| PART DELHI GAZETTE : EXTRAORD1NARY IV] 1 Yrd'{i fE-qrs 9t1' 5 ffqrrr srfrq.s-{r iieei, ra irqs{,2009 w. R. r:., rzzrooe,qi,/l70r5.-ffi j'fi eqfqfi-qq, r99r (r994 Er ffi efqtr-qq r0) ql q|( r ERr yfi rrffi er rri,'r o'cn qq otn in qft!-{ qt ftrtr'fi('{Il !I ffi @n nsrw'ft eir :i eq{Iavn rr* 6n 66 lqir *o,a + ial'.qq l{r rrq,"r, s{+ cK 'xFiiq" e aqqcifd, nidi *1R i frcc hqi-i@i i: r z : ei d. qs. rujFR, cr{qqq (ssr.qTn) !i. qg{, ]i+€T qs sq-q{4,, !{Fr (d) iq{qr{3rllnq, n+c yE.t'sTd 4 qi. qs s[d, nqq yr6t 6-rd dtrln (3r ji€'q{. 2009 T€ eFE a! * Tq + 9s T( CI 6Fi 6{'t frfiaSrd frqfud 3{fl( Y{) 4l qc. * : ff'nT t. a 3rraq Tnisrf€r+ ssr !-{ {r-+i 3ih {qF Fqn: srrr !-( rElT 6l frlq al 3rFi'1 T.r crimfiI3ii (i) , riqE ffiq elT.dr 1tf,q{, l0r0 nEE qq or errr+fu-- qsr !r y( ar Tl+,r €'r -F<s €Es l r {Erq lrqqrn 4a ffi qr6Tr EI{I srrftit fuq wi q|d 6{, sflrfi {is. qiFs-(, {6 E1{-6 1rfrr nqq rrqqri dr fffi qa6T{ :Et{ Tn ffi,qfusrsii * *q tur.v , !i Tr+ sfs f{d("I n] srdr i ; ngr nvurfi +n qFrqq SF|FI fr rq 30 ----q<q feni qi qli'qr s{+ fi{Frfui Ft r ft. ,- (ii) *r, ecrcr gw, lrr+r eit (iii) 5. qqfr Ei cq t -qq.Er T'{qF s,'ftRfi qFfr {€ 6r frqi{q, qr a,ri f{'rqnrfu-6pii or dql qr q6nr ftd q{6R 61 Rfud t{il q d flr nflilnrfqqr$i e1ffi lefc Eqni 6 fuq qrq{Tsscfc err i; 6t tgrqnr qlEH; dsn I ffiar €G Eq srq sld + {IPl srq fTqfutu( ffi q(6R * qTi {qltriiql q qn nd''n ,- (61 rdq nvqrfi (@) sq-tnqm (n) gc-inqrF (s) 'TR srliFh-B{ * E{]qR rqrs' ' .l Fr f{5si y{ liis sqrcr *1 qfrqr ynfud i, e!iq, 6{ nq ir-6{ ?1l +t gri'n enr, qrtr, <+ ]Iq€ sflTfl sqq aqE€r nqr -(fts1r, fuird c]! sd q vi{cisi' E-a gri qiff nin qidYrdl srr ferid; Tn crfu-+r vwrqr i fqrqq 61 Itdfi( fq€{ rf+ fsqc i idqr E4qr wfrd ff, cqq, ftdii cis sri i srft-s 3i'tqlf{d {rqs + sR c{ srFfufi Tq€ llfu,qr'ntn :rr-i cnrr+ qe I"r.qd lrqrcl c qc rq{r itr<r',13n, rr*e e+ tit Ff{n qd) €fu+d qri4-.ri aqr {r EI|{df q{ q{ (+Q ffi T,R tf i qTqii q1 €ffi6 ftfq) d R$r$ E€8, ffi. grc,'ft-d sre{, vrqiq{ ftrsr acr q{Rrfr cffi rrfu.iid frcc i ? flI, +gtr, s-€Kr rtcc qq qi qq F{r * rcrqr i ''r,R crfdflqi + ngltl{ Szfi q gqr{ 61 li'risrrq" i lirs{ F ic-<iqr !r Rq sq.qt- at Rq Rdsn ff{f, ff, rqq, ricfu sr E, <rqt 6r fu K( fr{ nsl fu'q-n q'(1, (s{r. or uyro' i grFn ii I EsF, nl-s{r, q6rqr nRT nqr miq-a 61 6c 6{i * ftq {ft-"r <trdr { {ffi E-a{ n n rrqR qfff) | {trR €I{r (q-{d, w d4r Tfd i ' (s) 5$ fttdtn' T] egf<a r.wer ffi qFi, 20I I ffi + 3iflin fl-= rE qR qr arri qfr sr$ Frcf{qr.. ,]1 wfiTd i (Es-6 fds FqJr f+-qr fiq ? fur+ €d nqr d f{qr, 'rqr qRr qe ,{ qft€cftq !flqR + ugrwr e fd rsd r<n i+qr i nqr coTFi tu{ frFrra qi El Ti qrq) qq sr$erEr r +t c{scrq i6qr srlt i, {dra (g) nqr ur ' ^ - * qgF{+i's-{or (+q {-"oi*, + ? sq+r gd-o fu-qr qr r*m wrs{ t) 37 >+ srs-qFll Dql"r- '- + 3ri n-dF Rn $.st E;',3 liss c-6fr s qc qdre{ ifiqr qt s*d] fur rR i{stzi El srTfiq€drrt l$lu - DELHI CMETTE : EXTRAORDINARY 6 r crfr-6r3{i 