,rh rheNoFh-tureh Arc* (tuqFi5arioi)Ad, 1971, rh. coisi'urioi (s.hedurdc6'6 d sch.dur€irrihs) dq (Amodno0 Ad,re76t ' I'. consi'u'ioi (r3mu bd K!.bnn) sche,ruhdcar6 Gd{,rer6 i ! rir cdmri'u'ion (edmai ad Ni6b& lstsd, schedul.d rriha odeB (Addmdt Acr le76 i ! n'. chniru'ion (DadEed N4ai rravelDschtrurd c6@so'!q, re62; . Thec.nnitu'ion (Dadndd Nsgr kwrr) schenubdrdbd odq re62 I r rhe cbnnitu'ion(Pondichery)schd ' Ti. con$it'ion (J!r PiadAh)schd . Tn. con$i'u'ion(aoa,D8nm Md Diu)sd€duhd cs'cs ordd, re63 i ' n'c cmniru'ion (ao. hnm ud Diu)sch€duhdr b4 odei re6r i ' Tn. conni'dion CNaaled)s.h.dd ' Ilr. conniudon(s*iin) schcdd.d i Tr'. con$irurion(Sillin) s.heddd ! m! coEdrurotr(r@mumd Kahmir) s.h.dutdtrnb$ oder, 1e3e; ! rhe cos'i'rioi (schedul.dcs6) od.B (hhdn{rAcr t990: ilrrecos oi (s1)ordqs(Anqdned odinsrt, re|: I rhe coB'ntrtioi (srt ord{s (send an.ndm.no Ad, I eer ! : ae coonidioi (s1)odds (Am6dn.d) odjn&e. ree6, tNrn.orn!rihon'| vrd.'rdf drd( No, lod/orr brerkr nn r ordtmdy B,d(, Nor : 1r. rm odinfiry rcsid$" us h s in skrio 20of rhe R.prenhion of dE p.opt6 ,D.le'r'epugnph{hi.htndl4pli€blq r. Dinrid Mrgkh. Delury Coldor/I / AddilioEtD cr6, stFndkry Mas 2'chjdhsidd.]Mqishte/Addi sidrt / Adnionrr D€ru9 cbnnisions/ A*. commissioie / Tatur! Mad$6r ? *ffi^ rnis is ro dit thd shii/ sdr Kmui ...........,,.,.,..........................,,.,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,....,.,.,.,.,.,,,,....$rtdrughr of , ' , ' , ' , ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' . .o. 'm . 'm ' . 'i t y uddlhecovffidlofbdi4MioGby hir4a finiry qdi@iry sid. . . . . .d d e ! . . . . . . . , , . . . , . .s.l1r i. /s n r , /K l l l u i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. .i.d. .T. o. .r. . ,.,,. Disricv Djvisiu or rh. G) id de .. sda,rjniob Tdiory. Ihis G dso b dit Fndit ditu (cllmy L:y.r) mrim.d in cdum 3 of rhcschtrulc io rh rnjding o. M. no. 36012rrr - !s((scn ddd 03.0e.leer*. mn h./d. dc d b.too! b rhe a ft. r (huiB .srns rheem6eE mr !r, Asmdd.d nm dn. rorinc Nd.: ftc bm "odindll.u.d rk *i[ h"w rie srm fains a in sdiotr 20ofrhr R@E.D&nonorrh. p.oplc^.4 19s0. Digbili.yc.nitul. (I! ca6 d rqpubrio! or snpLb plmri.d p.n\ds ortnbr rod io ss orblhdtrdt (IT^MT ND ADDRESS OF THE MIDIC^L ^UNTORTTYISSUINCTHX Cf,RTFIC^TE) rrL * b-niErhr.r brECrrci!tryq,rimd Drrt d sidr (DD / MM / YY) &. ,86, nid.nrhRqi$ndon No, (I) r[. dhgbdir in hirts s$ b ,bq Fn.o' _ (prn d body) s po siddb4 (itr lodt (o h ipEin.d) DlhiB0r,dbodt}|snile*dieh (si3tr.ruErnds4r d adhon$d 5i3 (In csc ornuhiprcdisrbthh, (NAM[ AND ADDRISSOF THf, Mf,DICAL AUTHORIry ISSUINCTII CIRTIIICATI) rin L b adt tn.t w. rrv. enfuny alnh.d Di. d enr (DD / MM / YY) {^) Ii.Bb. h r cr$ di Mddph Drrbriy. nirl.r drir 0r p.rnrtr.br oi]isl 4rturbd .r r.. gqiddb4 (o b. 3peifi.d) ror rr! dbrb xic d.k.d b dlrbryb[.t!b|!b!|o!| hp'ifllddnrb inprkd.irqotr .y hrs b! dnrbit y (ib %) @ (B) rrrb.righro.thcrbov.ihirhd !!r 's pereutd.Iia (rob.3F.ineo, ir s rords (ut rt 'EDDddd / rn r _ @- .!, Lrvrllrbos r - ag.IIfr/ryh { y-E _ m'rl'. id nmhE dL cddnoE rt.