6i dE rrq y6rd qi Tfr{I { l|dq + t{ql{gfrq fqqq qRFIrI qi vclrdri (ql crFdr qi TfrqriTq1{ al rqqr nqr f{q fuf ol qs{q-{-dr qi tr +En 6c<t , (i) €glqr B{ri,zl qi lqlrd ffi or gqqFr 6|jl fu,fqfu-q :rt-i f arer:rd qafit, iqBn di{ sFiqt{6 gfeqBit $i 6ff c{ cI-{ R.qr qrs; (ii) lR gl:q-R nr{ TT{ crif6r$ii +qtq <rfud + SF(rs sl {qFd 6{fl; n (ii ) T'lFiq ffi. + y6rd \rffi qqh sFiq Frfld <r( rFq qc+r :nl, eiq s i6,r{ qTi qrF r6rd fi qsr+td I z eFi't rFr6 ysiR fsqc vt qFi s{irrd frJ srscl -s.{rqn 30 fudqR, 2010 Tfi srRFI sth Or .:rf€, t Zot * yRc crg iiFfiq Ed Ei .rsir I 8. 3fiql'I qci yR<r q 3-r qF{i 6r 3.d€ 6,on fi? 3irqld !T qri frqd c{ y<sr nqt q6t r{ grs ET q6 {Iq sih (s r+d ft6rq * fdS :[fiq i{flr j lrfusi 3ih lirer rrfr] WEm+ or .es ^ n'R cridfirnil ndq rrqqffi * 3rR. /2 sqr- gnifl 81, Tri _ti , f<nel+ 3q{wcrd t a?]l s{+ Tq !1 d fqr qgF Ffuq DEp^Kn|fENf oF ITRBAN DE\,'ELOPIUf,NT Dethi, fie l4Or October,2009 ofthe Delhi Firunc€ CommNsron rhe Lr. covemor of the Nalronal tronal Capirat Teriro^. of l)ethi I Z Sh. P. S BhatrEgar,lAS (retied) - Dr M P Marhur, Eofessor & Coordinator Fire@)/JNNURM, Nanonat In(iruicof Member Urban Affairs 3 K S Wahr. lAS. Nariona I tnsrirure of Urban Anairs fwi totd thc posr in addirion j I , 2009 a"a *"r""n r"g,rr" Urrsl dutres as, Secrenry Labour tilt December which ."i Chainnan to " -Member-secrera^. 2 The Chainnan and Mcrnbers ofrhe Commission sha tle! resp€ciivety assume their offic€, and endrng on the hold omce for rhe period commencrng ro|n rhc dare ot I0h Sept€rn be., 20 I 0. ao*.*ri;J,'" "nd-- shalt render tuI-time servicc whitc the 4 The Commission sha review (a) (i) ihe fi narcial positron Dr M.p Marhur oftle Municipaliries sha and make recommendarrons as rhe disr.iburion between rhc Govemmenr o-f Nariona I Caprlal Terrirory b; ofDelhiand ;# d;;;;.;; them. (u) ro_ rhe princrptes which shoutd eovem ihe ner proceeds or rhe taxes. duties. rorrs and f€es reviable Tenirory ofDelhiwhjch may be divided berween (ii) render pai-rime rcnicc in rhe the Munrcrpatrries of i;arionar cap(al the delcnnination ofrhc taxes, duiies, loth and fees which may be assigned to the MunicrDarujesl thetgrar s-irard ro Lhc Municipatili€s Fom rhe Consotidated F.und ofthe Narionat Capirat l.emitory of (b) ihe mc$urcs needed to irnprove d,c financial position ofthe Municipatiries I PAR: IV] 'a 5 nc/.- DELTII GMETTE : EXTMORDINARY ln making hs recomhendations, lhe Commissio. sha ll have regard, among oiher considemlions ro- the overall resourc€s posnion oftheGovernmenr ofNalional Cap'talTemLor-\ ol-Delhi: '1he scopc for economy in $e Municipal AdminisrTarion rr sub-paragaph which shall includc a d€railcd revjev of i firsr, both acrual rev€nue recejpis agarnst annuall) proiected rcr.mucs n rhe las! frve lears ano expeDdilurenanagementpolicies in tieirquanliariveand qualitative dimcnsjons: second, revenu€ ej(psdirure Guch as the uage bill), expendirllle on discretionaN responsibililies vis-a-!is core responsrbihties (such as discretional-1' tund ofMCD Councillors) relared ro sanitarion, street lighring pirnar) heahh. primary educarion ard slorm wa|er drains, and; $ird, dre steps takcn !o compress unproducfivc expendilure 'thc scope lbr improv€menls in resource mobilizrtjon b\ rhe Municipalires' in sub-paragraph whict shall include a special rcview ofmeasures to: firsr, deepen and \r'idcn the propen) tar basc; second, improve rax compliancei third. increasc collecrion efll ciencies toreduce arrears and leakagesl and fourth improvc rcyenuc r€ceipts (goss, nel and per cap'La). the lax eflorl made by the Municipalilies' shlll rnclude a revie\+ ofspeciilimeasures to:firsr- rarionalrze Lax and non-ta)i retes, sccond, introduce new revenue gencmlinB measurcs, and third, imprcve comptiance reoecled in the total, per capila and percenlage recejpls overthe la$ hve vears adequate maintenanc€ and upkeep oicapital.assets jncLlding those creared or tikely lo be crealed under rhe Plan schcm€stillthe end ofMarch,201I (he expenditureprovided therefore and lhe norms, ifant on rhe brsis of which such cxpendilurc is provided tor naimenance of differenl caregories of cap at assets and the mannerin \.rhich such marnrenance expendrur€ could b€ monilored mav be indicated): the re+rirEmenls oflhe Municipalbodies for modemizz rion oFadministrauon (Iorexample e,govemancr) and upgrading the slandards ofservices (lhe d€kils for such expendirurc provided for and manner in whjch thjs could be monitored maybe indicated) 6 The Commrss ion's I erms of Reference to review the firnclions assigned ro Municip alilies should kceping in nind 0re avallabiliry ofresource and the lDnations of capacity, also iocDs on rhe ne;d for: (i) op an Fom evolving rational resouce allocation principles thaL emphasize the infrasrrudurc, sen'ices and anien ities dsficil bet\4een drffcrenr zooes. 7 (ji) avordrngduplication ofresponsibilities as be$vecr thc State Covemmenr and the municipaliiies, and (itt accountabiliry related lo "agenc)r tunctions" of local bodies i behalf of the State Govemment e tunclions taken up bt local bodies on Tbe Commission shallmake ils repon available b-vthe 30lh Seprcmber,20l0 on each ofthe mdners aforesard fivc financial years commenc ing from I st Apri l. 20 I t and covering a pcriod of E Thc Commission shali also indicale in ils reponthebasis on which il has aEived ar its findings and indicarc, as far as possjble,-the eslirnales/forecasts of receipLs and disbursenr€nls for all $e Municipalides roge$cr as well as separale ty for each ofsuch bodics Bt Orderand in the Narne oflheL! covemor of the Natio nal Caf,llal TerritoN of Delh i. R C MEE\A. PrinEd b! thc Moagrr Gorerndcnt ot I du rnd Plbhshed br Lhe Pres\. Conuollcr of Rrn! Road. MdyaFun Ncu Dethr-]l0064 Publ cdLons. ir.lhi,t lo0s4 lt Secv