[ h. {trd dn oD / lnu .rirt4 / h..i .u Th. rppnad h5 rubDi.i.d tb. follorha do.lrdb s pmr of Etddm I s|g!.r@ddsa|olo.M.j|.d^ioi.y Nu.rld'.tlotchj'eld! Disrb0t c.difis.. 0i.asoih.rthlrrbo$dlDriomd ibtumn' (NAMX ANDADDRESS Of N Itr) MDICAL{UTHORITY ISSI'ING TlI[ CERTIFICATE) Tbijnbcdifylb.llbrveonfotry.rrqi!.d Dr& of Binh iDD / r\{M / Yr') ^8!-yA4n,ldledr|.-Rein[fu!Nc p.N6rs. phynsr hpft.rudnbulr} rsrio{ ihc r.lmd di,.birt b* b4o .Erurd ri pE euddhE (b k 4Em.o r b .bo'tr r, rb. bbL b.rd : inprim.lrn. rr dhbirry(r' %) @ (Pr4.ddk 3, out th. dirbirjriG rri.b.n RaG'h6.ordbrb boi rppli..b'.) tb: lbr b. dtd @-e6r. xj€htrdh rms4.ss U@D/ rw\,r r-!'3.kn/rt8br /M oE D.bikolrulbori.yisoi4erdlldc (Adhon,.d siFrbry ot loflr.d M.drcr ^lrhoin (N.m rrd sal) {colnbni3utoE rd 3!{ or lh. .hDrilyrlolsodtlg.v.i'd. (,i.r sDl r,,!r \ob h 66 Sls edjf@t€ is lssmdby a mdda. audor v vfio 6 rot a gdemmenlsflant , I shallb€ 6lid o{y ir dnleEioned b! [E Chialmdd ofr@i ol fre Disr'icr t* * g*;14? 0166g, inheGazsis Mde Notncatim rumbe, s.o.eos orIndia he31i {E),d€l€d "oLshed %r) or coEpr.doooruipm.d orh.fln. ft,i by uy ordbniler, or o (ll) by*.y ofdbcbi€s oDroui (iii) or hi' oworqr6r, bur *itour (i, b. hs lot bo .nsf.md b tn %b) on rcold or rhFirr diubirity !h) otrrivrrdn. 't rpfticii do!ofr!,s.,ienrtr(R}.nproyn. i, c.n.nr civir s.ni.d rd P6b) Rrr.!, reTe coqpdEiAdbdity{ %Ddefupreyap^y,kktndqjPtc'bl. (r) ri G a) ri.s! drrcorotu,id 4uiv dco6ELri.id oftq5 y: BynnousR.grr.'br R.nd oncdj Mw: Fon otc.dnet ror s.rtuc P.Mnrd ( o!trstk turlnhc r.Eo!!.t 'bo.E dG b b. r.rerd 'titb omrar) for 3. ldcltyEfluo. No dnddrury .4 r pddrrg |grlor [lE spbq N.d xd kt!.dor oft. * codDd. ^dhi9 rlkltoidE'ro.EsDFbdbr!.illfd.n|ll'tl$om4doum[ (.) L d. d .^hhhd.rd otu ierudh, Eco^scrri r4: iery kdrr rrud, D l l t e ! . r r r u 4 k j E q & N ' o 6 4 & E q q N d M L ^4 f,qn. k Dd, NE : (b) ! ga4rcqm&.d.qoiv.l.nt orlr. nrrr ud airroe | ^mr: ry ndou R.ghdd nlcordofrsi N.w: B rq Mmbr! ^ir Foe: ^|r roE Rdr&. Nd Ddbr. ud.tuldlg ro6..rvo br rn4 (r) .n I6'h|diI'ro,|to.iolElr.4Dy .E or ddi{n b.hbjel lo Dy pE rd'tudor orft. llFhes.!$odt rhd r hE hd durr ErE.d/ r.dr.ir.iL.!.rs.d rbr h. rn.d io|g r ih.r r u .nddd to rh. h!.dn (R.ddorDer or m. ft{.BreDd b c!!fd avn 8al. od pd) I .to ud4r.nd 6.i t.nd norb. .rgrbr. to b. l9robr.d ro . uqncy .vr$r4 In (s.nl ro lh. €rdh.lt w.Fd bJolt drbhrrdn, ll I h.v. .i .!y th. prtorlo r!.1 $!obhx., BIEd uy odolbmt d tL dvlr dd. (ln.rdhs Prur. sator tjrdrdrd4, ^rbn o Dodrg/sbbbrr rod* s|Fdn.dNu.orcddUrt fiddE|g!D!!trld.EoIahoddg!!E. ?- H. n! naty 3. rtuE r' m obj..dor b tu rpltyhs for dvo.DployD.ni rd h. '& orphhd i|l r,1rtl '5trd!!r nh.do, rnD t!. drt orudptorora.l4!.t or ltv. y{n o! fdi. cmFht^u6onlyt fi adhorrds 'lo rE .ootsrlr olglLBrEd b rrm .ddndb io ^nd rdlM: (r) r.s.dcmorbtrdcta Nrq : Didbnr .i P.emL N'.r I o) ! !r.9!rcq,oq roE p.Eou.l ro..ntJIi l!. sddrr rn!6, ^@y Eq4 Nd Dtrt ud.q! atur: Ey nriou r..cro4rd Rdd -18-